
Pokemon: Moving Forward

A young man dies, and is invited by Arceus to be their Champion. But he's not going to be the only one. All of the Major Legendaries have their own Champions that are competing in this competition. What differences will there be in a Pokemon World that is more realistic than either the games or the show? How many people will get upset over the MC having a Chikorita? I don't know, but it's amusing to find out. I do not own Pokemon, and I am not related in any way to the Pokemon franchise. That said, this is my fan fiction, and things won't necessarily go the way people think it should. I'm not doing the whole Harem thing, and if you think pokemon exist outside of the food chain, you might want to move on. Also, KEEP ALL PROFANITY OUT OF MY COMMENT SECTION!!!! I do not mind criticism, nor do I mind people having their own opinions on different things. However, as I want to keep this story at least PG- 13 I do not want profanity in the comments to be read by possibly children. For all others, welcome. Currently updates on Mondays and Thursdays.

Smileykiller2797 · Video Games
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30 Chs

Chapter 25 "Talking to God"

When I became concious again, I realized two things. One, I had a massive headache. Way worse than the one time John and Andrew convinced me to try liqour. And two, I wasn't alone in my old room anymore.

There was a strangely dressed person standing next to the bed, dressed all in white and gold. What was worse, is that I recognized this person.

"Arceus? What happened?"

They chuckle. "You're a tough one aren't you. I told you, when you turned 15 you would get back all your memories that you had kept, as well as recieve the mark of being my champion. What I didn't tell you then, was that it would hurt."

I nod, while rubbing my forehead. Hurt was right. My hand felt like I had stuck it into the fire from a grill and let it sit there. As I look at the hand in question, I see a golden circle marked with four spikes like a compass rose.

"So you gave me an instant tattoo? And now I've got all...." I drift off for a moment because just by thinking about them, it almost overwhelms me. My memories that is.

"Yep. All of those memories are now returned, use them as you wish. I only kept them back to allow you to form an unbiased opinion of this world. This isn't quite the Pokemon world from your anime or videogames after all."

I nod my head. Combining my old memories with the actual facts of this world will be a challenge.

"But now what? Just keep on the way I am?"

"Absolutely. I like the idea of you becoming a Pokemon Behavioural Researcher or Psychiatrist. Either works for me. And it would be a great way to explain how you discovered the Dark type. Not to mention the Steel and Fairy types."

Oh yeah, that was going to be a fun things to do. Would probably cause a lot of chaos at the same time.

"Though really, the only one you could really take credit for would be Fairy type. The researchers for Steel and Dark types are going to release their findings in about a week."

Well that sucks. "I'm guessing they are just going over the basics of the type, not into any further details?" They nod.

I think quickly. "Well, we are going to Hoenn, and the Poochyena line is dark type. So I'll at least have something to work with there maybe. Easier than trying to get a Houndour here that is. And I can do another paper on the pack mentality of Poochyena and the other canine pokemon."

I pause for a moment because though I said canine, and I know it means doglike, I have no idea what a dog is. That's going to be frustrating.

Arceus chuckles. "Realizing that some of your memories are going to be rather frustrating when you suddenly know the terms but don't know how you came up with it?" I nod, "I just realized I have no real idea what a dog is, just that my dad's theory on certain pokemon being canines is right."

Arceus nods, "When I made the world, I kept certain concepts in place so that if my worlds ever connected, as unlikely as that is, there would be at least some similarities with others. The basic animal species that are used across the cosmos is one of those."

"Anyhow Arthur, I need to get going. Realize that you'll be able to take on missions now through the tattoo. You have to figure out how to pull up the mission board but it's not too difficult and it does respond to thought. The board will be updating regularly, but don't expect it to have everything on there. Only missions that need direct intervention in one way or another will make it onto the board."

I nod my understanding, and just like that Arceus is gone.

And it's time for me to figure things out.


Andrew, John, and I all met up later that day to catch the bus to Vermillion City. The S.S. Anne was leaving from Vermillion, would stop in Olivine City, before making it's way down to Hoenn and stopping in Slateport.

The ride from Pallet Town to Vermillion City wasn't actually as bad as it might have been. We rode up to Viridian City and then caught a ferry across the Kanto Bay to Vermillion. To be fair that ferry shortened a very long trip down to a two day trip. If it wasn't for the ferry we would have had to either teleport or take the long route. And as we were officially on our own to get there, teleport was out of the question.

I never realized that the teleport service was about three times more expensive than any other mode of transport. And none of them were cheap.

The ferry alone ate up close to seven hundred pokedollars, which was most of our funds for transportation. We would be walking around once we got to Hoenn. At least until we started earning some prize money.

It was during this ride out that I noticed something that made me start to suspect that certain people upstairs were trying to nudge the odds. Both John and Andrew had Champion marks.

"So John," I say, "When did you get a tattoo? Of course, same question for you Andrew."

Both of them freeze for a moment, before both of them trying to say something along the lines of 'I don't know what you're talking about.'

Both of them stop that after I hold up my left hand and they see my Champion tattoo.

"Well that's just weird," John says, and Andrew nods. "For me, I'm the Champion of Mew. Not that she exactly told me a whole lot, just kind of showed up and gave me the tattoo."

Andrew nods, "I am honestly not sure who I'm the Champion of, but he gave me this speech about being a shield to the weak. Made it sound like a knight's oath or something. Speaking of champion though, do either of you know what's going on with this?"

I quickly explain the basics. That Arceus created a game for all the top legendaries to partake in. They had to choose champions to compete with each other. By competing Arceus had set up prizes that would allow them to go from being legendary to Gods. Nothing else had actually been said, but as we were the first generation of Champions I am pretty sure Arceus would eventually add more features for the Champions.

"So how did three champions end up in the same group?" John asks, "That's a little unrealistic to me."

"I don't think we're supposed to question it too much. However, I have a feeling that certain powers that be are watching the odds. With me being the Champion of Arceus I wouldn't be surprised to see that several of the people I know are actually champions. We didn't really get to see Gary or Ash to find out if they are champions or not. Not to mention everyone from the summer camp. And Lucy had already left by the time these came up."

Both of the guys nod their heads while we thought about it, until finally I said, "It isn't worth thinking about right now though. Right now, we are on our way to the ship. From what I understand they are a yearly thing that the League is providing to promote relationships between the regions."

Andrew nods, "Yeah, and there are all sorts of events and such set up for each leg of the trip. From Vermillion City to Olivine is a week, and it's another ten days from Olivine to reach Hoenn and Slateport. That's at least two beginner tournaments that we can take part in. The prize money will go a long way to supporting us as well."

"So what are you thinking?" John says.

"Well, there are two tournaments we could take part in. Technically three, but I don't know if we'll have time to do the third, with the other two happening as well. Plus our pokemon would be worn out if we did that."

John and I nod our heads. It makes sense, especially since I think it'll actually be four tournaments. Two on our way to Olivine, and another two on our way to Slateport.

"The first is a Beginner Singles tournament. Prelims are one v. one, with two wins needed to advance. The second is a doubles tournament. Two trainers, but other than that about the same as the singles tournament. We split things up and do three of these between here and Slateport."

"Okay," I say, "That'll give each of us a turn at the singles tournament. And we'll each do two of the double tournaments so we can all get some practice with each other."

John nods his head before saying, "Sounds like a plan."

And they're off! Granted, SS Anne is gonna take two maybe three chapters, but they are officially on their way.

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