
Pokemon: Darren's Path

The story centers around Darren Park, who finds himself reborn in a world of Pokemon, where Pokemon are portrayed in a more realistic way. Beginning in the Hoenn Region, Darren sets out on a journey of discovery that takes him to Sinnoh and beyond. Along the way, he gains strength and experiences the world of Pokemon in a whole new light. Breeder / Coordinator / Trainer Disclaimer: I'm not the Author of this Fan Fiction, I'm merely the translator. Translated from a Chinese fan fiction. Alternative Titles: The Garden Tree, Pokemon Garden, Pokemon Court Author - A gentle stream flows with resonant sound Link of the original - https://book.qidian.com/info/1009720842/

Rookni · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 2

In the region of Hoenn and in the town of Fallarbor, The aroma of the food wafted throughout the entire old mansion orphanage, covering everything in its scent. A satisfying lunch, both rich and light, is the final gift that Darren left for everyone. He didn't know what his achievements will be once he left here, but instead of being content with the ordinary, Darren would rather go all out and give it his all.

This world is not as innocent as it appears in anime, and even becoming an ordinary trainer requires many conditions and has many limitations.

The old mansion is said to be an orphanage, but in reality, there are only seven children, and only one person is responsible for taking care of them - Grandma Oran. When she was young, Grandma Oran was a skilled pokemon coordinator, but now she's all alone.

With her remaining savings, she established the old mansion orphanage. Because of Grandma Oran, the children grew up listening to stories of her youth, which naturally sparked a great interest in being a coordinator among them.

Almost every child in the orphanage dreams of becoming an excellent coordinator in the future, including Darren. However, the usually lively children are a bit silent today, obviously aware of Darren's decision to leave. Gathered around the table, one of the boys finally couldn't help but speak up, "Darren, are you really leaving?"

Darren nodded. He had been here for four years and had always relied on the orphanage. Although he had done a lot of things, it was not enough to offset Grandma Oran and the orphanage's kindness towards him. Without them, he couldn't imagine what kind of trouble he might have caused when he first arrived and was lost. Additionally, he had not inherited any property and even faced the challenge of making a living.

As an orphan in his past life, the orphanage had given him too much that he had never had before. So now, Darren could not stay here any longer. The children had grown up and no longer needed his care. After years of accumulation, Darren felt it was time to embark on his own journey. Perhaps, only by leaving could he truly do something meaningful for everyone in the orphanage.

"But..." the children's voices choked up. Although they knew Darren's choice, they were still very reluctant to part with their big brother, who had always taken care of them. Even if they could still meet again in the future, this prolonged separation was not something these children under the age of ten could bear.

"Ah, children, let's respect Darren's choice." Grandma Oran came in from outside, her hair white as snow. Seeing her, the children immediately made room for her.

"Grandma Oran, you're here!" they all said in unison.

"Grandma, let's have lunch." Darren said.

Despite the children's plea for him to stay, Darren couldn't help feeling a bit shaken. Although he didn't see himself as a child their age and started taking care of them out of gratitude, he couldn't help but feel attached to them after living together for so long. He didn't want to come back years later to see the orphanage manor in ruins.

"Let's eat," Darren said to the children, who were not in high spirits.

Under the urging of Grandma Oran and Darren, the children quickly ate a few bites of lunch. This exquisite lunch was spent in such a gloomy atmosphere, and the joyful atmosphere of the past could not be found. Although Grandma Oran tried to adjust the atmosphere, everyone could tell that the children and Darren were absent-minded.

Finally, the long lunchtime ended.

"I'll go pack my things," Darren said quietly before leaving.


Lying lazily on the bed, Darren's gaze stayed on the ceiling. Although the children pleaded with him to stay, it wouldn't change his mind. Darren's footsteps and his heart would not allow him to stay in this place. Maybe he would fail, but who could predict the future?

Darren's four years of hard work were not in vain, and he was naturally confident. "Beautifly..." The beautiful Beautifly flew around Darren's head, providing comfort. Outside the window was a pristine view, thanks to Beautifly's abilities. With its perfect control and precision, it helped Darren clean the yard.

Beautifly was Darren's first partner and the first and only pokemon he trained as of yet.

Growing up listening to stories from Grandma Oran, Darren became very interested in training pokemon and even dreamed of performing on the grand stage with dazzling pokemon like Scizor.

However, reality made Darren realize he had no particular advantage, so after much consideration, he decided to become a breeder instead.

Breeders, like trainers, are a type of trainer who raises many different pokemon. Although their strength may be weaker than that of professional trainers, their pokemon usually make up a complete team and are much better in terms of growth, health, and overall care.

Most breeders make a living by working at special facilities called Day Cares, and the breeding profession is well-suited for surviving in this world. An excellent breeder is needed everywhere.

If Darren can pass the assessment to become a junior breeder, it will greatly improve his starting point and even lead to greater success.

After all, he's still so young.

For Darren, maturity and experience come with age, which is his biggest advantage! With such a good start, although the starting point may be low, there are still many things Darren wants to do here.

"Dong~ Dong~ Dong~"

Looking at the ceiling, Darren heard the knocking on the door.

"Come in."

Without much thought, Darren knew that the person coming in at this time was likely Grandma Oran.

"The kids are feeling very down." As soon as she entered, Grandma Oran sighed.

"I know," Darren said.

"You always come across as so resilient, but it's simply a journey, not a final goodbye"

Shaking her head, Grandma Oran looked at Darren with some helplessness.

"It's not just a trip" Darren replied. "Grandma Oran, do you think if we stay at the old mansion, with your savings, how long can the mansion last? Do you really think these kids can lead the life they want?"

Grandma Oran fell silent.

"So, for myself, and for the old mansion, I have to choose to leave."

Lying in bed, Darren muttered to himself, ignoring Grandma Oran's shocked expression.

Darren understood that staying at the old mansion, although it may be stable and comfortable for a while, he would miss his best opportunities, and ultimately, he would fail miserably!

Therefore, Darren naturally said these words.

Perhaps, in addition to experiencing the beauty of this world, the old mansion is also a concern for Darren. He doesn't want to see it fall apart and can only change that through his own efforts!