
Pokemon: Final Days

. . . "I-I.... Where Am I?" 'So you're awake.....' "Huh?" 'So you do not remember, this world is now your responsibility' "Wha- How? Why?" 'You shall unveil it yourself, for I, Arceus will support you in this world' "Arce-WHAT!" 'I shall grant you what the protagonists of other worlds have - A system' "A Pokemon God giving a system? Pokemon world with a system?!?!" Fates, Balance, Order, Space and Time, Will He know the true secrets of this world? Join our hero in for he transmigrated to the world of Pokemon. . . . .

HastySeptemberPH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


*Author's note: Here's an early chapter 8 for you guys!


The sun rose high above the picturesque town of Lagoon, casting a warm golden glow upon its streets. Excitement hung in the air as Haru and his childhood friend, Kasumi, emerged from their first Pokémon battle. The battle had been fierce, each displaying their skills with their newly obtained starter Pokémon. Haru's Eevee had proven its strength against Kasumi's Piplup, and the victory left them both tired yet exhilarated.

As they caught their breath, Professor Rowan, who became their referee in their Pokemon Battle, approached them with a hint of awe in his eyes. "Impressive battle, Haru and Kasumi," he commended. "Your potential as Pokémon trainers is undeniable. I have an important proposition for you."

Both Haru and Kasumi exchanged curious glances, their hearts racing with anticipation. "What is it, Professor?" Haru asked, unable to hide his eagerness.

Professor Rowan smiled warmly. "I suggest to the two of you to participate in the Pokémon Indigo League here in Kanto Region. It's the same in Sinnoh Pokemon League though it's called the Lily of the Valley Conference. The Pokemon League is a prestigious tournament that brings together the most skilled trainers from all over the region. You need to collect 8 badges first to join the tournament. If you accept, it will be an incredible opportunity to showcase your talent and grow as trainers."

Haru's eyes widened with excitement, while Kasumi's face lit up with joy. The thought of battling in the Pokémon League filled them with a sense of adventure and purpose. Though he knows what Arceus said to him about his purpose here before reincarnating, it's still a novel to him, who was reincarnated for the 2nd time.

"But before you set off on your journey, I want you to visit Professor Oak in Pallet Town," Professor Rowan continued. "He is a wise and experienced Pokémon professor who can provide you with valuable guidance. He can also upgrade the Pokédex if he can see a problem in it. The Pokedex is a device that records data on all the Pokémon you encounter. It will be good if Professor Oak can upgrade it 'cause it will be an essential tool for your journey."

Haru and Kasumi nodded eagerly, ready to embark on their new quest. They bid farewell to Professor Rowan, who return to a Pokemon Laboratory near Vermillion and made their way back home to prepare for their journey. That evening, they sat with their parents, who shared stories of their own Pokémon adventures and offered words of caution and encouragement.

"Remember to always be careful, my dear," Haru's mother said, her eyes filled with a mix of pride and concern. "The world can be a challenging place, but I know you have the skills and determination to succeed. Although Professor Rowan gave you a Pokeball earlier, more Pokeballs can't hurt right. Take these potions and Poké Balls. They will come in handy during your battles."

"..." Haru's father looked at his wife speechlessly.

Kasumi's father nodded in agreement, his voice filled with a paternal tone. "And don't forget to take some food supplies. It's important to stay nourished and hydrated during your journey. We believe in you, Kasumi."

With their parents' blessings and provisions in hand, Haru and Kasumi woke up early the next day, their excitement palpable. They stepped out onto the familiar streets of Lagoon Town, the morning breeze refreshing against their faces. As they walked towards the nearby route that would lead them to Cerulean City, their hearts swelled with anticipation.

As Haru and Kasumi ventured further along their journey, the familiar town of Lagoon gradually gave way to the scenic landscape of Route 5. The route unfolded before them, revealing a picturesque path framed by tall grasses swaying gently in the breeze. The vibrant hues of wildflowers dotted the fields, adding splashes of color to the surrounding greenery. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the cheerful chirping of Pokémon hidden amidst the foliage.

The path itself was well-worn, with a compacted dirt trail leading the way. It meandered through rolling hills, occasionally offering glimpses of winding streams and distant mountains on the horizon. The route presented a serene and idyllic setting, a tranquil escape from the bustling town they had left behind.

As Haru and Kasumi walked along Route 5, they could feel the energy of the wild Pokémon around them. Occasionally, Pokémon would rustle in the tall grass, catching their attention and piquing their curiosity. They could spot playful Pidgeys soaring through the sky above, their wings outstretched as they rode the currents. Rattatas running through the fields, some oddishes walk through the grass, and Butterfrees danced in the sunlight, adding a touch of whimsy to the scene.

The two took their time exploring the route at a leisurely pace. They stopped to admire the beauty of the surroundings, taking in the sights and sounds of nature. The soft breeze disheveled their hair, and the warmth of the sun on their skin energized their spirits. It was a moment of peace and connection with the world around them, a reminder to them of the vastness of the Pokémon journey in front of them.

While the appearance of Route 5 was serene, it was not without its challenges. Occasionally, trainers would emerge from hidden nooks, eager to test their skills in battle. Haru and Kasumi engaged in friendly matches, their Pokémon showcasing their newfound abilities and growing stronger with each encounter. These battles served as valuable learning experiences, allowing them to refine their strategies and bond further with their Pokémon partners.

As Haru and Kasumi made their way through the middle of Route 5, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement within them. The beauty of the surroundings, coupled with the opportunities for training and exploration, set the stage for the adventures that awaited them in Cerulean City and beyond. With each step, they embraced the wonders of their journey and the infinite possibilities that lay ahead on the winding path of Route 5.

It wasn't long before their journey took an unexpected turn. As they ventured further along the route, Haru spotted a small Pokémon rustling in the tall grass. Curiosity sparked within him, and he couldn't resist investigating. With Eevee by his side, he cautiously approached the source of the commotion.

To his delight, he discovered a Pidgey, a small bird Pokémon with bright eyes and colorful plumage. Haru's heart raced as he decided to engage in a battle. Eevee leaped into action, displaying the moves they had practiced countless times. The battle was easy and Haru emerged victorious.

With a triumphant smile, Haru withdrew a Poké Ball from his belt and tossed it towards the weakened Pidgey. The ball shook once, twice, and then emitted a satisfying click. Haru had successfully captured his first wild Pokémon.

[Ding! First Pokemon Capture: Pidgey (Lvl. 10)

Rewards: 5% experience points for Eevee, 5x Oran Berries & A Town Map ]

"Woah! Town Map?!" As I looked into the rewards, my eyes fell on the Town Map which will be very handy on our Pokemon Journey.

[ You still have a Pokemon Egg to claim, host ]

"I'll do that after we reach Cerulean City, System" said by Haru.

[ Affirmative! Have fun of your adventure! I'll exuse myself for now. Don't bother for a while ] Then the system screen in front of me vanished while I looked at it dumbfoundedly.

Meanwhile, Kasumi had been exploring the area as well when she stumbled upon a Jigglypuff, a small and adorable balloon-like Pokémon. Instantly smitten by its charm, Kasumi couldn't resist capturing it. "It's so cute, Haru!" she exclaimed, showing off her newly caught Pokémon.

Haru chuckled, feeling a surge of pride for his friend, He showed a big thumbs up. "It suits you, Kasumi. With Jigglypuff by your side, your team is off to a great start."

"Hmph, I know that it suits me." Although Kasumi shows a haughty look in her face, her smile never fade away because of what I said.

With their captures secured, Haru and Kasumi continued their journey towards Cerulean City, their hearts brimming with newfound determination. The journey had begun, and the destiny of two aspiring Pokémon trainers unfolded before them, like an unwritten tale waiting to be told.