
Pokemon Kingdom

Pokemon things. I wanted to write something so I could see where my imagination goes. Nothing too fancy, I repeat this is for fun.

BlameItOnTheKid · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Strange Fragment

The next 3 months went by, and although he did regularly the Red Apricorn Zone to see if the fruits would mature.

Today is the end of the full 3 months, Altair was at the entrance of the Zone and while looking at the trees his eyes shined. It is not that in the 3 months he didn't pick the one or two of the fruit and planted it in the in a specific place, but to his surprise, they grew a little and after 2 months it stopped growing and gave 5 Red Apricorns.

And in the 2 months, he had 10 Red Apricorn to work within the village, decided to try and eat it, but Red Apricorn was really hard to bite and coupled with the lack of taste. Maybe that is the reason why people tried to get another use for the Apricorns, but some pokemon enjoyed the taste quite a bit.

Besides the space that each Mini Red Apricorn tree needed was actually bigger than most of the berry trees, they had so he just slashed the mass production idea since he didn't have the manpower to take care of them.

So he decided to plant 5 Red Apricorn seeds and cultivate them in the Zone and leave those to the pokemon there since the fruit would mature faster in the ones that humans cultivated, and he would just grab the ones from the tree.

And each time he came to check he just watered the seeds.

Today he estimated that the Mini Trees still would need a month and a half for the Red Apricorn fruit to fully mature. But it wasn't actually a bad thing since the pokemon here would go eat other things in the forest. So they would take care of themselves.

While looking at the 3 Big Apricorn Trees full of Pokecoins ready to be collected he didn't hesitate and walked to them and sold everything with each Tree accumulating a whopping 60 Apricorns each.

Together they amounted to 180 Apricorns that got sold for 1800 Pokecoins.

Raising his fortune to 3300,05 Pokecoins which brightened his day, these 3 last months he has been worrying about these things and didn't concentrate on exploration.

Occasionally being bold and fighting a wild pokemon here and there. In this span of time, Riolu managed to level up to level 23 without worries.

Taking a breath of relief and noting down the time of the Red Apricorn time to mature he just left and was going to come back when it was time.

Today he decided to explore in another direction since he mostly explored the North and today he wanted to explore the east, so he began to march, it was the same boring pokemon around. And they weren't above the Level 15 which makes this place so safe.

After defeating a random Weedle and moving forward a little he was surprised by what he saw. A big number of Yungoos playing around, roughly 14 of them and when he moved his sight a little forward he saw a new pokemon, standing tall looking at the little Yungoos playing.

With a menacing look and standing on its hind legs and with its hands behind the back, looking like a sage while looking at the small Yungoos with attention. Definitely, this would be the strongest pokemon he saw until now in the forest. Although it didn't height a lot it could reach the waist of a fully grown Adult human so it was definitely the biggest pokemon Altair saw until today. Its fur colored brown and with a middle stripe of yellow coupled with the yellow on the hair forming what seemed a brown trench coat. It definitely had its own fashion sense.

So without even thinking Altair decided to analyze it.

Pokemon Name: Gumshoos

Sex: Male

Level: 21

Nature: Careful

Ability: Strong Jaw

Friendship: 0

Potential: Blue

Aptitude: 2 ★

Moves: Tackle, Leer, Sand Attack, Odor Sleuth, Bide

Looking at it although he saw a couple of Blue Potential pokemon it was the highest in Aptitude. Which was good to note.

He didn't want to mess with such a big number of pokemon, so he decided to note the place and avoid them. And with that decision, they just sneakily rounded the territory and continued their march but this time even slower in case something strong would show up.

After a couple of hours moving around what could be seen as a lonely Pitch black pillar, so curious he decided to move toward it and inspect it since he couldn't analyze it with his skill.

Even touching it with the book but the book just showed ??? that made his curiosity spike up. The moment he placed his hand on the surface of the pillar a space crack opened and dragged him inside.

In the next instant Altair was in an unknown place, what looked like a cave with a single black fragment, although it was a cave everything was illuminated by candles.

He decided to move toward the fragment with Riolu and try to find its origin.

The moment he placed his hand on the Black fragment the Solar eclipse on his forehead began to emit light and crystalize and an unknown force enveloped the Black fragment and there could be seen the slight struggle from this fragment but in the end, it got assimilated to the solar eclipse.

But before the fragment got fully engulfed half of it broke and flew toward the forehead of Riolu who couldn't avoid the incoming object by the sheer amount of speed it flew toward her.

So she got hit by the half and bright black mist engulfed her but Altair who didn't have time to even take a step toward his partner emitted a multicolored mist that engulfed the Black mist and assimilated it bit by bit, then involved Riolu who went in a state of coma and a big bright white cacoon surrounded the body of Riolu.

Altair panicked and tried to see what it was but nothing. His heart growing cold, but he prayed that nothing wrong would happen. He tried to move the cacoon and although it looked heavy it actually was very light so he just left the space rift with a cacoon in his hand and back in the Pillar he just dashed in a hurry toward the village, avoiding every pokemon he saw.

Back in the village and in his house he laid the cacoon in the usual place where Riolu meditated and waited.

And waited.

Day by day, weeks followed then months until years came.

Altair in this period of time didn't leave the village except to go to the Apricorn Tree Zone, once again and training, he would try to develop the village and tried to stay close to the cacoon that was growing slowly. One thing he realized was the Pen that followed him toward this new world had disappeared, and the tap system was used when selling the Red Apricorns.

And today is the day that Altair was going to make his 15 years. He should be happy but ever since the event and without his partner, his life became darker, but he managed to have positive thoughts because his sisters were there and always comforted him.

One thing that could be seen as the big change in the village, although it was rudimental there could be seen a new small market where the fruit could be bought, a clothing shop, the size of the farm grew by a large amount. The village although didn't raise the numbers by that much since this was a hidden place where people couldn't find much less to move to but the posterior kids became adults and some paired up in couples, they even began to implement the pokecoin system of the outside world and what helped to implement this was the Pokecoin in his 'BOOK' that actually could materialize so he used the pokecoins he had got from selling the Red Apricorn into the currency that would flow around in the Village. A strange system that surprisingly began to flow after a couple of years of use.

Everything began to follow an orderly development. Prices of food were very low by the amount cultivated, people began to accumulate their fortune and so the reason for creating a clothing shop. Which was actually Saphire's shop since she enjoyed making clothes and so being the only one in the village the money flew right back toward Altair since in Saphire's words were of both and she didn't need much so.

His relationship with the 4 sisters got closer and closer but he didn't have the mood to take the next step even after he hit the age where his little brother could raise in glory. Although he was temped something in his heart was missing so he never got in the mood to do it.

Altair grew from a cute kid to a handsome man and although he was only 15 today he looked mature for his age, his eyes sharpened from those round color full eyes to the perfect size, his eye color didn't shift but instead of the shiny filing it gave before now it gave a sinking feeling, something about them just made people mesmerize, his hair was kept relatively short although it was enough to cover the symbol in the forehead since he quite enjoyed it like that since it was cool he left it. Something he hated quite a lot was to have long hair coupled with the scattered colors in different strands of hair just adding up to his light up his image, his skin snow white bringing envy to some women in the village, with defined lines in the jaw, cherry colored lips that enticed people to taste them and a nose was neither too wide neither big just the right size bringing out a balance in the face, definitely handsome. With the growth his height didn't shame him with a good 183 cms of height and with the continuous training that never stopped, he developed a good 6 pack and the symmetry in them just made him marvel to the point of stopping and looking at himself in the mirror every time he took a bath or dressed. Even his chest grew into a compact and handsome size. Definitely not to the point of a bodybuilder neither in the Swimmer side but in the middle the thing was that his body had such a good symmetry that it just looked perfect in his opinion. His little brother grew just as well comparing it with the body, and his legs with the right amount of muscle after all having muscle and having chicken legs is at least that was what Altair thought. Overall he grew to become a charming and handsome man.

Even the sister couldn't help but blush lately by the big changes that went through Altair, sometimes he couldn't help but shake his head, the world is so cruel Handsome just has its own privileges after all.

Altair was looking at the cacoon that was emitting a blinding light. And began to crack from one side to the other.

And a tall figure came emerged from it.

It wasn't the shiny Riolu appearance he was so long used to. But the evolution a Lucario but it was different from the shiny and normal version, with a white mask instead of the usual black mask, coupled with the golden hair mixed with slight black strands here and there and the eyes there were red before changed into an aquamarine blue and added to the depth to them just like the waters in the paradises and a rhombus shaped crystal in her forehead, that later condensed into a black tattoo with that shape.

Altair froze and tears ran down his cheek looking at his missing partner.


I dunno but this had to be done. - Author

And I should keep my promise to the man who wanted the pictures so I'm looking for a reference to the characters of the sister and him.