
Chapter 33: Departure to Petalburg City

"Yuli, could I trouble you to take your brothers and sisters outside to play?"

Rex said to Yuli.

After receiving the group led by Director Neino, Rex welcomed them into the hall of his own house. After exchanging pleasantries with Director Neino, Rex asked Yuli to take those innocent little ones out to play.

After all, the upcoming interview process might be a bit dull for them, so it would be better to let them play around the farm on their own.

Since the establishment of the Taillow tribe, they had already regarded the farm as their territory. Swellow would regularly send the Taillow underlings to patrol the farm and drive away wild Pokémon trying to intrude.

Especially in the area where Rex lived, the patrols were extremely strict. And now, accompanying the little ones were also the Poliwag and Shiny Mareep. Their strength was not to be underestimated, and ordinary wild Pokémon wouldn't be their match.

"Well, how about you, Yui and Yuta? Do you want to work at the Rex Farm?"

Director Neino directly asked the two of them about their intentions. Only if they agreed would Rex proceed with the interview.

"I... I'll stay at the orphanage to help the director take care of the younger siblings for now. This opportunity should be given to Yuta!"

After hesitating for a while, Yui firmly answered.

"No, my dream is to become a Pokémon Trainer. This opportunity should be given to Yui!"

Yuta knew that Yui wanted to give this opportunity to him, but he didn't want to accept this gift and wanted to give it to her instead.

"Director Neino, it seems that Rex Farm isn't that attractive to them. They don't want to work here!"

Rex found this scene amusing and couldn't help but tease.

"Since both of them don't agree, then let's forget about this recruitment. But I'm still very grateful to you, Rex, for giving them this opportunity."

Director Neino looked at the two of them, feeling quite helpless.

"No, that's not it. I actually want to join Rex Farm, but as an older sister, how can I compete with my younger brother for this opportunity?"

Yui hurriedly explained when she saw things didn't go well.

"Yui, you've been working hard to take care of our daily life. As a man, I can't compete with you for this opportunity!"

Yuta scratched his head and also expressed his true feelings.

"How can I say anything when you're like this!"

Director Neino understood the dilemma the two were facing. But she couldn't blame them for it. She could only feel a bit sorry because her savings could only sustain the operation of the orphanage and couldn't support Yuta's path as a Trainer.

Becoming a Pokémon Trainer wasn't just about capturing a Pokémon. It also required providing enough resources for the Pokémon's growth. Otherwise, the Pokémon raised would only be pets without much combat power, and the cost of these resources was often quite expensive.

After capturing a certain number of Pokémon, there also needed to be a place to foster them. According to the research of the Pokémon League, a Trainer traveling outside could only take care of up to six Pokémon at most. Beyond this number, it would be impossible to ensure the growth of each Pokémon.

Forcing to carry a large number of Pokémon would require the Trainer to spend a lot of food every day to supply these Pokémon, making it impossible to stay in the wild for a long time.

This was also the reason why Rex, who traveled through, chose to invest all his money into Rex Farm.

As it turned out, his choice was correct. With the growth of Rex Farm, his income also increased. Based on the current output of the farm, he could already support his progress on the path of becoming a Trainer.

Rex, who had seen too many relatives turn against each other for profit in his previous life and the students who failed to benefit from the assistance ending up in a bad situation, also admired the genuine consideration between Yuta and Yui, despite not being related by blood.

"I don't remember saying I only recruit one person. I'll give you three months of probation. If your work satisfies me, then I'll hire you. But if you're unable to perform this job, I'll choose to dismiss all of you!"

Although Rex admired them, he still needed to adhere to certain principles. After all, there must be rules to follow, and only then could one be a qualified manager.

"Really? Thank you, boss!"

"I'll work hard and make sure not to slack off."

Yuta and Yui hurriedly expressed their gratitude.

"In that case, I'll leave them to you, Rex!"

Director Neino was also very happy with this result. Finally, there was a good outcome.

"Oh, by the way, one of the benefits for employees at Rex Farm is that we provide starter Pokémon!"

Rex said to the two of them.

"Really? When can I get the starter Pokémon?"

Yuta stood up excitedly and eagerly asked. Although Yuli had mentioned before they left that Rex Farm would provide starter Pokémon to employees, he still felt a bit nervous until Rex confirmed it himself.

"In our Rex Farm, we have a tribe of Taillow. You can interact with them more often. If you can gain the recognition of one of the Taillow, you can capture it. Alternatively, you can wait until the Taillow lay eggs, and you can obtain a Taillow Pokémon Egg. You can consider the specifics yourselves."

Rex knew that as the number of employees at Rex Farm increased, he couldn't personally go to Orange Forest to help them capture starter Pokémon. So, he decided to make the starter Pokémon at the farm Taillow!

The tribe of Taillow had already expanded to more than 50 birds. These were recruited by Swellow from its birthplace, but there shouldn't be any more recruitment of wild Taillow in the future.

Because some of the Taillow on the farm were already showing signs of laying eggs. In the future, relying on the Taillow Pokémon Eggs produced would be enough to meet the needs of their population expansion and reproduction.

Rex also hoped that the two of them could gain the recognition of the Taillow. However, the difficulty was quite high because these Taillow had undergone significant growth after Rex's training and some were no longer suitable as starter Pokémon.

"Got it, boss. I'll work hard to gain the recognition of the Taillow."

Yuta said earnestly.

This would be his first step towards becoming a Pokémon Trainer. How could he not be excited?

For Yui, it wasn't so urgent. Her attitude towards raising Pokémon was more casual. Having them or not was fine.

"Director Neino, it's almost noon. Let's go and bring Yuli and the others back, then have lunch together!"

Rex glanced at the time on his phone and found that it was almost 12 o'clock noon. He said to Director Neino.

"Then, thank you, Rex, for your hospitality!"

Director Neino thanked Rex.

Before long, Rex found the few children who were playing with the Mareep and brought them back to the hall amidst their reluctant gazes.

After lunch, Rex took everyone for a tour around Rex Farm. By the evening, he saw off Director Neino

 and her group. This time, Rex had already arranged for a special car to send them back in advance.

As for Yui and Yuta, they also went back because they needed to pack their luggage. Rex would have Swellow pick them up tomorrow, and then they would be probationary employees of Rex Farm.

"Boss, thank you!"

After seeing Director Neino and her group off, Yuli said to Rex.

To avoid suspicion, she rarely spoke today. When she saw her younger siblings giving up their own interests for each other's future, Yuli was also very pleased, but she also felt sorry for them for losing this opportunity. It was hard to come across such a good boss like Rex elsewhere.

However, after Rex recruited both of them, Yuli suddenly felt that things were turning around, and she was very grateful to Rex. She felt that it might be because of her that Rex made this decision.

"No need to be polite. Rex Farm is continuously growing, and the number of employees will increase in the future."

Rex's salary to Yuli had now increased to 10,000 Alliance Coins per month. Although this was somewhat lower compared to the value she contributed, it was still a very generous offer considering that Rex provided the materials and machinery for making Energy Blocks.

As for Yui and Yuta, the salary he offered during the probationary period was 3,000 Alliance Coins per month, and it would increase to 5,000 Alliance Coins per month after they became regular employees.

In the following days, Rex entrusted the farm affairs to Yuli and the other two. When they became familiar with the specific affairs, Rex planned to go to Petalburg City.

This time, Rex planned to travel to Petalburg City as a Pokémon Trainer and walk there, so it would take quite some time.

(End of Chapter)

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