
Pokemon: Final Days

. . . "I-I.... Where Am I?" 'So you're awake.....' "Huh?" 'So you do not remember, this world is now your responsibility' "Wha- How? Why?" 'You shall unveil it yourself, for I, Arceus will support you in this world' "Arce-WHAT!" 'I shall grant you what the protagonists of other worlds have - A system' "A Pokemon God giving a system? Pokemon world with a system?!?!" Fates, Balance, Order, Space and Time, Will He know the true secrets of this world? Join our hero in for he transmigrated to the world of Pokemon. . . . .

HastySeptemberPH · Fantasy
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27 Chs


• Haru - Main Character of the PFD Universe. Send by Arceus to reincarnate to a Parallel World of his though a past version. Past life memories lock until the age of 10.

• Arceus - The Pokemon God of Pokemon Multiverse.

• System - name not yet created. Made by Arceus to help the Main Character throughout his journey.

• Kasumi - Childhood Friend/Potential Rival/Potential Romance (?) of Main Character.

• Helen - Main Character's Mother. A Pokemon Researcher and Scientist.

• Kevin - Main Character's Father. A Former League Champion and A Pokemon Paleontologist.

• Kurumi - Kasumi's Mother. A close friend of both Haru's Parents. Former Assistant of Pokemon Professor Samuel Oak of the Kanto Region and working as an Assistant to Helen.

• Takeru - Kasumi's Father. A close friend of both Haru's Parents. A Former Gym Leader and A Pokemon Archeologist.

• Professor Rowan - A Pokemon Professor residing in Sinnoh Region. He Specialize Pokemon Evolution. He is an old friend of Professor Oak. He has a stern personality that makes him seem intimidating and mean, but he is actually very kind and patient. Rowan says he still feels a thrill whenever he travels anywhere with his Pokémon. He apparently has a sweet tooth, as the refrigerator in his laboratory is full of nothing but sweets and candy.

•The Sensational Sisters - are a group consisting of Misty's three older sisters, Daisy, Violet, and Lily. Different from the Original Series, this 3 disguised themselves as the Gym Leader and battle our Main Character and His Childhood friend, though they lost, they did not gave up like in the original series.

•Lt. Surge - is the Gym Leader of Vermilion City's Gym. Lt. Surge is known as the "Lightning Lieutenant". Apparently, he is or was an American soldier who fought in at least one war, during which Electric-type Pokémon saved his life. As a member of the army, Surge was a strict CO, and was rather cautious. He was a pilot as well, and used Electric-type Pokémon to power his planes, a practice that in at least one occasion saved his life. He defeated our Main Character and His Childhood friend using only one Pokemon of his. After the battle, He then gave advice to them and asked them to learn this experience of defeat and will await their challenge to him once again.