
Pokemon Clan Wars: A Shaymin Dilemma

Before I get on with the story of my adventures, I would like to give ya'll a brief explanation of the Omega Region. Omega is divided into two parts, the upper region and the lower region. Just like any other regions there are also gyms here to hone trainer’s skills and battling abilities. There are eight gyms from the upper and eight more on the lower region. Moreover, Omega is ruled by different clans. A clan is a group of trainers that is united by a similar goal whether it is to help other trainers or to rule over them, it doesn’t matter now. Clans are also originally the peacekeepers. They are the ones citizens of Omega seeks for whenever there is trouble or there are particular jobs that has to be done such as a commotion on the Pokémon in the wild or the likes. Our clan, Omega Ph is based in the Upper Omega, specifically in Memorial City. Members of a clan may vary with type specializations or can be dependent to the clan qualification and it is always led by a person we call the founder, and ours is named Leyn. Members can be classified as juniors or the new ones, seniors or the ones that has stayed in the clan for a longer period of time and leaders or the ones that was either selected by the members or appointed by the founder to help him/her keep order within the clan. But I am neither of the three because I’m a special case. I’m only taking residency in the clan, thanks to the good heart of Leyn, because I’m a member of the Government Elite Force. GEF is a group composed of eighteen trainers who specializes and represents the eighteen Pokémon types. It was established by the government to serve as ambassadors of their type specialty and is always, not to make myself cooler, the best of the best in the region because usually they were former Omega League Champions or Gym Leaders though there were a few exceptions like us that were appointed. Some members were really famous just like Lance the dragon Champion while others like me chose to keep behind the lime light and just perform our duties and responsibilities. I’ve even kept it a secret, and so far I think I'm doing a great job with it. GEF members are also the ones who becomes acting-leader once a gym leader position gets vacant until the rightful replacement is found. I hope this gives you somewhat a clear picture of the current situation in Omega.

SasithornWayo · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Hero

A familiar voice stopped me on my tracks. I didn't have to see who is it to confirm because I know every pitch of her voice whenever I hear it. So we meet again. If this was a movie scene, I'm supposed to stop and confront her but it isn't so I withdrew Sceptile and Whimsicott into their pokeballs and sprinted forward. I heard a thud of a pokeball followed by a loud shriek that sends the hair behind my neck standing. This sounds trouble for me, I badly needed a plan. If I go for the entrance, Shielah and whoever she sent out will definitely catch up and no one will be able to witness what will happen to me after that. Hmmm…the entrance is a big no-no. I've got to take the…


An infernal flame just missed the skin of the side of my face. Oh my, I would've needed plastic surgery if that actually hits me. That fire is way too strong to be coming from either Volcarona or Houndoom or any other Pokémon I know she own. Just who is this Pokémon chasing me? I took the glance that made my jaw almost drop to the ground. Behind me is a humongous tortoise-like Pokémon with hardened lava-like skin on its body and metallic on its head and legs. Something that looks like an iron Spinarak was attached to its chest. It's staring at me with eyes ablaze. So this is what Heatran looks like in real flesh, such a scary and amazing creature. Shaymin purred. Obviously it's scared. I can't blame it since even I find it hard to keep my knees from buckling. Darn it. Is this why she joined Havoc? To gain power? I decided to turn left but another blast of flames was unleashed towards me. I stepped back and the fire hits a brick post in front of me making an explosion that sends me flying backwards hitting the ground butt first. Aw, there goes my posture. Shaymin was also dragged out of my pocket. It was now sitting on my lap, looking at me with worried eyes. That was no ordinary Flamethrower.

"That's Magma Storm." Shielah informed as if she read my mind. She appeared on top of Heatran with all her might and beauty. Yes. I still find her beautiful even though she just almost singed me to ashes. "So we meet again little Shaymin. Meet my new friend here, Heatran." She added.

Shaymin curled closer to m. It's totally scared now.

"Hand me that Pokémon now and no one's gonna get hurt." Sheilah shouted. This is how she opened our encounters twice in a row now. Hmm…

"Up to business already? Can't we talk about something else, maybe the weather perhaps, just for a change?" I kid around. I'm running out of options. I need to stall time, keep her talking.

"Well, according to my weather forecast, it's going to rain fire if you don't surrender Shaymin." She answered.

I stood up and brush off some dust off my pants. Shaymin climbed up my body and was now perched on my right shoulder. She's obviously not up for some word play. Fighting head on with this tyrant Pokémon will do me no good. If legends are true about this Pokémon, which most likely is since it's now standing in front of me, neither Sceptile nor Whimsicott would stand a chance. There's just nothing I could do now to get me out of this one. Think Jess, think. I saw movement from a grass patch nearby. I was unsure of what it was but then an idea came into my mind. I gotta take a last stand. Maybe my friend is still in her somewhere just waiting for me to tap. But worse comes to worst, I'll prepare myself for an all-out battle. I won't go down without a fight.

"You know my answer will still be no, right?" I said."If you want Shaymin, you have to kill me first." I'm proud I didn't buckle as I said that. There was a moment of silence and I think I saw a flicker of hesitation in her eyes. She knew me well. She knows that what you see is what you get with me. I don't know if I just imagined it because it was gone in a heartbeat.

"Just hand me that Pokémon and walk away safely." She said. Was her tone pleading now? My hope is now rising. I gotta push some more.

"I'm yours for the taking." I throw back. Shaymin was flailing slightly. He is not loving the idea.

Shielah bowed her head and stood still. At that moment I thought that I'm saved and I'll get to live another day until…

"Why do you make this so hard for me? That is just one Pokémon, one Pokémon that's worth risking your life? That is just plain stupidity. But if you're insistent on dying then so be it. Heatran use Magma Storm!" Shielah shouted. She surely is enraged.

Heatran concentrated swirling flames on its mouth. This is bigger than what it throws me earlier.

So this is how my precious life is ending then. I'm actually disappointed. Not because I'm on the verge of getting killed but because I want her back so badly that I really didn't care about the possibility that she would actually kill me. This is just so depressing. Knowing and finally realizing she has slipped away from me forever.

"Well I guess this is as far as I could take you." I whispered to Shaymin as I brushed its leafy fur. "When that thing hits, I'll cover for you. Use the opportunity to escape. Continue running like you did before until you find someone that can protect you." I shouted this time making sure that I will be heard from a certain perimeter. She did hear me, but Shielah seemed to have decided. She's not even blinking a bit.

"Shay…" it said as it cuddled tighter around my neck.

"You'll be alright. Now brace yourself." I reassured it.

Heatran unleashed the lava from its mouth and it started to pour down in my direction. Aw, am I gonna be toasted Jessaise now? It's getting nearer. I clutched my pokeballs out of my pocket. Nearer. I closed my eyes. It's gonna hit me now.
