

Association Rankings: 

Novice Trainer: Embarks on the Pokémon journey, mastering the basics of training and battling. (Level 25 or above)

Apprentice Trainer: Delving deeper into strategy and tactics, honing skills for more challenging encounters. (Level 45 or above)

Experienced Trainer: Demonstrates proficiency in diverse battle scenarios, showcasing adaptability and resourcefulness. (Level 65 or above)

Elite Trainer: Attains mastery over advanced battling techniques, recognized for exceptional prowess and leadership. (Level 75 or above)

Regional Champion: Ascends to the supposed pinnacle of achievement, reigning supreme in regional tournaments and competitions. (Level 85)

??? : ???


 'Known' Team Rocket Rankings:

Boss: Giovanni • Masked Man (???) [Levels: Rumored to rival Lance in strength]

Senior Executives: Sabrina (Master), Koga (Master), Surge (Master) [Levels: Unknown]

Executives: Archer, Ariana, Petrel, Proton [Levels: Unknown]

Elite Officer: Pokémon Level 65 or above

Senior Officers: Pokémon Level 50 or above

Officers: Pokémon Level 35 or above

Squad Captains: Pokémon Level 25 or above

Grunts: Pokémon Level 10 or above


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