
Pokemon Elf I Just Want To Fight Crime

[Exclusively signed novel by Feilu Novel Network: Elf: I just want to fight against evil] Arthur traveled to the world of Pokémon and became Dr. Oak’s distant nephew, and became childhood sweethearts with Nanami, Lillie and others.When Arthur is preparing to travel as a trainer, the justice partner system is activated…What’s there to hesitate about? Arthur decisively joined the alliance forces and became a glorious international policeman, becoming a nightmare for all criminal forces.“Sakaki, you don’t want Xiaoyin to be hunted down by the alliance because of your relationship, right?”“Chiri, this world is indeed imperfect. This is because of the existence of people like you.”“Pachila, as the King of Heaven, you actually joined Team Flare. You have fallen.”In Du’s eyes, Arthur is a like-minded partner and an ally of justice.In Sirona’s eyes, Arthur is the light of righteousness. Wherever he goes, criminals have nowhere to hide.In Cattleya’s heart, Arthur was the one who saved her from darkness.He, Arthur, is every criminal’s nightmare! Righteous partner!Feilu Novel Network reminds you: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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150 Chs

Chapter 52

"It's Mr. Sakaki, sorry for letting Sachi run away."Arthur said with guilt.

"I should be the one to say sorry. When I found out that the person in charge was coming towards you, I came over as soon as possible.

Too bad I didn't bring a flying Pokémon."Sakaki said with embarrassment.

"No problem!"It would be hard for you to take action if you were here.

Anyway, I wouldn't dare to take action against a member of Team Rocket in front of the boss of Team Rocket."

"It's a pity, if we can catch the other party, we might be able to get more clues. Arthur sighed and said annoyed.

"The opponent shouldn't be able to catch up, and he doesn't know how many clues there are in the base."There is nothing in Sakaki's heart. Team Rocket's base has been taken away, which is within Sakaki's acceptable range.

After all, this is just one of many bases. If Sachi ran away, then there is nothing. Got it

"Well, let's go into the base and see if there are any other clues."Arthur nodded slightly, put Bi Diao, Hackron and Nine-Tails into the elf ball, and said to Sakaki

"Okay, I also want to see what those bastards from Team Rocket did under my nose. Tetsu Sakaki said in a deep voice with a livid face.

When Arthur and Sakaki entered the base, the battle in the base was almost over. One by one, Team Rocket members were tied up and unable to move.

"Arthur, Master Sakaki, you are down! Someone seemed to have escaped from another direction. How did you catch him?"When Du saw the two people coming down, he quickly asked.

"A few came over from me, but I solved them all. But Arthur's side..."Sakaki looked in Arthur's direction and hesitated to speak.

"The opponent was Sachi, one of the three beast warriors, and he asked her to run away. Arthur said apologetically:"But I also broke a few of her ribs.""

"Is that so? That's a shame."Du Wenyan also showed a look of regret:"If we can catch one of the three beast warriors, we will definitely be able to explore many secrets, and even know the identity of the leader of Team Rocket."

"Sorry, I'm not strong enough."Arthur said apologetically

"This is not your fault, it is also my problem. If I arranged for a fast dragon to assist you, the situation would not be like this." Du waved his hands and comforted:"However, that Sachi can escape from your hands, and his strength is probably beyond our expectations."

"At least three king-level Pokémon, and I suspect there could be more."Arthur thought of the large-billed bird at the beginning of the Heavenly King stage and said in a deep voice.

"Is that so? This is understandable, even if the king is facing off, if the other party wants to escape, he will probably be run away by the other party."Du Wenyan also directly exposed this matter, and then said:"Arthur, you are good at finding clues. Come and see with me what clues there are in this base, although some key clues may have been destroyed. Got it"

"Um!"Arthur nodded slightly. Generally speaking, this Team Rocket base is relatively normal. There are no creepy human experiments. There are only some poached Pokémon, and they are looking at them outside the cage with vigilance..

And some of these Pokémon are indeed cherished, but there is no Pokémon that makes Arthur's eyes shine.

In addition, computers and other things have been completely destroyed before, and I want to find clues. Come on, at least Arthur can't do it himself

"Sorry, Saatchi really destroyed this place very cleanly, leaving not much information."After a pause, Arthur continued:"However, at least 90% of the Pokémon here have superpower attributes, or can master superpower skills. They are considered to be relatively good at superpowers."

After that, Arthur pointed to a few cages and said:"Pokémon is actually a Pokémon that is very good at superpowers, and with this egg, they are also considered to be relatively excellent Pokémon with superpowers.

I suspect Team Rocket may need these super-powered Pokémon for something."

Sakaki's heart sank when he heard Arthur's analysis. He took a deep look at Arthur, but didn't say anything more. He just watched the development of things silently.

"Arthur, what you said makes sense. I will include this analysis in the report later."Wataru nodded thoughtfully, and then he looked at Sakaki aside and said sincerely:"Mr. Sakaki, I am really grateful to you this time.

If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have breached one of Team Rocket's bases so easily."

"No, it's your credit. I just did some trivial things. Moreover, the Rockets developed such a base under my nose, and I can't escape the blame."Sakaki said quickly

"Ding, congratulations to the host for destroying Team Rocket's important base, and will be rewarded with seven lucky draw opportunities."

"Seven lottery chances?"Arthur silently sighed, Team Rocket is indeed his cash machine.

It seems that he will have to attack Team Rocket more in the future.

Boss Sakaki, don't worry, I will entertain your Rockets well.

Let's draw a lottery!

Arthur I muttered something silently in my heart

"Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring Kudo Shinichi's reasoning ability, a high-quality ice stone, the Bankelas mega evolution stone, the Tanservant elf egg (King of Heaven potential), the little fire horse elf egg (King of Heaven potential), high-quality A thunder stone and shell fossil."

Hearing the system voice in his mind, Arthur couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. It seemed like there were a lot of good things, but there were indeed a lot of them.

For example, the little fire horse and the elf eggs of Tan Xiaoshi were quite good. After all, these are Pokémon with the potential of being kings, and they are very rare outside.

Especially Tan Xiaoshi, Arthur remembers that this seems to be a Pokémon from the Padia region, with two evolutionary types, both of which are very cool. Hyun.

But in this world, although they also know that there is the Padia region, even Dr. Omu has never been in contact with the Padia region before, so he doesn't know what Pokémon there is. For now, it is a A relatively closed area.

Wait, he remembered that the evolution of Tan Xiaoshi has very special requirements, so can his own Tan Xiaoshi still evolve?