
Pokemon Kingdom

Pokemon things. I wanted to write something so I could see where my imagination goes. Nothing too fancy, I repeat this is for fun.

BlameItOnTheKid · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

It's been a while

The rest of the day went through without any unexpected event. Since he just prepared supplies for the following day, Altair wanted to resume their exploration and go back to that strange pillar.

The next morning both Altair and Lucario went on their way, today's objective was the pillar and bully *cough cough* train Lucarios abilities, and after about half an hour he found the first victim... Training partner. That fainted in 1 move.

After defeating 4 more wild Pokemon he decided to just leave the rest alone since this was not gonna benefit Lucario at all.

After walking for a couple of hours they saw the familiar Yungoos spot. Looking at the 20 plus Yungoos and the single Gumshoos they had definitely grown in number but there wasn't a single one who had evolved.

There were a couple who had reached Level 18 and the Gumshoos level went up to 24. Altair wasn't going to mess with this pack of Yungoos until he saw a strange small Yungoos, smaller than the others and after analyzing it he decided to pick it up.

Pokemon Name: Yungoos

Sex: Male

Level: 3

Nature: Relaxed

Ability: Stakeout

Friendship: 0

Potential: Purple

Aptitude: 2 ★

Moves: Tackle, Leer

Although it was a small little guy he had the highest potential and aptitude he saw until now in the wild so he decided to catch it.

So he ordered his Lucario.

''Lucario attack that one over there on his 2 legs with Aura sphere, but first use Calm mind.''

Lucario who heard her owner didn't even hesitate and closed her eyes and in her mind, a drop of water dropped, that was the method Pokemon utilized in calm mind, then a slight Aura burst out of her coating her body.

Lucario then began to gather this Aura with both her hands and the sphere condensed and condensed turning a dark night blue ball, she then released the ball at a high speed toward the target.

Gumshoos who wasn't expecting this sneak attack got hit and flew in a dramatic way, hitting his back on the ground and rebounding a couple of times. The attack was super effective because Aura sphere was Fighting Type while Gumshoos was a Normal type pokemon. But Gumshoos actually got to his feet and shook his head a couple of times and yelled at his subordinates and pointed at Lucario.

Gumshoos knew that Lucario was stronger than himself so he decided to gang up on the opponent.

Faced with the countless Yungoos attacking at the same time he ordered his Lucario to use Metal Claw to boost her Attack and to use Screech and what screech did was actually make an ear splitting screech that will reduce the opponent's defense. In a group fight without teammates, this ability was very good since it affected everyone around.

Lucario actually learned this ability when it hit its head on a tree and was quite painful to it for some reason and so she did a loud noise and bam New move. Although Altair thinks that it hurt her physically but mentally it's another thing.

It's like tripping in front of a crowd it just makes life difficult, the wish to have a hole somewhere and just vanish.

Altair just closed his ears with his fingers after the order so nothing happened to him.

The pack of Yungoos stopped for a little because of the sound and Lucario didn't even lose a single second and used the move Metal Claw and her nails grew long to an intimidating size it looked like a fang.

''Lucario now use Aura sphere and hit the ground beside them and use Force Palm.''

Lucario without a second began to condense another Aura sphere and threw it then it focused on her paws and they grew bigger coupled with the metallic claws and rushed toward the pack of Yungoos that were completely disoriented.


After hitting a couple of Yungoos that were together Lucario didn't even stop for a bit and began to up Power Up Punch, every hit began to deal more and more damage and Lucario was dancing in this moment enemy attacks were dodged here and there since they were so slow and she was waving her fists from one side to the other, Occasionally using Feint and then showing up on the other side of the fight and hitting an enemy there like a ghost just breezing through the Yungoos.

This kept up until Gumshoos who was watching with narrowed eyes used Quick Attack and disappeared from its previous spot to land right beside Lucario with its mouth open ready to use yet another move Bite. Its mouth grew bigger and there could be seen a dark aura around the mouth and the moment bit Lucario. The latter yelped in pain.

Altair who was looking at this knew that the ability Gumshoos had was Strong Jaw and the ability gave a 50% increase in bite moves so that bite did a lot of damage. So he ordered in a loud voice.

''Lucario use Counter on the Gumshoos to take it off you.''

So Lucario who was angered by this sneaky bastard's attack condensed a dark aura (that was the dark thing on the bite since BITE is a Dark type move so.) her fist and gave retribution to the big mongoose.

Gumshoos actually took the hit and only retreated a couple of steps. Lucario who saw this clicked her tongue and began a brawl with the big bipedal mongoose( Compared with the pack) who was so much shorter than her.

The fight extended since the Yungoos would assist the Gumshoos in the fight and even though she had miss direction moves the sheer number of the Yungoos was overwhelming when facing a pokemon around her level too.

Lucario began to breathe roughly and noticing this Altair decided to just finish off the leader Gumshoos as fast as possible since although Lucario had made most of the Yungoos faint, the remaining would be a hassle, and then fighting the Gumshoos, in the end, would be a little dangerous.

'' Lucario use Laser Focus and then use Reversal.''

Lucario eyes began to narrow and locked onto her target without even looking at the surrounding weaklings then an aura began to surround Lucario and she just disappeared and the next moment she was next to the Gumshoos who was surprised but looking at those eyes looking back at him he knew he was the one being hunted here.

Lucario swung her arm and Gumshoos who was hit flew until it hit a tree and fainted.

Laser Focus is a move that makes the user focus extremely and Altair asked Lucario to lock onto Gumshoos this would make her focus solely on Gumshoos, the effect of the move is actually simple the next attack to land will do a 100% Critical hit, coupled with Reversal that was a skill that the lower the user HP the stronger the attack, added with the 100% critical hit it was bound to deal a lot of damage.

The yungoos who saw their leader falling began to retreat but alas Lucario had a dark grin while looking at them. The next moment they only saw an after image.