
Pokemon: Final Days

. . . "I-I.... Where Am I?" 'So you're awake.....' "Huh?" 'So you do not remember, this world is now your responsibility' "Wha- How? Why?" 'You shall unveil it yourself, for I, Arceus will support you in this world' "Arce-WHAT!" 'I shall grant you what the protagonists of other worlds have - A system' "A Pokemon God giving a system? Pokemon world with a system?!?!" Fates, Balance, Order, Space and Time, Will He know the true secrets of this world? Join our hero in for he transmigrated to the world of Pokemon. . . . .

HastySeptemberPH · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 11: The Battle of Golden Dreams: Nugget Bridge Challenge!

After their exhilarating victory at the Cerulean City Gym, Haru and Kasumi were eager to explore the city further. They said goodbye to the Sensational Sisters and go outside the gym as they want to roam the City for a while.

"....Lily! Violet! Daisy! I saw two trainers outside the gym. Did the three of you use our names again as gym leaders?" Two Adults walked in front of the Sensational Sisters and looked at the three with the female amongst the two adults looked at them with a questionable look. As the Man looked around, He asked, "Where is your little Sister MIsty? She's still a 5 year old brat and you left her alone while you battle the young trainers?"

"Ummm, Dad, Mom, w-we just want to experience a Pokemon Battle!" The oldest amongst the four sisters, Daisy, quickly said.

"But you don't need to battle the challengers of the gym if you want to battle" The Female adult, which is their Mother, said.

"You did not want to battle with us though, even Misty who is five years old, knows how to battle better than us!" Lily intervened with Violet nodding at the side.

"Fine, don't do this again and we will train you from now on" The Man, their Father, assuredly said to the three of them.

"Yay!" (3x) the three sisters jumped happily.

The couple looked at each other, shaking both their heads with a smile on their face.

"DAD! MOM! I'm Back!!!" A little girl with a short, red hair tied into a side ponytail with blue elastic rubber band. She has green eyes and fair skin. She wears a yellow sleeveless hoodie shirt and she also wears a slightly longer and looser blue shorts, a small white belt with a pink buckle and reddish-brown penny loafer shoes worn with white socks. The little girl quickly run and jumped at her parents and smiling happily.

"Oh, Misty!"

"HAHAHA! Come, let's go back home first and do what we need later at this gym"




Unbeknownst to Haru, who knows a lot about the world of Pokemon, He missed the opportunity to meet the young heroine of the original trio made of Ash, Brock & Misty. He also missed the opportunity to know the Parents or the real Gym Leaders of Cerulean City Gym.

'I was confused why are children near the age of me are the gym leaders, but when I think about it, most gym leaders are geniuses on their own field, so I will not think about it anymore.' Haru thought as he and Kasumi are outside the gym. But, the 3 sensational sisters are not geniuses and were only curious about battling, so that's about it.




Outside the gym, as they walk to some place in the bustling streets, a flyer caught their attention: "The Nugget Bridge Challenge! Test your skills and win valuable prizes!"

[Ding! System Issued Challenge!]


["Welcome to the Nugget Bridge Challenge! Defeat all five trainers in a row to claim your reward. Each trainer specializes in a different type of Pokémon, so be prepared for a variety of battles. Rewards will be calculated on how many trainers you defeated in the Challenge. Are you ready to accept the challenge, Host?"]

<Accept> <Reject>

Intrigued by the prospect of a new challenge, Haru immediately accept the challenge as he and Kasumi made their way to Nugget Bridge, a renowned spot in Cerulean City where skilled trainers awaited to test their mettle. The bridge stretched across a picturesque river, and a group of trainers stood proudly, ready to defend their titles.

With determination gleaming in their eyes, Haru and Kasumi stepped onto the bridge, ready to face the formidable trainers who awaited them. The first challenger, a trainer with a team of diverse Pokémon, stepped forward to engage in a fierce one-on-one battle with Haru.

The trainer sent out a Machop, its muscles rippling with power. Haru chose to use his Pidgey due to type advantage against the Fighting-type Pokémon.

"Machop! use focus energy!"

"Pidgey! use your speed to your advantage! Use quick attack!" As Pidgey used it's own move, quickly nearing the distance between Pidgey and Machop, Machop suddenly looked at Pidgey and, "Machop, Endure it!"

As the collision of Pidgey's Quick Attack and the Machop with it's sturdy body with focus energy, the results was quickly seen as Pidgey was caught by Machop with the Trainer quickly saying, "Use Seismic Toss!"

Pidgey was thrown in the ground and almost lose due to the force and strength of Machop's toss. Haru, as Pidgey's Trainer, was calm in the battle and said, " Pidgey! Roost!"

Pidgey suddenly shines a not so brightly light and heals some damages made by Machop. "Using roost removes Pidgey's Flying type advantages in defense and will become a normal type due to roost." As for roost, Haru got it from a reward in it's daily challenge made by the system (exercising regularly with it's Pokemon).

"Pidgey! Sand Attack!"

"Machop! Cover your eyes!"

"Pidgey! rush and use Quick Attack while Machop can't open it's eyes!


The battle was intense, with Pidgey using its strength and agility to dodge Machop's powerful punches, countering some of Machop's critical punches with Pidgey's own devastating combination of using it's wings and speed.

"Machop use Dynamic Punch"

"Pidgey, dodge it and use Gust!

"Machop, endure it!"

"Now, dive Pidgey!" Haru said to Pidgey as he looked up and decisively said the words, "Pidgey, use Wing Attack! Full Speed!"

As the trainer looked at Machop and planning to use a move, He saw that Machop is closing it's eyes. "Dang! I forgot about the Sand Attack Earlier!"


The spectators gasped in awe as the battle unfolded. The bridge resonated with the sound of thunderous blows and the cheers of the onlookers. Haru's strategic moves and Pidgey's speed and power proved to be a winning combination, leading them to claim victory against their first challenger.

As the battle concluded, a hushed silence fell upon the bridge. The defeated trainer, though disappointed, acknowledged Haru's skill and sportsmanship. With a nod of respect, they stepped aside, making way for the next challenger.

"Nice battle, Haru!"

Kasumi, filled with excitement, faced off against a trainer known for their expertise in Water-type Pokémon. A formidable Starmie emerged from the opponent's Poké Ball, its jewel-like core gleaming with power. Kasumi's Piplup bravely stood its ground, ready to face the challenge head-on.

"A Water-Type Expert! So I'll use my own Water-type Pokemon! I'll choose you, Piplup!

The battle unfolded in a flurry of water-based attacks and strategic maneuvers. Piplup showcased its agility and resourcefulness, evading Starmie's powerful Hydro Pump while launching precise newly learned Bubble Beam and Drill Peak. The clash of elements created a dazzling display of strength and skill.

After several exchanges of attacks, the crowd erupted in applause as Kasumi's Piplup emerged victorious, having defeated the opponent's formidable Starmie. The trainers exchanged smiles and words of encouragement, their bond forged through the shared love and respect for Pokémon battles.

The battles continued on Nugget Bridge, each one more challenging than the last. Haru and Kasumi showcased their growth as trainers, utilizing their Pokémon's unique abilities and unleashing their own strategic prowess. Switching Pokemon every match, giving each of their Pokemon valuable experience. With each victory, they gained confidence and knowledge in battling different kinds of Pokemon.

Finally, after a series of hard-fought battles, Haru and Kasumi reached the final challenger on Nugget Bridge. It was a skilled trainer, known as the Bridge Master, whose Pokémon team was a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Haru and Kasumi shared a glance, their determination unwavering. They knew that this battle would be their ultimate test, a chance to prove themselves against the strongest opponent on the bridge. They sent out their Pokémon, Eevee and Piplup, ready to give it their all.

The battle that followed was a fierce back-and-forth, filled with electrifying moves and calculated strategies. Haru and Kasumi utilized their Pokémon's strengths and worked together as a well-coordinated team. The onlookers watched in awe as the battle reached its climax, the outcome hanging in the balance.

In a heart-pounding finale, Haru and Kasumi emerged victorious, their unwavering spirit and skilled tactics leading them to triumph over the Bridge Master's powerful Pokémon team. The crowd erupted in thunderous applause, acknowledging the remarkable display of skill and determination.

As a reward for their remarkable feat, the Bridge Master presented Haru and Kasumi with a special prize: a rare Nugget, a valuable item that could be sold for a substantial sum of money. They also received the title of "Bridge Champions," a testament to their exceptional battling skills and resilience.

With their heads held high and hearts filled with pride, Haru and Kasumi left Nugget Bridge, their bond stronger than ever. They knew that their journey was far from over, and with every challenge they conquered, they were one step closer to their ultimate goal of becoming Pokémon Champions.

The excitement of their victory and the lessons learned on Nugget Bridge fueled their determination as they set their sights on new horizons. The road to victory was long and arduous, but Haru and Kasumi were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them, united in their shared dream and unyielding spirit.

As both Haru and Kasumi decided to return back to the Pokemon Center, the System suddenly appeared in front of him and what stated in the blue screen make him daze.

[Ding! Host Completed the Nugget Bridge Challenge!]

[Calculating Rewards....]

[ Ding! The Creator issued the reward! The System will give special technique to the Host: Spirit Control Art & Forced Spirit Fission ]

"Wha? WHAT?!?!" Haru shouted loudly as Kasumi, who is full of smiles because of the Nugget they got, was startled by Haru's shout.