
pokemon becoming the strongest

on a mission to track down his father for leaving him and his mother watch as zack makes friends and trains his pokemon

Boltbit77 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 1 Zack and his Mom

As the sun is shining down on Pewter City if we take a closer look in a house you will see a 12 year old boy with light brown hair and bright blue eyes this bot is Zack.

You can tell Zack is happy as today is the day he get his first Pokémon at the Pokémon center and as he was thinking about what Pokémon he could get he heard a knock on his door and his mom came in to his room.

As she entered Zack's room she asked " honey do you have every thing ready for your adventure and to camp out if you need to?

"Yes mom I have my backpack packed with a fire starter some energy food and other things to help me."

"Alright son let me take you to the center to get your Pokémon and send you off but please call me from time to time so i know you are ok she said with tears in her eyes"

"I will mom and I will find that dead beat of a dad I have and make him come back home."

"honey you know your dad is busy being a Pokémon Researcher in other regions."

Mom that do not explain why he does not call home even once in ten years" after Zack said that he walked downstairs with his back pack on and waited for his mom.

After Zack and his mom left there home they walked down the road to the Pokémon center.

When Zack got to the center he saw five other young trainers waiting to get there starter and as Zack entered he saw nurse Joy walk over to him and the other kids and walked them into the back room where there where many kinds of Pokémon's in pokeballs.

As Joy saw all the kids looking at the Pokémon's she clapped her hands and said " alright everyone as you know from school every region has there three starter Pokémon but to get them you have to be in the top three in your class to get one but that does not mean everyone's else is not going to be a good Pokémon trainer it will just take more work."

Ok now that i said my part I will call you guys up one at a time to pick a Pokémon that come from this city so there is only six and the Pokémon's name is by it's pokeball.

As it turns out I was called last as Joy called us by the way we got here so as I was the last to come I was the last to pick one so I grabbed it and made my way to my mom.

After I got my first Pokémon I met up with my mom as she saw me she asked "son what Pokémon did you get.

I don't know mom I waited to find you to see so lets find out and with that i pressed the pokeball and a red beam shot out a brown bird it was Pidgey the Normal Flying-type Pokémon with a height of 1'5 a little bit bigger then a normal one so I bent down and pated his head and said "welcome to the team I am your new trainer Zack. so Pidgey can you help me become a strong trainer. after I said that he chipped and jumped up on my head and made himself right at home.

after I said my goodbyes to my mom me and Pidgey walk into a forest to train