
Pokemon: Dark Times

Darius was just a young adult who suddenly found himself in a whole different world. He soon learned it was the Pokemon world. With the help of a floating screen, he's going to survive and thrive. Now, if only he could stop being the wandering version of a Pokecenter... --- Read my name - read it. Got it? Then go on, if you want, if you feel uncomfortable about men kissing, then turn around and go away. Also, another thing, there will be Fusion Pokemom (from the Pokemon Fusion game, because Yes) and Fakemon. It's because I want to.

DaoOfGay · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

36: Fight [Part 2]

Wally POV

'...what?' Wally blinked. He knew that move, he had studied a lot about Pokemon with the information that was available to the public, he didn't know that Sableyes - a Pokemon known for being a mischievous trickster that liked to eat rocks - could learn this move: 'Damn it.' He groaned internally - Darius still had the same confident look on his face, because Sableye was immune to Ralts' Psychic attacks, but they both knew that Sableye are weak against Fairy types. '[Gotty, use Disarming Voice at the shadow, keep your distance.]' He spoke to Gotty with their telepathic bond while keeping an eye on both Darius and the Sableye called Jasper. Immediately, the little Ralts opened her mouth and let out this shrieking cry that manifested as a pink wave of energy that took the same circle wave of energy, but this one was accompanied by three other rings of smaller sizes.

In a burst, the small shadow suddenly moved, as if it was swimming from one side to another, in an incredible fast motion. "Jasper, use [Confuse Ray]." Faster than he expected, Jasper jumped out of the shadow as his gem eyes flashed, he laughed like a little gremlin goblin thing with his weird "Eye~ Eye~ Eye~" chant as Gotty seemed to feel a little weird. She just moved her head around, unable to focus on where Jasper was, but Wally had a mental connection to her- '[Focus Gotty, we got this.]' He mentally told her, helping her guide her attack- But of course, Darius didn't stay quiet, no, he gave Jasper another order: "Jasper, let's play party."

The ghost Pokemon cackled as he suddenly threw the rock he had on his hand, only for the rock to hit Ralts and suddenly be pulled back by this soft pink glow. This was Jasper's combo of [Fling] and [Trick], where he would rapidly throw and pick back up the item he had just thrown. At the moment he just had this cool rock he found, which didn't do much damage, but it was annoying. Gotty snapped out of her confusion, only to be hit again by that same annoying rock, which quickly had her angry. Jasper just cackled, his finger pointing forward- That was when he made a 'come here' taunting motion.

Gotty seemed to have had enough! She, once again, let out a scream as she used [Disarming Voice] to hit the ghost Pokemon. Which seemed to be something he wanted to happen, because Darius grinned as he told Jasper: "[Night Shade] and [Shadow Sneak]." There was this moment where Jasper's shadow grew in size out of a sudden, covering Gotty's body as she felt pain- Her attack connected with Jasper's body before he could jump into the shadows, but he ignored the pain he felt and dove right into his enlarged shadow, moving at fast speeds towards Gotty.

Wally reacted, saying: 'Gotty, use [Teleport] to get away, and then use [Mystical Fire] to attack him!' Wally warned, there was this sudden lash out of Dark energy that made him have a splitting headache, but once he blinked, it was gone. Darius stood there, grinning, as he said, in a cocky tone of voice: "No Telepathic communications, my dear."

Wally was too shocked to even care about the pain he felt- Did his telepathic bond with Gotty just got cut by Darius? That can happen!?

"Jasper, finish it."

Gotty also seemed to have suffered from the severing of their telepathic communication, seeing as she held her head with both her little hands- From beneath her, Jasper appeared, hitting her back. Gotty soon fell unconscious, unable to battle further.

Wally's eyes widened... What is he going to do now?

-Scene Cut-

Wally: *having a peaceful telepathic bond*

Darius: *Uno block card* Denied.

Wally: *surprised pikachu face*

-Scene Cut-

"So, what are you going to do, Wally~?" Darius couldn't help it. His whole body flooded with glee as dark energy flowed through his veins- He was enjoyed being a little mischievous right now, and once again he activated the Avatar Skill [Embodiment], much to his annoyance. 'At least it's not as intense as it was before...' Right now he's only feeling weirdly excited about crushing Wally and winning. "Ah, my next Pokemon is going to be Shelly~." Without having to tell his little ghostly friend, Jasper sank into the shadows, coming back to Darius' shadow.

Wally seemed to think for a moment before Buddy walked forward. Darius could more or less feel the Psychic energy forming this thin bond between Wally and Buddy now. It was thicker with Gotty and Gottan - maybe because they're Psychic types? - but he only thought of severing it because he was curious to see if it worked. And much to his surprise, using Dark type energy to sever a telepathic communication was feasible!

"Shelly, come on." The little clamp jumped from where she was watching the fight - in fact, many of the herd Pokemon were watching it by now, the Linoone family, the Womadams, the Bidoof, the Zoruas, and all of the others. "Now..." As soon as she stopped, Wally called out a command. How did Darius know? He felt the bond between Wally and Buddy flash for a moment before the Pokemon moved forward in a rather clumsy movement.


| Name: Shelly

| Species: Shellder

| Type: Water

| Held Item:

| Gender: Female

| Level: 20

| Rank: Novice (1)

| Potential: ★☆☆☆☆

| Nature: Impish (+Endurance/-Energy Potency)

| Abilities -

Trained Abilities:

Shell Armor: Blocks critical hits

| Attributes -

0-10: F

11-20: E

21-30: D

31-40: C

41-50: B

51-100: A

101-200: S

201-500: SS

501-1000: SSS


Strength: 155 [S]

Speed: 120 [S]

Endurance: 200 [S]

Attack Potency: 180 [S]

Vitality: 200 [S]

Energy Control: 200 [S]

Energy Resistance: 200 [S]

Energy Capacity: 190 [S]

Energy Potency: 110 [S]

| Moves - Learned, Trained, Expert, Mastered, Complete Control.

Egg Moves: Life Dew [E], Aqua Ring [E], Rock Blast [T]

Moves: Tackle [T], Water Gun [T], Withdraw [E], Ice Shard [T], Whirlpool [L], Leer [L], Rain Dance [T], Supersonic [L], Water Pulse [L], Icy Wind [L], Water Sport [T]



Darius thought for a moment, soon he saw what Wally wanted to do- These small green particles started to be released from Buddy's body, making Shelly panic for a second before Darius' calm words guided her: "Use [Icy Wind], blow away the powder." She opened her clamp, gathered the energy for two seconds or so, before she released this blowing pale light blue wind, that blew away and froze the green powder. "Now, [Water Sport]." Shelly started to spin around, she opened her mouth as a lot of these small spurts of water started to spread around, alongside it, Water Energy started to spread too. Darius watched as Wally simply sighed for a moment before his eyes seemed to glow for a moment: "Buddy, use [Absorb] on the water!"

'Oh, did he notice it?' Darius was a little surprised by Wally's orders, but he did not think anything else but to stop the little bud Pokemon: "Shelly, use [Icy Wind] on the water, freeze the water." Before Buddy could absorb the whole water, Shelly started to use her icy powers to freeze the water spread around, making this thin layer of frost that made this portion of Big Boy's back a little slippery. "Now, let's do this-" Darius pointed his finger forward as he said: "-use [Supersonic]." Shelly opened her mouth and let out this shrill sound as a wave of energy flew out of her body towards Buddy, but Wally reacted fast: "Dodge and use [Seed Bomb]!"

"[Withdraw]." Seeing the projectile seed flying at a speed he was sure Shelly could not dodge, Darius decided that she needed to brace for impact instead. Water energy gathered around Shelly's body, holding her together as these seeds impacted against said water shield and there were these small explosions. Thankfully, Shelly was tougher than she looked, she moved her body by spinning around for a moment before she broke through the attack, standing still. "Shelly, you okay?" The little clamp simply clicked her mouth as Darius felt the intent behind her gestures and energy saying 'No.'

Knowing that, he simply said: "Use [Life Dew] on yourself." Shelly followed his words, she spewed out this small sphere of water that fell on top of her body, and any injuries she had sustained from the super effective attack she just took head on, vanished as they were healed. "You ready Wally? You used all your abilities to fight me, so it's only fair I also do so, don't you think?" Darius did not wait for an answer, because why would he? "Shally, use [Ice Shard]." At the same time she used her attack to create small shards of ice, Darius used his own technique - You see, two days ago, when Darius helped Cerberus reach [Limit Break] by using [Overflow] by using charges of the [Energy Core]... He had reached a new height.

He unlocked both the [Intermediate Pokemon Trainer] class and the [Intermediate Energy User] class, and with them, skills. However, as he can switch classes at will and he can keep the skills he unlocks from them, his arsenal of skills has increased. But one of them, which he has yet to test, is interesting:

| [Intermediate Energy Technique - Energy Resonance]

| [Note: You and your pokemon must share a bond for it to work.]

| [Description: You and your Pokemon enter a state of Resonance, where your thoughts, actions, emotions, and energy are in complete synchrony. This technique can be used for many things in and out of battle.]

With a flash of power, the four shards of ice Shelly created to attack all at once with, seemed to grow in size as Darius and Shelly entered a state where they started to resonate with one another - It was at that moment that Darius used [Energy Technique - Energy Share] and pushed a lot of his energy through their bond, making the shards of ice that Shelly was going to use to attack the small bud Pokemon simply grow in size and power. This move, in the games, was a Priority Move.

And in this world, it shows, because Wally had no time to react. It was too quick. In an instant, Buddy went from conscious to unconscious, and Shelly had won. "Send your last Pokemon Wally, because now it's just your little Cotton and my Cerberus." Darius was not going to go easy on Wally - maybe, if he learns how cruel things can be, he will stay? 'Don't get your hopes up, Darius... Hope is treacherous.' Indeed, hope is the worst thing you can give to someone. "You're pretty weak, Wally... Becoming a strong trainer? Like that? You should give up."

It sounded cruel. And he was being cruel.

If cruelty kept Wally there, with him, safe- Then cruelty it is.

"...shut up." Wally looked up fiercely at him, and Darius felt the boy's energy flare and lash out at him - his Fairy, Grass, and Psychic energies. "Cotton, let's go." Cotton came in, floating a little nervously as he looked at Cerberus, who stepped forward. It was clear who would win there, Cerberus was stronger and Darius was not lowering his guard just because his opponent is weaker than his Pokemon.

He has read enough webcomics, fanfics, nweb novels, and seen enough anime to know that was a bad idea. Never lower your guard.

"Cotton, let's show this idiot how we fight-" Wally moved his hand forward, and Darius felt the bond between Cotton and Wally flare up with Psychic energy. He was about to lash out with Dark type energy to sever the telepathic bond, when it suddenly was reinforced with Fairy type energy! "Now, its on."

Darius felt this overwhelming feral glee at a good fight, his whole body began pulsing like a heartbeat, his mind went overdrive as he used [Embodiment], grinning as both he and Cerberus started to overflow with Dark type Energy: "Oh, IT'S ON!"

Needless to say, Darius wanted to fuck Wally again.

-Author Notes-

So, what do you guys think about me making a Pa-reon? I'm still mulling over it, thinking people wouldn't really support it.