
Pokemon: Final Days

. . . "I-I.... Where Am I?" 'So you're awake.....' "Huh?" 'So you do not remember, this world is now your responsibility' "Wha- How? Why?" 'You shall unveil it yourself, for I, Arceus will support you in this world' "Arce-WHAT!" 'I shall grant you what the protagonists of other worlds have - A system' "A Pokemon God giving a system? Pokemon world with a system?!?!" Fates, Balance, Order, Space and Time, Will He know the true secrets of this world? Join our hero in for he transmigrated to the world of Pokemon. . . . .

HastySeptemberPH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


*Author's Note: "Yep, I uploaded this Chapter A day or two early because I'm in an event in both days. Enjoy the early release!




The morning sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink as I and Kasumi woke up in the comfortable confines of the Cerulean City Pokémon Center. Refreshed from a good night's rest, we headed to the bathing facilities to invigorate themselves for the day ahead. The warm water washed away any remnants of fatigue, rejuvenating both us and our Pokémon.

After our relaxing bath, Kasumi and I made our way to the Pokémon Center's dining area for a hearty breakfast. We fueled ourselves with delicious meals, knowing that the challenges of the Cerulean City Gym awaited us. We savored the anticipation in the air, eager to showcase our skills and make our mark.

"H- Ha- Haru, Eat slowly. No one's gonna steal your food." Kasumi softly said while being embarrassed because a lot of trainers are looking at them weirdly. With a mouthful of food, Haru looked at Kasumi mumbled, "Sorry for the trouble," his words somewhat muffled and barely audible amidst the chewing.

As Kasumi is looking at me speechlessly and said the words, "How about you chew your food." While sighing at my behavior.

"Can't help it. I'm excited to challenge the Gym later. Am I right Eevee? Piplup?" Haru shrugged.


'Even Piplup joined' Kasumi looked at her Piplup dumbfoundedly and looked at Pidgey and Jigglypuff and with a relief, "At least this two are normal."

"Did you just said something rude to me?" Haru looked at Kasumi while eating a lot of food.

"Nope! Just Hurry!"




With their Pokémon by their side, the two found a secluded spot in the city to engage in some training. They engaged in friendly sparring matches, honing their battling techniques and strengthening their bond with their Pokémon partners. Haru's Eevee demonstrated impressive agility, Pidgey showed its speed at the sky while Kasumi's Piplup showcased its determination and resilience and Jigglypuff with its reflexibility and singing voice that it almost cause Haru, Kasumi, Piplup, Eevee and Pidgey to sleep.

"......" [....... Even I almost pass out in that song]

After a few trainings, having a feeling of confidence and was ready, Haru and Kasumi decided it was time to face their first Gym battle. In front of the Gym, both Haru and Kasumi take a deep breath and step in together and saw an enormous Indoor Pool Are with a few platforms which both of them believe that is where the battle happen. As they saw three young ladies in front of them, they asked the three ladies where is the gym leader and they want to battle him/her. But they were surprise that there are three gym leaders in front of them. There are 4 actually but they said that their little sister is out of the gym.

The 4 sisters were known as the 'formidable Sensational Sisters of the Cerulean City Gym'. As they looked at them, they looked at the three and the three sister told them their name as Daisy, Violet, and Lily. the sisters were renowned gym leaders known for their prowess in Water-type Pokémon battles. Though most of their glory comes from their little sister who is good at battling but they are gym leaders, so you can expect that they are great. Excitement mixed with a hint of nervousness filled the air.

The three sisters proposed that since there are two challengers, they would be having a unique two-on-two battle. Haru and Kasumi would face off against Daisy and Lily, while Violet would act as the impartial referee which surprise the two but quickly agreed because they know that the two of them have a lot of Chemistry. The rules were straightforward: each trainer would choose one Pokémon to battle, and the first duo to have both of their Pokémon defeated would be the losers.

Before the battle commenced, I consulted my upgraded Pokédex for information on Daisy's Goldeen, while Kasumi did the same for Lily's Staryu. Armed with knowledge about the opponents' Pokémon, we quickly formulated a strategy that played to our own Pokémon's strengths. And since we battled a few water-type Pokemon yesterday, we quickly grasped the advantage of water Pokemon especially when they are playing in their field.



With their plans in place, the battle began. Haru sent out his Eevee, while Kasumi released her Piplup into the arena. Daisy's Goldeen emerged from its Poké Ball, its sharp horn glinting with determination, while Lily's Staryu twirled gracefully, emanating an aura of confidence.

Eevee wasted no time, darting across the battlefield with incredible speed. It unleashed a barrage of swift attacks, keeping Goldeen off-balance. Piplup supported its teammate, launching water blasts to create a defensive barrier and weaken Staryu's attacks.

The Sensational Sisters responded with strategic moves, commanding their Pokémon to counter and retaliate. Goldeen utilized its agility, maneuvering around Eevee's assaults and striking back with powerful Water-type moves. Staryu utilized its impressive Speed to dodge Piplup's waterassaults, launching a series of rapid-spinning attacks.

The battle intensified, each trainer showcasing their tactical prowess and their Pokémon's strengths. Haru and Kasumi adjusted their strategies on the fly, utilizing their Pokémon's movesets and type advantages to gain an edge. Eevee's evasive maneuvers and Piplup's steadfast determination impressed both the gym leaders and the crowd that had gathered to witness the spectacle.

As the battle reached its climax, a surge of adrenaline coursed through Haru and Kasumi. Their Pokémon fought with unwavering determination, never wavering in their pursuit of victory. It was a battle that pushed both trainers and Pokémon to their limits, leaving the spectators on the edge of their seats.

In a stunning display of skill and teamwork, Haru and Kasumi emerged triumphant. Eevee's relentless onslaught and Piplup's calculated moves overwhelmed their opponents, causing Goldeen and Staryu to finally succumb to defeat. The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging the exceptional performance by the aspiring trainers.

With our victory, Kasumi and I were awarded the Cascade Badge, a symbol of our victory over the Cerulean City Gym. As we basked in our accomplishment, the system's voice resonated through the air,

[Ding! Host defeated his first gym. Calculating rewards!]

In response, a holographic screen materialized before Haru, presenting him with a choice of rewards for his remarkable achievement:

[ TM Water Pulse: A powerful Water-type move that would grant one of his Pokémon an advantage in battles.

Gym Leader Battle Insights: The host would receive exclusive insights into the battling strategies and techniques employed by gym leaders you have defeated, helping the host in future encounters. ]



With careful consideration, I made my decision, "System! I'll choose the Gym Leader Battle Insights!" I chose the reward that I felt would contribute the most to my growth as a Pokémon trainer. The system acknowledged his choice, and the holographic screen dissolved, leaving me with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.

With the Cascade Badge in our hands and newfound knowledge and rewards at our disposal, Both me and Kasumi set our sights on new horizons, ready to face the challenges that awaited us on our Pokémon journey.