
Pokemon Moment of Awakening

Horrifying experiment,A fire-breathing dragon that was captured by an evil organization. Betrayed and laughed, talking meowth wanders the streets. The stupid fish that was the Ugliest but Dreamed to be the most beautiful and gorgeous pokemon there is. “Human beings are not untrustworthy. There are also kind people. I will bear all your pain and all your anxiety! Let me embark on a this road to make you all the most powerful . A/N This is a translated story i decided to start but i will be changing a lot of names so that it becomes readable i sincerely hope you will enjoy and please drop your comments about mistakes and anything else

Erlands_Erls · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


In the darkness, Draco didn't know where he was. He felt very tired, and his whole body had no strength, but suddenly, The appearance of rays of light seemed to bring warmth to Draco, forcing his eyes to open. Although his eyelids were heavy, they still opened after hard work.

There were dazzling silver white rays of light in front of him. He didn't know what it was, but at this moment, something appeared in front of him. It was something egg-shaped , although at this time ,His mind was still very confused and his whole body was very tired, but Draco could still see that it was a white egg .

He didn't know why. When he saw the egg, Draco instinctively wanted to hug it, because a voice in his mind told him that if he didn't hug it, it might become dangerous. When Draco stretched out his hand and held the egg in his arms, the scene suddenly changed and scared him shitless.

"How come I'm not dead?" These were Draco's inner thoughts. The darkness around him disappeared. With a gentle breeze blowing across his face, Draco found out, that he suddenly appeared in the sky, and when he looked down at the Ground , everything seemed extremely small. Even Draco, who was not afraid of heights, felt fear rise in his mind when he saw this scene.

Now he understood , no wonder he felt that way just now. It should be highly dangerous for an egg to fall from such a high altitude? It should have been so broken that there shouldn't be any slag left! But now he started thinking about the situation and the dangers he is himself , but Draco was unable to complain. At this time, all the exhaustion and Astonishment crashed in to him and he passed out.

He seemed to have had a long, long dream. Draco dreamed that he was walking on a long road. That road was pink, and the surroundings were dark. The road was soft . At the end, when he reached the end of the road, it turned out to be a bottomless cave. In front of Cave, he didn't know why there was a pink thing that looked like a bag.

Draco curiously touched it with his hand, but when he touched it, he heard a groan, and the big road under his feet started to tremble. Draco couldn't even stand on his feet, and then , Unexpectedly he found that the road behind was shrinking, Draco wanted to run, but found that his feet seemed to be shorter, and finally looked at his hands, they seemed to be a lot smaller than before.

Finally, after some time he realized that he cant run anymore . since he was afraid, Draco realized that he was so tired of this strange road under his feet, it felt just like marshmallows under his feet, and on the side of the road of pink, he noticed something transparent . It looked like a viscous liquid. and at this moment, Draco finally realized what this place looked like.

'This must be the mouth of some big monster, and the place where I touched just now must be the tonsils of this big guy'. He realized that because he touched tonsils he found himself in this danger! At this moment Draco felt regretful for his actions. With the moving of the tongue, Draco's face continuously got covered with slimy liquid and suddenly the pink tongue squeezed his face out of shape.

"Ah!!!" suddenly Draco opened his eyes, all shivered up and stood up immediately, and then quickly looked all around his surroundings, he found that he is in a cave, and confirmed that this really is a normal stone cave not a monster's mouth. , After thorough confirmation Draco sighed in relief. Then, he reached out to wipe off the cold sweat on his head, only to find out. . .

"en?What This is…" When he touched his hair Draco shuddered , and then rubbed his five fingers together, and then out found that the so-called cold sweat was sticky, and Draco recalled the sticky liquid he felt in his dream , he quickly stretched out his hand in front of him and saw the transparent viscous liquid (cough cough!!! Don't think about it!!), but what made Draco even more surprised was that his hands were actually small. Like those of a young child


As he was checking himself out Draco noticed thatAt this time, he was still wearing his original clothes, but they were a lot smaller just completely adjusted to his now childlike body, and there were a lot of blood stains on them, that shocked Draco. 'Could these blood stains be caused by that car accident?' My own blood? ? Then are those blodstains still there and got Minimized.

'But in a second thought, I shouldn't be transmigrated! or Reincarnated, right? ?'But it was wrong to think about it at that moment, because if he was Reincarnated, he should have returned to his childhood! But when he was a child, there was no reason for him to wear the clothes he had in the car accident, and he had no memories of any similar Cave or other places he had been to when he was a child. Numerous questions came to his mind nonstop.

"Woo!!!" At this time,Draco heard a tender voice nit far from him . When Draco lifted his head, he saw a white silhouette moving towards himself. The white silhouette Pounced, on his face, Draco suddenly felt a little flustered , and immediately felt that his company was a little playful.

"Ah!!! This is!!!" Although he was flustered, he felt that the figure that pounced on him didn't carry any malice towards him. A second later Draco's mind slowly stabilized , then he slowly extended his hand When he touched the thing on his face, He shrank back subconsciously as soon as he touched it, but there was still no response from the small white creature that was hugging his face. Instead, it started slowly nudging his hand.

Draco was no longer afraid, and took the creature that was lovely attached to his face with both hands, and took him down. When he finally saw the true face of the "raging" guy that just recently pounced on him, Draco was stunned. His mouth opened so widely because he couldn't believe what he saw. In his was a small snow-white creature , with are two brown eyes watching him and on his forehead was a gorgeous horn in the shape of a halfmoon.

"Absol!!!" Yes, Draco was holding him in his hands. It was the pokemon from the anime and games he loved. It was also the Pokemon that Draco loved very much.When he usually played any of the pokemon games this pokemon was his top tier choice he sometimes even went as far as cheating just to get it.

Absol, who was held by Draco, was looking at him happily at this time, and his little paws were waving wildly, as if he wanted to get closer to Draco. Seeing Absol's happiness even Draco felt happy from the bottom of his heart, and he seemed to have forgotten all the questions he had in his mind just a second ago.

At this time, Draco found that the egg he had grasped was missing. After remembering all the details about the color of the egg, Draco understood that this Absol was just born. It should've been that the egg hatched!! During the time he was unconscious. . . Draco was completely and utterly shocked and stunned. Did he came to the world of Pokémon? ?

By the way, he was obviously smashed by the car, but he was still alive, and he was wearing the same clothes he had during the accident, and there were all the remaining blood stains from that time. It must be because of that collision that he's here, and then Draco looked at Absol , and suddenly remembered that the car that crashed into him had an Absol sticker on the front that got covered by his blood. was it because of this reason that Absol was here? ?

"Child! You really woke up!!!" At this moment, an old voice came from outside the cave, and immediately, the silhouette that appeared left Draco in such a complete shock that he was standing there with his mouth agape.