

An azure light suddenly emerged in the sky, and Naruto fell from the sky into a forest in the centre of Kanto Region. "BAAM!" When Naruto struck the ground hard, blood spurted from his mouth. "Damn, this is painful." .

Naruto cursed laudly after he fell harshly on the ground; he couldn't move at all. Naruto blinked and asked himself laudly, "Why do I sound like a kid? What is going on?"

When Naruto attempted to stand, he was overcome with excruciating pain throughout his entire body. "AAAAGGGGHHH, damn it, this really hurt." Naruto narrowed his eyes, then took a deep breath and started to try to stand up once again. He gritted his teeth in pain but didn't give in to the pain, and he finally was able to stand up on his two feet.

"Huff, Huff"", Naruto breathed heavily. After standing up, he started looking at his surroundings. "Well, I am in a forest, and it is already night-time. I better make a camp for tonight and search for human inhabitants tomorrow."

Naruto then started waking to look for a decent place for him to camp. His eyes widened when he noticed his hands were smaller than before. "What the hell?" He also noticed he was way shorter than before. "Why am I shorter and my hands smaller than before? Did I become a kid again?" Naruto shocked his head. "First things first, I must find a decent camping site, then I will search for answers." He then started walking and looking for a decent camping site.

Behind the trees, a creature was looking at Naruto's back as he walked deeper into the forest. The creature's appearance consists of a dark sphere surrounded by light purple gas. The creature has large, white eyes and a large mouth with a small pair of fangs.

The creature started laughing mischievously, "GASTLY, GASTLY," then it started following Naruto while laughing maniacally.


Naruto found a decent place to camp. He made some fire from the woods he had gathered and sat on the ground. He started remembering his meeting with Kushina, and he gave a small smile. "Thank you, mom and dad, for everything. I don't know what kind of dream I'm going to chase, but I promise you I will be the best. No matter what, I promise I will make you proud. Please keep watching over me." He thought to himself while looking into the sky.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Naruto felt a long, slimy tongue lick him. "What the hell?" Naruto stood up in freight and started looking around, but he couldn't find anyone.

Naruto started to sweat in fear and asked himself, "Is this a haunted forest?" All of a sudden, Naruto started hearing a chant: "GASTLY, GAAASTLY, GAAS, GAAASTLY.".

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" Naruto screamed in freight and started running away. The creature then showed himself and started laughing; he was the same creature who followed Naruto. 

The creature then started following Naruto with a wide grin on its face. When the creature saw how fast Naruto was, its eyes shone in interest. It increased its speed and followed Naruto.

Naruto felt someone was following him, and he started to sweat profusely He turned his head back when he saw the creature's face. He screamed loudly, "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH, this forest is really haunted; I can see a ghost.".

Naruto ran as fast as he could and started to use his chakra to increase his speed. "GASTLY?" The creature was surprised when it saw Naruto increasing his speed; it had never seen any human as fast as Naruto. Then it grinned wider than before and flew fast after Naruto to catch up with him.

Naruto continued to run, but he tripped on a hard rock and fell flat on his face. Naruto then heard a loud roar: "GRRRRRRAAAAAAAOOOOOO.".

Naruto raised his head, and his eyes almost popped out when he saw a huge snake made of rock. The snake was bigger than a house. Naruto was shocked and yelled, "What the hell is that? What kind of world did I end up in?".

The rock snake charged at Naruto to tackle him. Naruto narrowed his eyes and was about to jump to the side to dodge, but a shadowy blob came flying at the rock snake. "SWISH, BOMB." The shadowy blob hit the rock snake in its face, and it's exploded in its face too.

" GRRRRAAAAOOOOO" The rock snake roared in pain and anger when he got hit by the shadowy blob. Naruto was surprised at the new development, but suddenly the ghost he saw earlier appeared between him and the rock snake: "GASTLY, GASTLY, GASTLY, GASTLY.".

Naruto was surprised when he heard what the ghost said to the rock snake. The rock snake roared in anger as a response, "GRRRRRAAAAAAAOOOOOOO.".

Naruto asked the ghost in shock, "Why do you want to protect me?" The ghost looked at Naruto with a smile on its face and started speaking, "GASTLY, GASTLY, GASTLY, GASTLY, GASTLY.".

Naruto chuckled at what he heard: "I don't know why or how I understand you, but I must say you really got me good. I am the one who usually pranks people, but this time you got me good, buddy.".

The ghost started flying around Naruto in happiness, and Naruto just smiled at the ghost.

"GRRRRRRAAAAAAAOOOOOO," the rock snake roared and charged at Naruto again to tackle him. The ghost's eyes widened when he saw this; he was too slow to prevent this attack. Naruto concentrated his chakra on his feet and jumped high in the air, dodging the rock snake tackle.

The rock snake and the ghost were dumbfounded when they saw how high Naruto jumped, and Naruto gave a small smile while he was in the air. "My chakra control improved by leaps and bounds; it is much easier now to control my chakra. I guess having the kyubi removed from inside of me helped improve my chakra control, and my mind is much clearer now. than before.".

The ghost looked in anger at the rock snake; his eyes glowed brightly for a second, and then, after a second, the rock snake pokemon fell down on the ground.

When Naruto landed on the ground, he looked confused when he saw the snake rock. "What the hell? Why is it a sleep?" The ghost smirked proudly and started telling Naruto, "GASTLY, GASTLY, GASTLY.".

Naruto was amazed: "Wow, you can put someone to sleep; that one hell of a trick, buddy, incredible.". The ghost started flying around Naruto in happiness, and Naruto chuckled to him, "You know what, buddy? I think me and you are going to be great friends.".

"GASTLY, GASTLY, GASTLY, GAAAAAASTLY," Naruto laughed. When he heard what the ghost just said, "You are right, buddy, we are going to be the best of friends. Let's leave before this snake wakes up. I have a lot of questions. I hope you can help me by answering these questions". The ghost nodded with a smile on its face and said, "GASTLY." Then both Naruto and the ghost left the area before the rock snake could awaken.


"Let me get this straight: you are a Pokemon, and that rock snake is a Pokemon too." The creature flew around Naruto happily and nodded its head.

"GASTLY, GASTLY, GASTLY, GAAAASTLY," Naruto's eyes widened when he heard what the ghost-like pokemon said, and he thought to himself with a smile on his face, "so we humans live in harmony with those Pokemon. Some humans even travel around the world and join competitions by letting their Pokemon fight against each other, which is very interesting." 

Naruto smirked in excitement and said to the pokemon, "This is really interesting. I want to enter one of those competitions in the future." The ghost-like pokemon started floating around Naruto and said, "GASTLY, GASTLY, GASTLY.".

Naruto chuckled, "hehe, you like to fight too. Hahaha, we might go and challenge other pokemon here in the forest, buddy, tomorrow if you like." The ghost-like pokemon eyes lit up when he heard what Naruto said, and it started floating while nodding happily.

"Well. I better sleep now so I could wake up in the morning tomorrow, buddy," the ghost-like pokemon nodded, and Naruto laid on the ground and went to sleep.


The next morning, Naruto woke up and went to the river to wash up. He saw his reflection in the river, and his eyes widened at what he saw. "What the hell? Why do I look like a five-year-old kid?" How did I de-aged? Could it be the result of the deal father and mother made with the Shinigami?"

After a few minutes of thinking, Naruto gave a small smile and said to himself, "It doesn't matter; I will just go with the flow. I have a new life, a new start. I no longer need to live my life to prove myself. I am now able to live my life for myself the way I wanted, and I will make my father and mother proud.".

After making up his mind, Naruto started swimming in the river and washing up. After 10 minutes, Naruto put on his clothes; his clothes also shrank in size when he arrived in the new world.

Naruto started walking when the ghost-like Pokemon appeared in front of him. Naruto smiled at him "GASTLY, GASTLY, GAASTLY." Naruto chuckled. "I haven't forgotten, buddy. Let's go. I will also need to get stronger and train, by the way. Do you have a name?" The ghost, like Pokemon, shocks its head. "So what do I call you?" The gas creature floated around Naruto, "GASTLY. GASTLY, GASTLY.".

"Oh, your species is called Gastly, you say?" Gastly nodded, and Naruto smirked. "I must say Gastly fits you after all; when you speak, you keep saying Gastly, buddy." Gastly started flying around in happiness as they ventured deeper into the forest.


Gastly and Naruto challenged many Pokemon in the forest. Gastly fought against some rock, flying, and ground-type pokemons, and Naruto fought against rock and ground-type pokemons too.

Naruto learned from Gastly that there are many types of pokemon, and Gastly was a ghost- and poison-type pokemon.

Naruto's first target was the rock snake who attacked him yesterday. He learned the pokemon is called Onix from Gastly. Thanks to Naruto's improvement in his chakra control, he was able to mimic Tsunade super strength punch by coating his fist with chakra and defeated Onix when he punched it in the face, which shocked Gastly because Onix was sent flying after he got punched in the face by Naruto.

Thanks to Gastly, Naruto learned that Oran Berry helped heal Pokemon. After he and Gastly defeated a pokemon, they fed the pokemon Oran Berry to heal them, and as a result, they became friends with the pokemon they defeated.

Right now, Naruto was holding a Pokemon egg. The Pokemon egg was bright red in colour, 

Naruto smiled at the egg and jumped off the boulder he was sitting on. He then looked at Gastly and smiled at him. "Say, Gastly, how about we do some training?" Gastly looked at Naruto questionably. "GASTLY?"

Naruto just smiled and started explaining, "Tomorrow we are going to look for stronger pokemon to fight against Buddy; we need to train and get stronger in order to defeat those pokemon.".

Gastly eyes widened and started moving, floating around Naruto with a wide smile on its face and nodding to him.

Naruto walked away from the boulder and laid the Pokemon egg gently next to a tree. He then walked to the boulder and stood in front of it. He tuned to Gastly and said, "Listen, Gastly, there are a lot of boulders here. We will use them in our training. I will punch the boulder and try to destroy them." Gastly nodded to him in understanding Naruto, then continued, "You told me that shadowy blob attack you use is called a shadow ball, isn't it?" Gastly nodded with a smile, and Naruto smiled back at him. "You will use the shadow ball to attack the other boulder. We need to make your shadow ball stronger. I think this is great training to make your shadow ball stronger.".

"GASTLY, GAASTLY, GAAASTLY" Gastly said and nodded to Naruto. It flew towards one of the boulders and started attacking one of the boulders with shadow balls. "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM.".

Naruto smiled when he watched Gastly destroy the boulder with shadow balls, then he turned his head towards the boulder in front of him. He smiled when he remembered Rock Lee and his fight against Sasuke before the start of the Chunin exam. He remembered how his hand was full of bruises. When he untied his bandages before Gai stopped him, he chuckled and said to himself, "I follow bushy-brow foot steps; I will destroy this boulder without using chakra.".

Naruto pulled his arm back and threw a punch at the boulder with all his strength. "CRACK!" the boulder cracked from the strength behind Naruto's punch. Naruto gritted his teeth from the pain, but he didn't quite, and he began to throw punch after punch with his two fists.

"CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK." With every punch Naruto threw, the boulder cracked more and more. The more punches Naruto threw at the boulder, the more it started to break down.

Naruto stopped his assault on the boulder when he saw a peculiar-looking stone falling to the ground. The stone had a lighting mark on it, which surprised Naruto.

Naruto bent down, grabbed the stone, and started looking at it. He turned to Gastly and said, "Gastly, come here, look at what I found." Gastly flew to Naruto's side, and Naruto showed him the stone. Gastly recognised the stone and said to Naruto, "GASTLY, GAASTLY, GAAASTLY.".

Naruto was surprised when he heard what Gastly said: "Incredible. I never thought you guys could evolve, and some pokemon need these kinds of stones to evolve. This stone must cost a lot, but I might be able to sell it in the future to earn money." Naruto smirked at the idea that he had come up with to earn money in this new world.

Naruto then turned to Gastly and said to him, "Hey Gastly, when you find these evolution stones, let me know. will ya I am sure we can earn money from selling these stones," Gastly nodded and went to continue its training.

When night came, Naruto and Gastly destroyed all the boulders on the camping site, and they collected 10 evolution stones. Gastly told Naruto what kind of evaluation stones they had collected; they found two fire stones, three lighting stones, four leaf stones, and one water stone. 

Naruto stored these stones in his pockets and went to collect berries for him and Gastly to have dinner before he went to sleep.

After collecting the berries, Naruto took a seat next to the Pokemon egg and smiled at the egg when he saw it was in good shape. He looked at Gastly and said, "I wonder what Pokemon will hatch from this egg, Gastly.".

Gastly rolled his eyes and said to Naruto "GAASTLY, GAAASTLY" Naruto chuckled at what Gastly said "you are right time will tell let's eat so we can sleep early we need wake up early in the morning to look for stronger pokemon to challenge. Gastly nodded and both of them started eating the berries after eating they slept.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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