
Pokemon: Dark Giant

An ordinary person who has never played the game is transported to the world of Pokémon. Without a distinguished background, cheats, or a mysterious old grandpa, what path will he take?

BlackVail · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 15: Madman


"Noah, so you're not dead after all. I thought Muk had already eaten you. I didn't expect you'd manage to survive, such a cowardly waste," Noah said disdainfully, stomping on the black Grimer again.

"Grimer... Grimer... Grimer..." The weakened black Grimer raged at Noah's mockery, struggling fiercely under his foot. Though he had fallen from power, his strength was still formidable, and if Noah hadn't applied more pressure, the black Grimer might have escaped.

"You still have some strength left, huh? No wonder you could pin down a Muk twice your size. But now, this is all you amount to. Get lost," Noah said, a hint of surprise in his eyes as he looked at the struggling Grimer. He then released his foot and kicked the black Grimer hard into the wall.

With a splat, the black Grimer burst against the wall like a rotten watermelon, leaving bits of black muck sliding down.

"Is it over? Seems like you're really worthless now," Noah said, waiting for two minutes before concluding that the unmoving black Grimer was lifeless. Disappointed, he rewrapped himself with Arbok and began heading toward the purple swamp, as the battle among the three Pokémon leaders was nearing its end.

Just as Noah turned away, a small blob of Grimer hit his back, barely causing a mosquito-bite level of pain.

"Grimer..." A now even smaller black Grimer appeared in front of Noah. This time, the Grimer was no bigger than a coin, but his eyes were full of defiance and anger. He spat tiny blobs of sludge, but only the first, charged-up Mud Bomb hit Noah. The rest fell to the ground after barely traveling a meter.

"Playing dead and then ambushing, impressive tactics. But why attack instead of escaping once you fooled me?" Noah questioned coldly, looking at the tiny black Grimer.

"Grimer, Grimer, Grimer..." The tiny Grimer smiled strangely, laughing joyfully as he gestured wildly, eyes gleaming with satisfaction from avenged hatred.

"So, it's poison. A commendable last-ditch effort. I like it," Noah said, slightly stunned as he noticed the spreading purple spots on his hand after removing his glove. Feeling dizzy and his vision blurring, he showed no fear but instead admiration for the black Grimer. He took a strong antidote from his pack and injected himself before setting a Poké Ball in front of the Grimer.

"Come with me, Grimer. We're alike, both struggling in this wretched world, never yielding, always avenging. I'm thrilled to meet a Pokémon like you," Noah said, laughing maniacally, his bloodlust growing. His eyes turned red with murderous intent, staring intensely at the Grimer. The calm and rational Noah had transformed into an impulsive and crazed maniac.

The first time I killed, I was terrified and guilty. The second time, I felt nothing. The third time, a hint of pleasure. By the fourth, fifth, and sixth times, I lost count. I've probably killed a thousand or two by now, directly or indirectly. This world is a man-eating one, leaving nothing but bones. To avoid being devoured, you must devour others.

Life is fragile. Weakness is a sin that leads to being consumed. I, Noah, refuse to die. Given a second chance, I will live fiercely, bending everything to my will. Anyone and any Pokémon threatening my life must die. Obey me or perish.

"Ekans..." sensing the intense killing intent, Ekans trembled in fear, lowering his head in submission. Though unsure why his master had changed so drastically, he knew submission was his only option.

The black Grimer, overwhelmed by the man's murderous aura, felt both fear and resentment. Understanding Noah's words, he was captivated, as if by fate. He chose to collide with the Poké Ball, willingly getting captured.

"Good choice, Grimer," Noah said coldly, taking the Poké Ball from Ekans and returning to his usual demeanor.

"Come out, Tentacruel. Spit it out," Noah commanded. Tentacruel emerged from the polluted river, respectfully placing a lump of black sludge on the ground. Noah released the black Grimer from his Poké Ball.

"This is a gift, Grimer. It's yours," Noah said, smiling as the black Grimer eagerly absorbed the energy-rich lump, growing back to normal size.

"Grimer..." the black Grimer rejoiced at his regained size, ready for battle again.

"Let's go. Grimer, Tentacruel, clear the path. Eliminate any obstacles," Noah ordered, heading toward the swamp, smiling slightly at the Grimer's transformation. The final showdown had begun, and he was already late.

The purple swamp ahead had turned into a sea of flames, burning fiercely as poison-type Pokémon fled. Only the elite Pokémon of the three tribes stayed, surrounding the Toxic Trevenant and staring at the four humans standing on the leaders' corpses, each holding a glowing purple fruit.

To be continued...