
Pokemon Gray

The fight between truth and ideals, a confrontation that continues through the ages and which never seems to have an end. This story tries to capture the essence of Unova, what each character represents and what was one of the best if not the best Pokémon story. -Pokémon and the image do not belong to me, and I only try to interpret the characters through this fanfic. -Any advice to improve is welcome. -The story is inspired by the game and not the anime. -There will be small changes, but I will be as faithful to the story as possible. -The names of some characters change depending on the language, so I will name them as I know them. -At the start the writing is quite simple, but I improve my writing in every chapter, so don't worry :P.

Grim_Jester · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Going to Opelucid City

The next morning, Touya woke up early and quickly went to a cleared area in front of his house to practice the new form of Darmanitan.

Being in front of the sea, the mornings were very cold and relaxing, being a perfect time to practice this skill.

Touya threw a pokeball and Darmanitan came out a bit asleep still.

"Well friend, today we are going to practice that form that you used in the Relic castle, I want to know what it can do exactly" Touya said in a calm tone as he looked at Darmanitan with curiosity.

"Darmanitan" said Darmanitan with a serious tone and a little excited.

Darmanitan relaxed his body and mind, closed his eyes and put himself in the same position as the last time, this time managing to shift up to his chest, but without reaching his head.

Touya looked closely at Darmanitan's changes, as well as being very surprised by this.

After a couple more minutes and several attempts, Darmanitan managed to change his entire body to one equal to that of that statue.

When he opened his eyes Touya could see that they were totally white and gave off calm, concentration and even a little wisdom.

"Hey friend, can you talk?" Touya asked looking at Darmanitan curiously.

Darmanitan said nothing and just sat there focused and calm.

Just as Touya was about to speak again, he heard his mother's voice coming out of the house.

"Touya, it's time for breakfast!" Touya's mom said from her home with a smile.

"I'm going!" Touya said quickly turning his attention back to Darmanitan.

Touya's mom could notice a strange pokemon in front of him and went to take a look out of curiosity.

"Wow, I've never seen this pokemon" said Touya's mother, very surprised by Darmanitan's appearance.

"He is a Darmanitan, but apparently he can change his shape to this one when he is very concentrated, although now I don't know how to get him out of that state" Touya said as he scratched the back of his neck with a bit of concern.

"Hmm, he has the same face as me when you tell me a joke" Touya's mother said with a mocking smile when noticing Darmanitan's indifferent face.

"That hurt mom, that hurt a lot" Touya said as he dramatically clutched his chest.

"It's like a rock, besides being quite sturdy" Touya's mom said as she poked Darmanitan with her finger.

"Yeah but if he can't move it's not very useful to say" Touya said while trying to think of something.

Touya tried to remember what he knew about people who did meditation from movies and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

"Hey friend, can you use psychic?" Touya said expectantly as he looked at Darmanitan.

Darmanitan didn't say anything or move, but after a few seconds his body became covered in some kind of distortion and he began to float in the air.

"Wow, he seems to be a psychic type now" Touya's mother said very impressed to see Darmanitan floating.

"Haha!, look at that, you are awesome friend" Touya said with great excitement when noticing Darmanitan's abilities.

Darmanitan returned to the ground and came out of his form with a bit of difficulty, although he seemed very tired mentally.

"It seems like it takes a lot of mental strain to keep that shape, it's not bad after all it's a very useful skill" Touya said as he put a hand on his chin in a thoughtful tone.

"Practice while you're in the pokeball, get out and in of that form until it's easy for you, but don't push yourself too hard" Touya said to Darmanitan with a thoughtful and warning tone making him nod seriously.

"Well let's eat or it'll get cold" Touya's mother said with a warning tone and then went together with Touya and Darmanitan to the inside of the house.


After having breakfast together with his pokemon, Touya is currently leaving his house.

"See you mom, thanks for everything" Touya said with a grateful smile towards his mother in front of him.

"There's nothing to be thankful for, be careful son and no matter what happens, come back safe and sound" Touya's mother said with concern and almost shedding some tears.

Touya was a bit shocked because of this and almost cried a bit too, but he just hugged his mother tightly.

"I promise mom, I'll always be here to annoy you" Touya said hugging his mother tightly and lovingly.

After a hug that lasted a few minutes, Touya left his home and went to Opelucid City.

'I still don't know what to do, but if there is a good place to decide it is in the pokemon league' Touya thought with determination as he went to Opelucid City.

After going all over Unova again, Touya arrived at Icirrus City again and went to ask for directions for the next route, since the road that was in sight was covered by water, fog and rain.

Touya walked through the small town and saw that there was no one outside, which was logical since it was very cold so Touya put on his dark blue coat.

After walking around for a while looking for somewhere to ask for directions, Touya came across a small house with a sign in front of it.

"~Pokemon fan club, the biggest lovers of trainers and their pokemon~" Touya read the small poster decorated with lots of drawings and colors.

Being attracted by curiosity Touya knocked on the door twice and received an answer from the other side.

"I'm going!" said a voice of what appeared to be an old man from within.

After a few seconds the door opened showing an old man elegantly dressed in a green suit and with a calm smile.

"Ohh, a young trainer, what brings you here young man?" the old man said in a slow and calm tone.

"Good afternoon sir, I wanted to ask you about how to get to Opelucid City since I could notice that the road is blocked by water and a dense fog" Touya said with a small smile and respectful tone.

"I know the answer to your dilemma young man, but it is best to speak inside, the cold is freezing these old bones" said the old man with a little cold.

"No need, just tell me and I'll go" Touya said quickly denying a bit ashamed.

"No buts young man, at this age you should start taking care of your body, so you will live much longer" said the old man with a warning tone and then entering the house.

"O-ok" Touya said entering the house with great difficulty almost as if he was looking for mines.

Upon entering Touya could notice a Krokorok, a Munna and two people both of the same age as Touya.

"Welcome to the pokemon fan club! My name is Lina" Lina said with emotion which was a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"M-mine is Max, nice to meet you" said Max who was a young man with black hair and green eyes who seemed a bit shy.

"And I'm Frank, nice to meet you young" said old Frank with a calm smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Touya a pokemon trainer" Touya said introducing himself with a small smile.

"Wow, you're a trainer huh? Tell me how many badges do you have and how long have you been traveling?" Lina said with excitement and curiosity just like the rest

"I have 7 and I started my journey a little over a week ago" Touya said taking out his badge box and showing it to everyone.

"Quite a future star if it took you so little" Frank said with a smile as he scratched his beard.

"I-it's amazing" Max said quite impressed.

After a few more questions and drinking some hot chocolate, old Frank said.

"Well young man, what did you come to, to get to Opelucid city you must go through Route 8, the one that is blocked by a lake, following this path" said Frank and then made Touya take out his map and later mark a path in this.

"If you travel this way with a water type pokemon everything will be much easier" said Frank in a calm and slow tone.

"Thanks for everything" Touya said with a grateful smile.

"No need, remember that now you have a small fan club even before being champion" said old Frank with an excited smile.

"I'm not completely sure that I can become champion" Touya said scratching the back of his neck with a bit of pity.

"Oh young man, this old man can smell talent and I'm sure I won't regret being your first fan" Frank said with a confident and confident tone.

"Grandpa is never wrong so I support you too!" Lina said as she hugged Munna lovingly.

"I-it's best not to disagree with her, s-so I support you too" Max said nervously as Krokorok patted him on the back for the effort.

'It's very nice to see how they get along so well' Touya thought when he saw the affection between the pokemon and the fans.

And after saying goodbye to the pokemon fan club, Touya went to Route 8.

A little question, what do you think about the history right now?, is there something wrong or is it okay?, I'm writing the last chapters because I already have like 15 chapters ready, so it would be good to know if I have to change something :P

Grim_Jestercreators' thoughts