
Pokemon: I Transmigrated in Pokemon World to Laze Around

A transmigrated guy in the pokemon world that started his shop instead of being a trainer, such a dumb guy, he should fight gym leaders, elite four and champions to become a good MC. What's good about opening a boring shop? Bruh, what about smut? The hell? There's no smut, what's interesting about this fic? Boring.

Kokekokoko · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The Ultimate Move!

After eating Joseph rested on his house for a while to digest his food.

It's also been a week since he was training inside the game by battling the elite four and defending his tittle using the pokemons with the same average level as the challenger. Joseph noticed that the difficulty in battling the pokemon league of the game is not hard as he think, because the moves of the NPCs are so predictable after battling them for a few times.

So he decided to challenge the battle tree in the Poni Island, where the real deals are hiding.

On the first time Joseph entered the battle tree he was matched up with a pre-schooler with OP pokemons that countered his.

Joseph tried to battle using Arcanine, Machamp and Blastoise because this three pokemons are the frequently seen in Viridian City.

When the pokemons are revealed, Arcanine was matched up against a midday Lycanroc.

When it comes to typing and speed Arcanine was at a disadvantaged position. Joseph choose not to change his pokemon since he is here to train and he will surely encounter something like this outside the game.

The Lycanroc started the battle using the sandstorm then there's a notification that the Lycanroc's speed raised then the Lycanroc rushed towards Arcanine like a wind.

"A Lycanroc with Sand Rush ability?" Joseph instructed Arcanine to use Burn Up. Arcanine howled then his body emits a powerful heat then a large ball of flame formed on Arcanine's opened mouth and shot it towards the enemy.

Burn up is a powerful fire type move that makes the user a Typeless pokemon after using it because it's exhausting all the fire type energy of the user, its good to use it in the situation like this.

But the pre-schooler suddenly instructed Lycanroc to use dig and the Burn Up missed.

Joseph was stunned, his hunch is right. The npc in the battle tree is better than the elite four and challengers.

Soon, Joseph's ass got beaten by the pre-schooler.

"It's fine, it's fine. Joseph your here to train not to become the always victorious guy. Joseph losing is part of training." Joseph comforted himself but deep inside in his heart he formed a grudge to the preschooler with a Lycanroc, Blaziken and Hawlucha.

Joseph entered in the battle tree again to find that preschooler and take his revenge.

Back to the present.

Joseph entrusted his shop to Magikarp whose swimming around with his golden girlfriend.

Farfetch'd also volunteered to stay in the shop to continue meditating. Farfetched is becoming more swordsman-like and an aura of discipline is all over his body.

"I guess Farfetch'd is going to evolve soon." Joseph muttered while looking at Farfetch'd that continued his meditation.

Joseph took the Pokeball of Arcanine from his pocket and threw it in the air. Arcanine's tail wagged and licked Joseph's face.

"This guy, my face is drenched with saliva." Joseph want to stop the 2 meters fire dog but he also want to bond with his pokemons. Joseph just shook his head and went inside the bathroom to wash his face.

After a few minutes, Joseph finally arrived in the Viridian City Gym.

Joseph entered the gym and saw Lorelei and other four different persons. He can remember the Old man with the lab coat that he saw from his video call with Mr. Pokemon.

The other three are a grumpy looking Old woman holding a stick with a poke ball on the top of it, a man in his 30's with huge build and wearing karateka outfit and lastly a man in his early 20's wearing chuunibyouish suit and cape.

Joseph already knew this persons when his eyes landed at them.

'Professor Oak, Agatha, Bruno and Lance the bigshots of Kanto region.' Joseph thought and felt pressured but he just keep thinking that he's more scarier than all of these guys since he have an army of literal Gods, after adjusting his mental state the pressure he's feeling is suddenly vanished.

"Mr. Johnson you're finally here." Lorelei smiled at Joseph's direction. All of the other peoples eyes landed at Joseph.

"Hello Ms. Lorelei, Professor Oak, Madam Agatha, Mr. Bruno and Mr. Lance." Joseph politely said.

"You look so young, I hope what Mr. Pokemon saying is true." Prof. Oak nodded at Joseph.

"That Arcanine is well trained, I can feel his absolute power within his muscles." Bruno crossed his arms.

Agatha and Lance just quietly observed the newcomer.

"Anyone wants to volunteer as our referee?" Lorelei glanced at the four people in the sidelines.

"I'll be the one." Prof. Oak smiled then he went at the center of the battle area.

"Since this is a friendly match just send your pokemons out, the match will be a 3 versus 3 Single battle, Oh! by the way to make this battle interesting, the battling style in this match will be SET which means you dont have a switch out option for your pokemon if you KO your opponent." Prof. Oak said with a smile on his face then Agatha face palmed and shook her head.

Joseph and Lorelei didn't care of Prof. Oaks antics and just pulled out a pokeball from their pockets.

Joseph and Lorelei threw their poke balls in the air then their pokemons revealed.

Lorelei sent a Dewgong and Joseph sent Machamp.

'Lorelei is taking me seriously huh.' Joseph thought then his face became serious.

"That Machamp's muscle power looks good." Bruno commented while sizing up Joseph's Machamp.

"Both pokemons are ready, let the match start!" Prof. Oak waved his hand.

"Dewgong use Ice Shard and distance your self!" Lorelei fixed her glasses.

"Machamp deflect those ice shards using Wake-up slap and rush towards the enemy." Joseph immediately instructed.

Lorelei's Dewgong keeps sending Ice Shards but it was futile, Joseph's Machamp keeps slapping the Ice shards like a DBZ character deflecting weak ki waves coming from the enemy.

"Dewgong don't let that Machamp reach you, use Aqua Jet to distance yourself!" Lorelei's eyes narrowed, the opponent's Machamp is a strong one.

Dewgong continuously distanced herself from the Machamp and sent Ice Shards.

"This situation is quite tricky." Joseph seriously said. "Machamp don't chase her and use your Ultimate Move!!" Joseph shouted.

'Ultimate move?!' All of the spectator and Lorelei's expression became serious, they are waiting to see what kind of surprise this young man will show them today.

"Maachaaammp!!" Machamp let out a frightening roar then he flexed his muscles like doing a Saido Chesto pose and winked at Dewgong, Dewgong immediately blushed like a maiden in love.

Dewgong was so distracted that the things only running inside her head is the beautiful sculpture like body of Machamp that's so manly.

"A-Attract?!" Lorelei was dumbfounded.

All of the spectators hold their tummies and prevent themselves to laugh, who would know that the Machamp knows Attract.

"Good! You are indeed a chad, Machamp! Now finish her with our real Ultimate Move while she's distracted!" Joseph waved his hands they practiced it in the Battle Tree over and over untill the perfected this move.

"Dewgong snap out from daydreaming!!" Lorelei shouted but it was not effective.

Machamp made a huge boulder using the rock type energy and carried it with his four arms then he rushed towards the infatuated Dewgong.

When Machamp and Dewgong's distance are just 20 meters Machamp suddenly jumped in the air then he slammed the huge boulder to Dewgong.

After being hit by the huge boulder, Dewgong briefly came back to her senses and tried to use her flappers to pushback the boulder.

"Machamp it's time!" Joseph excitedly said.

"Maaacha! macha! macha! ...." Machamp sent a barrage of punches in the boulder and it keeps pressing down the poor Dewgong untill it fainted.