
Pokemon Hellfire(Dropped)

In the world where pokemon and humans coexist, main character found an opportunity to go back in time to fix his life and decided to live to become the strongest. This story is inspired by novel Rise of the Dark Pokemon and other realistic pokemon novels. Some of the basic information is still same as those but the plot line is different. P.s: The first few chapters are like narrative explanation to help readers better understanding with only small interacting between characters.

Hein_Nay_Zaw · Video Games
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32 Chs

Chapter 8

With intense speed training for five years, Jack speed is faster than most initial form pokemon. After running for half an hour he arrived at the relatively safe place. Jack grasp his breath and release his pokemon in order to tame it.

When he release the pokemon it is already injured, so he applied the potion he bought with 10 points but he only use a little portion of it in order not to let zubat fly away. Zubat woke up after applying a little portion of potion. Realizing he has been caught zubat tries to rebel but with his still injured wings it is very difficult. Without being able to fly and ultrasonic bat repellent that disturb his abilities of supersonic and astonish zubat can't perform any basic abilities. As for the hereditary abilities it is still developing. Only after evolving into 2nd stage Golbat it will be able to use it.

After struggling for some time and looking at exhausted zubat Jack said him kindly, "Hey zubat, my name is Jack and I will be your trainer in your future. Do not resist and become my pokemon then I will treat your wings. How about that. Not only that I will not mistreat you and feed you what you want to eat. You don't have to worry about anyhing all you have to do is train diligently as I tell you and I will make you to become the strongest pokemon out there."

After saying that zubat expression sparkled for a moment but turned into dumb expression for an instant pretending not to understand. Seeing this Jack laughed. What a cunning and smart little brat. Pokemon who are born not long after is supposed to simple and easy to deceive but he is a cunning little one which makes Jack wants to conquer it even more.

Jack suddenly turned into serious expression and said, "I know you understand me very well I don't want to play games with you. If you won't believe me fine. I will prove it to you." while he said that he take out one of the arrows and cut his wrist. Although it hursts a lot, Jack endure and does not change his expression and said, "Here drink this, I know you are hungry, but I don't have anything on me so I will offer my blood and proof to you that I am not joking."

Hearing what Jack said, zubat expression eased a lot. In his life he has to try everything by himself nobody is willing to hurt theirselves in order to feed him. This is the first time for him. After witnessing Jack willing to hurt himself with no hesitation in order to gain his trust it capture his heart. Not many people can nor willing to do what Jack did right now. No matter how smart he his, he is still very young and in need of affection." Zubat nodded his head and drink only a little of Jack blood. Just to regain his energy.

Jack is very happy to see zubat nodding and said, "I assure you that you won't regret the decision you make." and applied the rest of the potion on his wings. The injury on the wings are only superficial and they disappear in no time. Jack knows that the most effective way to deal with smart pokemon is most direct and sincere way.

When the injury disappears, zubat can fly again and he land on Jack shoulder. Seeing this Jack patted his head and said, "Don't worry you will be come the strongest pokemon in the future. I will make you into it." Hearing that zubat nodded with firm resolution and in his eyes and said, "zu.. zu" and gave Jack a look of " Leave it to me."

Jack smiled and said to zubat. "I belive you. Now get some rest I am going to buy some high quality blood for you and later you will have an intense training." Zubat nodded Jack took back zubat in his pokeball and let him rest.

From this moment a deep connection of a man and a bat is born. After successfully conquering his first pokemon zubat, he goes back to Team rocket headquarter for his reward. Jack is confident that he will get the first price because nobody other than him can the see the information of pokemon and see which one is new born. Most new born pokemon are in the colonies being protected. Jack is lucky that he choose to conquer a zubat, if it is other pokemon it will probably take a lot longer even if he prepare for it.

Although in this world, there are many dangerous pokemon there are also easy ones to tame mainly grass type, some common normal like pidgey or some initial evolution of bug pokemon like catepillar. But these islands are specifically made for training team rocket so they are no mild pokemons. Each and every pokemon here is brutal and has strong hostility against humans as they were caught and even abuse by pokemon poachers and release on this island. So if they met human they will strike to kill them. Even if they will caught these pokemon does not listen to trainers unless they think they are worthy or force them to summit them with enough force. Unless you encounter a baby pokemon like Jack it will take a long time to convince pokemon to become its trainer.

The next pokemon he plans to capture is of inborn light blue aptitude which is highest aptitude born in that species but it is still an egg and not even born yet. It will born a month after the trial start and according to the memory of his past life some lucky got an egg and after it hatch it has light blue aptitude. With this he got to top three in the trial and chosen by the executive to directly work under him. With the support of executive it will hard not to be strong. But there is still a month for that and he needs the reward for training.