
Pokemon: King Of Plasma

Being the adoptive son of Ghetsis, N was next in line for the throne. What people don't know that he was a reincarnated soul.

DaoistRjZxUB · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The Woods Are Lonely Without Them

As I sat down on the grass, eating the same lunch that I have eaten many times. It was just a bunch of apples. I recollected on my life or multiple lives.

I was reincarnated 5 years ago in this world known as the Pokemon verse to me back then. I was reincarnated after many years of being bed ridden due to a disease I contracted at a young age.

I wasn't reborn into a random person's body but one I knew very much. I was reborn into the body of the King Of Plasma, N, or Natural Harmonia Gropius if you want to be federal.

My life wasn't that bad to me. I was left in the woods of Pinwheel Forest as a baby to fend for myself. That wasn't for long as I was then fostered and cared for by the Pokemon of the forest.

As I thought this, as on cue, 3 Pokemon sat with me wanting to eat something too. One was a big red ape, known as a Darmanitan. She was very caring and the most like a mother to me.

The second Pokemon was a light blue one-eyed bat, known as a Woobat. He was cool and all and was like a little brother to me, whatever that meant.

The last Pokemon was my favorite though. It was a little Zorua. It was the same age as me and the one I was most close with. He sat in my lap and begin to eat the apples too.

I have gained a special ability over the years, one that would be very helpful. I could speak to the Pokemon around me and could understand them, something most of the trainers in this world couldn't.

" Don't eat too many apples. You might get fat", Darmanitan chimed in. I chuckled at her comment and so did Woobat and Zorua.

"Eat quick so we can train together", Zorua added.

I ate the apples quickly before I started training with Zorua. I talked to all the Pokemon I know and all of them except Zorua don't have dreams that don't involve battling. I don't use any Pokemon in the forest as training, as that would be rude to the people who had given me a home.

I was not like the N in the original games. I was not an extreme Pokemon activist and I wouldn't let Ghetsis, the hypocrite of all hypocrites, brainwash me. I will still accept him as my mentor and I will be the future King Of Plasma.

I still act like the pure Pokemon activist N was as that was my appeal to Ghetsis. As they say, "Conceal Your Intentions" so your always a step ahead.

That doesn't mean I don't think Pokemon deserve the world. I'll take away any trainers' Pokemon if I deem them "unworthy" of Pokemons. I only hate "bad" trainers.

Zorua was a Pokemon with a lot of potential, especially because of his illusion abilities. Imagine him as a Zoroark transforming into a small Pokemon ,like a Weedle, to avoid an attack. The possibilities were endless with such a Pokemon like Zorua!

After that, I work out myself. Living in the forest, you can't be out of shape. There will always be something to climb or physical challenges to overcome.

For the last thing of the day, I gathered food for dinner. I usually only eat apples. I climbed up the trees and gathered as much apples for me and my friends.

As I sat down with the many Pokemon of the forest, we chowed down on the food while I began to think about something.

When was Ghetsis going to come? He had to come soon as I was growing impatient. I want my life to start already dammit! I want to live in a castle as soon as possible and finally talk to humans. I was deep in Pinwheel Forest so not many trainers passed through this part.

I have seen some trainers before but I usually hide from them as if a child was in the forest alone, they would snatch me up, act like a hero and take me to civilization. There was only one time a trainer spot me, but I made sure to book it.

I was ready to lead Team Plasma to the top of the world and as their ruler, I could become king of the world.

The early stages of it will be slow, as not many people would not be interested in this new group with new ideas. No worries though as Rome wasn't built in a day. It will take years until hard work pays off.

As I finshed my food, I got ready for bed. My bed was in a cave where I huddled in some leaves for comfort. Zorua sleeps with me there. It was much needed warmth for Zorua and I, so we slept together since forever.

As I slept, I dream about my ideal world.

I was sitting on a throne, wearing a white robe. I was on a podium, and there was a crowd of thousands of people. Ghetsis walked up to me with a crown in his hand.

Ghetsis reached out, placing a crown upon my head. "Long live the King," he said, his voice ringing out across the hall.

The room erupted into cheers and applause, and N felt a sense of triumph wash over him. He had achieved his goal, had risen to the very top of his organization and had attained the power he had craved forever.

It was perfect, down to the minute detail. The loudness of the room, created by the cheers and roars from my supporters, both human and Pokemon.

The Seven Sages, including Ghetsis bowing down to me as their new leader. I was soon to be on top of the world, this crown and power. only being a small achievement.

I would usher in a new era, where I would pass laws that would rid the world of the problems that plague it now. I'll bring harmony to this imperfect world

I will be Arceus' favorite.


First chapter of my book. This is my first project(Barring my other book which was to get a feel of this website) so be sure to give advice.

Comment what you think as I would love to read your thoughts.