
Pokemon: Gates of Heaven

People and pokemon have a very rich and complicated history. Tales of Wars, Myths of heros, Stories of creatures still beyond human comprehension. All centered around people and pokemon. These stories show we haven't always been friends. Society has developed into a delicate phase of peace and prosperity. People and pokemon have reached an equilibrium at which they view each other as friends, companions or even family. But just like any relationship, there are issues and there will always be an end. With the progression of sciences more is known now about pokemon, now than ever before. But with that knowledge come power, progression, and danger. What will happen when the innovation of man causes the world to collapse? A better question, what would come if that broken world is what people desire?

Space_Kitten · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Avril's Super Secret Spy Journal

(Week One)

Hello. I'm Avril. I suppose I'll call you Mr. Book. Mrs. Silvia told me that I should start a journal about myself. She told me to be sure that I write my thoughts and feelings every so often, like I'm talking to a person who knows absolutely nothing about me. She told me I should first write about myself first, so that you could understand what I talk about in the entries. She also told me that I needed to keep it a secret, especially from papa, like a person from the spy movies. That being said, I suppose you don't know who Mrs. Silvia or papa is. Mrs. Silvia, is the closest thing to a mother I have ever known, or rather remember, and papa is the Orphanage Director Mr. Cottonwood. I'm an orphan and papa and Mrs. Silvia take care of me. There are others like Mr. Gregory and Timothy, but they are really only around sometimes most notably for the end test days, though you wouldn't know what those are either.

Every month since I can remember I have been given an emotion. The emotions change with the months and there are lots of them like Interest, Joy, Surprise, Sadness, Anger, Shyness, Guilt and Pain among many others. The months are built around each emotion, from the way I'm treated to what I do for extra activities. Every day for the entire month I am taught by Mr. Alakazam, we call him Steve, Mr. Infernape, or George, and Mrs. Mr. Mime. Her name is Michelle. These parts never change, and are training with knowledge, physical strength and special abilities respectively. After that we have our activity this varies from day to day, sometimes it is a type of puzzle, other times it is learning a small craft, a new skill or practicing other things I've already done. There is the rare occasion that I have a test though, and those are the worst. Actually no those aren't the worst the shots are the worst, those are second though, easily.

The tests are full day trials where I'm in some form of puzzle or test sometimes with Lucy and Thomas sometimes not. They start from the moment I wake up. There have been a few tests that I have woken up in places I have never seen before, but I know I'm always being watched. One test I was locked inside my bedroom for twelve hours, everything had been removed even the bed. I was alone in my room with nothing and no one, the door was blocked, locked and covered. It was a complete room of white, then again the month was loneliness, I had only seen five other people that month and they weren't even people, they were Pokémon. I suppose I am used to seeing more Pokémon than people however, but this just felt wrong. There was another test where I had been placed in the middle of a dense forest. I had spent two days cowering in fear of all the violent Pokémon that I had seen. I had seen Pokémon fighting and ripping each other apart, and any time I tried to run it seemed like it was following me. Luckily I had Lucy and Thomas were there with me, we all struggled through that one together. It's a miracle we didn't die.

Lucy and Thomas are my best friends and I suppose you could say my only friends. We've been together for as long as I can remember typically it is only us three in lessons, and activities. Occasionally I will disappear for a day or two, typically for a test, sometimes they will be missing for a day or two as well. It gets really lonely without them but they always come back. We are usually a little shaken when we return, but the others are always there to comfort you. The tests always push our emotional boundaries, and it really sucks.

Shots are the only thing that's worse, and these are similar to the tests, however ... these are the big tests I guess you could say. I lied earlier when I said the emotion changes every month, its true but there are two that do not. Those two are Pain and Happiness. Happiness is the emotion that falls on the month July, which is the month I was born. Pain falls on January. On Happiness months, I always have fun and I get gifts and there are no tests. Everyone is super nice and Papa spends extra time with me. It's the best. However at the beginning of the month I have to take a shot. These are this shiny liquid in these weird looking things called syringes, and are poked into my arm or leg or occasionally the neck and I feel like I am burning from the inside out. Last time it took about two days to be able to see again, three to walk, and five before I could will myself to talk verbally. I hate the shots. I hate the shots. I hate the shots. I hate the shots. I hate the shot. I really hate the shots. I REALLY HATE THE SHOTS! ... I'm alright now.

Then theirs the month of pain that sucks just about as bad as the shots. I am typically put into positions that are just painful, everything seems to go wrong, even unintentionally. These are the months that I typically stub my toe, step on a thumbtack fall down the stairs, touch a fire types exhaust flames, once all three happened in ten seconds. Not to mention that the teachers seem to push extra hard this month and the extra activities always result in me getting cut or burned, or end up bleeding in some way shape or form. The whole month is utterly miserable.

The only exceptions are Sundays. This is my free day and the only one where I can do whatever I want. I can escape the security cameras and I can write this book. I also have no classes, no activities, and no tests. It is my free day, and the only day I am allowed out of what is referred to as the "Labs" by the other children. They don't like me much though. They try to keep their distance, and the few times that I do speak to them they always get mad about being the favorite, so I decided I don't need them. There are a few that are nice but they are always dragged away by one of their mean friends, so I'm mostly alone. No more alone than normal I suppose because I still Lucy and Thomas. Not to mention I have my two new friends Clover and Noah. Clover is a Pokémon named Absol, the disaster Pokémon. A real ominous title, but she is a sweetheart. She even decided to take in a lost Zorua pup she had found abandoned for its unusual coloration. He's Noah.

I often sneak off the Facility to go into the nearby forest and play with them. Clover says that she has never met a person able to communicate with Pokémon before, which surprised me, but I suppose I have always been seen as special. I'm sure its nothing like that, and people are just not looking hard enough for others. There are a lot of people in this world. I'm not even that good at it yet. Some things I can't understand and there is a good portion of the time that it all is just a jumbled mess of noises and underlying messages in my head.

Anyways, I got to play with them today and It was an absolute blast! We played hide and seek, and a fun game of guess who, where Noah worked on his ability to form illusions. With Clover around we don't have to really worry about the other Pokémon of the forest as she can deal with most of them and the ones she can't we can run from. They also don't show up all that often.

It's getting late and I have to return soon before they start looking for me. So I am going to have to say goodbye for now. I had a real fun time talking with you. Goodbye for now.

(Week Two)

Hello again, Mr. Book. I hope your having a better week than me. The week started off as well as any other week in this month I suppose. This month's emotion is boredom, and it sucks in itself. All of my books and toys are taken away and everything is just so monotone bland and boring. Normally that's not a problem, and I wished this week had just a normal boring. But on Wednesday, Papa, called me into his office. Typically this is a good thing, because I like spending time with Papa, but this wasn't a good visit.

Papa introduced me to Mrs. Heather. He told me that she was going to take care of me from now on. I was confused at first because that was Mrs. Silvia job. I asked about her but he told me not to worry about it, but I didn't relent. Eventually he yelled at me and kicked me out of the room. I started to cry and that's when I ran into Timothy. Timothy asked why I was crying and I told him everything. After I asked him what happened to Mrs. Silvia. He told me she died. She was killed by an angry primeape.

That didn't go over very well and I ran off to find the primeape that did it. There are only a few on the daycare grounds, and I knew what part they lived in so finding them wasn't too difficult, but I was scared.

See, the primeapes aren't violent or mean they just are really touchy and get angry fast. I only talked to them once and it was all fine until I accidentally said something that made them angry. I ran off before I could make it worse but they got really scary.

I don't know what I was hoping for but I definitely didn't get it. When I got there I accused them of killing my mother. I had never really called Mrs. Silvia mom, but in the moment it felt right. They seemed rather shocked and after some screaming and crying we came to an understanding it wasn't their fault. Thinking back I'm surprised they didn't try to hurt me for yelling at them. Maybe it was because they met something angrier than them for once? I don't know, but I suppose that's one of the smaller questions I have after it all. What really happened to Mom. That was the question that has stuck with me the most. I spent the next few days crying with Lucy and Thomas after telling them everything.

(Week Three)

Hi again Mr. Book. I'm back. Sorry for the rather sudden ending yesterday, I started crying while I was talking and your pages were getting wet, so I had to stop. Everything is ok now. I miss Mrs. Silvia but she told me to always smile and laugh so That's what I'll do. No mater the pain or the sorrow I'll laugh just like she told me too. She used to say that sometimes the most inappropriate of times to laugh and smile is also the times when it's needed the most. I never understood what she meant until now.

I've done my best to smile my way though all of this and I actually am feeling better not only that I can feel that Lucy and Thomas aren't as sad anymore too. I've decided from now on I'll smile at pain and laugh at sorrow I'll never be down again. Thanks Mr. Book your making me feel better already. Onto my week It was alright all things considered It was yet again another boring week and I had a test too. I was stuck with Lucy and Thomas in my room again, barren with nothing but a marker and a whiteboard. I suppose this month was supposed to be for me to find ways to derive imagination from boredom, but I didn't want my brain running wild this week so I mostly slept. We tried to draw a story on the whiteboard but after the prince had been brutally torn apart by the savage sandiles on his way to rescue the princess we realized that wasn't the best of ideas.

We found other things to do however. Lucy and I practiced trying to levitate each other with Telekinesis she did a lot better than me. Thomas was trying to use a move he saw a Lucario in the training grounds. It was called Aura sphere, I think. Wait, did I ever tell you what Pokémon Lucy and Thomas are? ... Nope, I'm pretty sure I didn't, sorry. Lucy is a ralts and Thomas is an eevee. Thomas has always looked up to this lucario that we frequently run into in the training grounds. He's super strong, probably one of the strongest Pokémon in the whole facility. He is super fast too. Once we saw him training with a Crustle, using bullet punch to deflect a rock slide. Rocks were turned to dust under his fists as he wasn't even scratched by the attack. We all tried to copy him by punching one of the boulders he decided to dodge instead of brake, but we ended up hurting ourselves instead. He seemed pretty amused by it. He was super nice and he actually decided to teach us how to focus ourselves. Apparently what he taught us was the basics for moves like calm mind, focus blast, and aura sphere. Point of the story is, I managed to use aura sphere, a rather pitiful excuse of the attack but none the less I did it, and I am proud of myself. Thomas got upset and wouldn't talk to me until the day after, but he eventually forgave me.

Other than that this week was really boring. Next week is a new emotion I hope it will get better. Thanks for listening Mr. Book, Just talking to you can make me feel better, Mrs. Silvia must have known bad things were about to happen because you really are helping me, I'm glad I met you Mr. Book. Goodbye for now.

(Week 4)

Salutations, Mr. Book. Salutations, I like that word it makes me feel really smart. This months emotion is curiosity, so I'm learning a lot. This is the second time I've had this emotion and last time was really fun. The first week, this week, we find what I'm interested in. I really like learning about Pokémon and their characteristics. Then there is gymnastics that I think is super cool too,. I want to be just like papa when I grow up so I want to learn as much about people and Pokémon so that I can help him in his research. I frequently tell him this, and his response is that I'm already helping more than I could understand. I don't know what that's about, but I know I could help more later so I think it is a good commitment.

Though I find the subjects fun sometimes it can get to be a little much, so that's when I can play around with Thomas and Lucy, with flips and tricks. It's just a lot of fun. I initially thought that they wouldn't accept the idea because it was less based on learning but practice so it doesn't exactly fit the emotion, but they seem to be getting a little more lax on what I'm allowed to do. It's probably because I'm getting older, I just turned nine a few months ago so maybe they will let me work with them on their research with them. Now that I think about it, what is their research even about? I know that papa works on the similarities between people and Pokémon, but I've never see him do actual experiments or tests on it. Maybe he is taking a break to raise me so that I can help him? That would make sense, after all if I'm as special as he seems to want me to think then that must be it.

Anyways, The activities are fun. I learned a lot about Pokémon this week we focused on learning more about the Deino and Slugma evolution lines. Apparently Deino is a very curious pokemon that has a tendency to greet things with it's teeth. If it likes what it tastes it will remember it forever and is inclined to eat it. It is a little unnerving to think about if a Deino were to say hello to a person and like how they tasted, but I think its a cute trait to have. It's evolved form zweilous is known for being extremely violent. It has two heads with two different personalities that have a tendency to fight with each other. I think that having a twin would be fun, but being stuck with them, not so much. It's final evolution is called hydreigon. It has only one dominant mind that is the victor between wills of it's two that it had in its previous stage. This will is then shared between brains connected as a form of hive mind. They all think the same but are actually capable of seeing and acting in three different ways if trained correctly. I think that is the coolest.

Then here is slugma. Slugma is a little lava slug that I still can't tell if I find cute or ugly. Slugma is a sad pokemon. It's body is completely made of magma, and it constantly runs the risk of cooling and breaking to peices, because of that it never stops eating and moving. If it does, its body will begin to harden placing the pokemon in fatal danger. It's evolved form is a little better. Magcargo has a core located in the center of its back that can burn to a temerature of 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit, or 10,000 degrees Celsius. It was initially believed that the body itself burned this hot as tests suggested, but it didn't make sense that the world wasn't damaged from them. It was later found that there are three layers to a Magcargos body. the first is it's core that has the previously stated temperature, then there is a layer of unique organ that absorbs that heat and transfers it into energy that magcargo uses to move, and refuel it's core. Then there is the third that secretes magma that it can control and cool, allowing for the Pokemon to move, eat and attack. Given the correct conditions it can live forever, it is also able to undergo fusion under unique and very specified conditions. It isn't possible for it to happen naturally, or at least there aren't any reports of it, and the exact method isn't clear, not that people should try and find out, however from what I understand it is statistically possible.

Super interesting stuff. Anyways I'm super excited for the next few weeks! I hope you are have a good week Mr. Book. You probably get super lonely considering that you are stuck in the dark for so long. I'm super sorry. I hope that I don't have to keep you there forever, maybe eventually I can find another place with more sun, I'll just have to find a good place, so please have patience ok. Thank you. I'll be sure to talk to you more next week.