
Pokemon: New Ash

Watch as New Ash goes on his journey. ________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. Schedule: Irregular, No updates on Weekends. ________________ Support me: Patre on.com/Astropoli or buy me a coffee. buymeacoffee .com/AstroPoli

Poliemer_Astro · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Misty and Leaf

After buying the breakfast. Ash had trouble getting Misty out of the bed. Unsure what to do, he was pulled by the tomboyish girl into the bed with her.

Ash reluctantly laid on the bed as he kept whispering to her.

"Hey, Misty you won't grow up fast if you don't eat."

Misty blinked and look at Ash with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Ash are you now my mom?"

Ash mouth twitch. "Come on, don't joke around. You need to eat, I don't want you to get sick."

"Aww, Ash is worried about me." Misty teased.

Ash wanted to cry, what's wrong with this girl. She's becoming clingy of all sudden. Did her aunt came?

"Hey Misty, you are not on your period are you?" Ash unashamedly asked her.

"Period? What's that?" Misty asked Ash feeling a little bit confused on what he is saying.

"Uh, Why you're asking me. Isn't that a girl's day every once in a month?" Ash thought she should have known.

"Ash what are you talking about. I don't understand what are you trying to say. You asked me something I don't know and you said you also don't know. What is that about? That's weird Ash. hahaha" Misty jest as she laughed mildly at the end of her sentence. Then she continued. "Okay Okay, I will eat. I don't know why but I'm feeling refreshed today."

"That's great here. Now Now, come eat. I bought what you want." Ash didn't answer her question since he didn't know how answer that one. He should ask Nurse Joy later if she could teach this girl about menstrual cycle.

"Waaaa, Ash thank you." Misty's eyes sparkles at the sight of the food laid on the table.

Ash was happy she finally gotten up. Truthfully, He doesn't know how to wake girls up. The past few days they were together, He just let nature take course.

As the Duo enjoyed their meal.


Another girl appear in Pokemon Center. She was greeted by by the ever Joyful Nurse Joy and her Chansey.

"Hello, How may I help you?" Nurse asked politely.

"Uhm, Is there a boy named Ash Ketchum lodging here?" The girl anxiously ask the pink head nurse. She was afraid Ash forgot about their promise and left her, it was her fault dawdling.

Seeing the girl's anxiety. Nurse Joy mused. 'That boy'

"Are you Leaf by chance?"

Leaf nodded.

"Don't worry, Ash Ketchum just arrive yesterday. He and his companion lodged in, They should be in their room, I assume." Nurse Joy likes to tease young ones. She just witnessed a real drama. How can she just stand by and do nothing.

"Companion?" Leaf was confused.

"Yes, She's called, Misty." Nurse Joy smile behind her back amused by the development.

Leaf's eye lost their color. Her anxiety fade away and was replaced by freezing coldness. However, She stopped herself and took a deep breath and notice the word Nurse joy said.

"Room? Plural?" Leaf prod.

"Singular." Nurse Joy answered Honestly and Truthfully.

Leaf mouth twitched.'Who the hell is this vixen? Ash is too pure for that relationship...'

Leaf didn't believe that Ash would go for any woman. So she believe that he was seduced and tricked. The Ash she knew is honest, pure, naive and she needs to take care of him.

"What room number?" No more anxiety in her voice but cold and ready to murder someone.

"Room 69." Nurse Joy quipped.

Leaf nodded not getting what Nurse Joy trying to say. She then proceed to take the elevator. Nurse Joy eyed her and feel excited what would happen. It seems she put her nose where she didn't belong too much. 'I'm sorry lad. It was amusing, I couldn't help myself.'

Nurse Joy enjoy her job but it was a monotone life. Greet and Help pokemon every single day. She just want to have some fun sometimes. Sometimes she's envious of those young trainers who enjoyed going around the world.


*Knock Knock Knock*

While Ash and Misty was enjoying their meal. They we're suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. Ash feels like he knows who is it. He got excited and stood up.

"Ash is it that friend of yours?" Misty asked.

"I think so" Ash answered.

"Then let me get that for you?" Misty stands up and walk towards the door and opened the door.

Ash sat back down and waited for Misty. Then he suddenly slap his forehead. He quickly stood up. As he could hear Misty greeted the guest.

"Hello how may I help you?" Misty politely asked.

Leaf feel a sense of deja vu. She shook her head and look at the girl on her front. Leaf honestly sighed as the girl's beauty rivaled hers. She was feeling alarmed and ashamed. She thought the one who seduced Ash would be a woman in her thirties who was desperate.

She didn't expect that the girl would be around her age.

"Is Ash in there?" Leaf didn't became impatient. She knew not to respond polite with contempt. She also asked politely.

"Are you Leaf by chance?" Misty asked but her eyes is sparkling.

Leaf didn't know how to react to this girl bubbly personality. She reluctantly nodded.

"Come in, He's right inside. Ash talk about you so much." Misty grab Leaf's wrist and drag her inside feeling hyper she finally meet Ash's dear friend.

Misty and Leaf got in and saw Ash standing up. Ash approached Leaf and said.

"Leaf, you're finally here." Ash smiled but he was nervous. He expected her to burst but thankfully, Misty diffused the bomb.

Leaf release Misty's hand on her wrist and embraced Ash. "I'm here Ash."

Ash reciprocate her hug and tightly embrace her. Leaf was relieved Ash is still the same Ash she knew. She look around, saw a meal on the table.

"You're having a meal?"

"Yeah, By the way, Leaf this is Misty. She and I traveled together these past few days. I saved her from flock of Spearows." Ash didn't forgot to introduce Misty to Leaf.

"Hello there Leaf, I'm Misty from Cerulean City. I'm happy to meet you.... Hey Ash don't tell her about that. That's embarrassing." Misty introduced herself happily and punch Ash's shoulder.

Ash pretend to winced. "Ouch, Misty."

"Hmph, You deserve that." Misty cutely harrumphed as she crossed her arms.

Seeing their closeness, Leaf was dumbfounded.

"Hi, I'm Leaf, Ash's childhood friend." Leaf extend her arm for handshaking.

Misty gleefully reach out her hand and grabbed Leaf's hand, shaking them excitedly.

"Leaf I want to be your friend."

"Okay." Feeling unsure, Leaf accepted as Misty's friend.

"Ash, I have a girl friend. Hehehehe" Misty was jumping happily as she embraced Ash unconsciously.

"Good Good." Ash patted Misty's back feeling happy for her. He look at Leaf. There's jealousy in her eyes but Ash gave her a sweet smile earning a blush from Leaf.

After that event. The three got to know each other. Leaf was still jealous of Misty and Ash's closeness but it disappeared when Ash told her, Misty is innocent and ignorant about relationship between boy and girl.

Which, Leaf was amused. Her worries was unfounded. She thought she was replaced by someone new.

However, Leaf didn't know that it will not be only Misty. Misty was just the beginning. But that will be sometime in the future.

Leaf got hooked by Misty's passionate dream as the two girls happily chatted with each other. Earlier, Leaf thought she was feeling left out but when the conversation turns into girls talk, Ash was crying on the side because he didn't know what they are talking about.

Ash could only eat the food silently. Leaf and Misty also ate but they got into their conversation and forgot about it. Ash wanted to interrupt them, When he thought about it, He shivered.

He remembered the memories of his past life that one should never interrupt a girls talk or you'll die.

Stay strong young Ash.


When the trio got down from the room. Nurse Joy watch as the trio getting along with each other. She didn't expect that development though. She thought there would be hell.

The trio decided to buy the necessary items for traveling together. Such as toothpaste, Soap, Pokemon treats, Pokemon berries, Pokemon food, Extra Pokeballs and etc.

They then roam around the city to have some fun before going back to Pokemon Center where Ash and co. was stopped by Officer Jenny.

"Ash Ketchum?" Officer Jenny approached the trio and Ash nodded his head.

"Yes, I am." Ash replied.

"I would like to talk to you regarding this morning incident." Officer Jenny asked again.

"No problem."

"Hey Ash what happened?" Misty asked Ash curiously. Leaf also look at Ash with the same question in mind.

"Nothing, It's just I dealt Team Rocket when they were trying to steal Pokemon from the pokemon center." Ash turn his head to them and said nonchalantly.

"Team Rocket? What is that?" Leaf questioned this time.

"A group of villainous Organization, they love to steal pokemons from others, especially unique and rare pokemon. These grunts are running around in the city when I'm not here." Officer Jenny answered Leaf's question."Hey there little girl it seems you found what you're looking for."

"Hi Officer Jenny, Thanks for the ride." Leaf embarrassedly respond to Officer Jenny. Fortunately Officer Jenny didn't talk about how infatuated she is with Ash. She would literally dig hole and burrow herself.

"No worries. It's my job to protect and help the people." Officer Jenny firmly said. Then she continued. "Let me borrow Ash for a bit. I have a few questions for him."

Misty and Leaf look at each other and agreed to Officer Jenny. Ash was drag by Officer Jenny to the Police Station, was asked a ton questions regarding the incident, fortunately they didn't give him a punishment but awarded him with a medal and some pocket money.

Ash thanked Officer Jenny before going back to Pokemon Center. Leaf and Misty waited for him in the lobby, the two were chatting happily, they didn't get bored. Ash watch them with a smile.

When the two saw him coming. They stood up simultaneously and approached him quickly, worries is written in their faces. Ash reassured them by explaining what happened.

The two sighed in relief. They are almost in sync. Ash was shocked how they get along so well. Like they are fated to be best friends.

"Ash, Leaf wanted to share the room with us." Misty said pleadingly.

Ash eyebrow raised and turn his head to Leaf who was blushing. Really, This is really bad for them. Misty alone already put him on the edge, now adding Leaf.

Leaf became nervous all of sudden when Ash didn't answer Misty's question. She was feeling uneasy.

Seeing her expression Ash sighed and reluctantly agreed. He'll just leave his fate to Arceus.

"Great, Now Leaf can borrow Ash's other shoulder. Hehehe." Misty whimsically said.

Leaf red cheeks turn even more redder. Her ears turn red and Ash imagine there is steam coming out from her ears. 'It seems Misty didn't hide anything from her.'