
Pokemon Au: Deep sea Shinobi

I was boring in my last life so I can't be a cliche average trainer especially when people have to battle with their Pokemon and invidual strength matters as much as your companions ________________________________________________ I own nothing but my OC's

Sleepyheadedauthor · Video Games
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11 Chs

The Raging Undercurrent Vs. The unstoppable fist

Getting to the stage, the rage in my opponents eyes was like that of magma ready to erupt. The very thought of letting me escape with my bones intact seemed an impossibility in his mind.

"All-righty people, we know what you wanna see and it looks like our contestants are ready too!" Like the dozens of times today, the obnoxious voice of the announcer sent the crowd into a frenzy. I look into the stands, looking for the people who I've grown up with and learned from. As grandiose as that sounds, I really only was pushed by one person, the matron.

It was hard to spot her through the waves of people in the stadium, but her prideful smile was beaming at me through the tide.That lady warms my heart. Giving her and the audience a cheeky smirk and a thumbs up to the ref I turn to look that pot of bubbling hormones ready to punch a hole through my chest.

"Ready, set GO!" And with a wink to the side of the audience from me- *Whoosh*- a fist of energy flew over my head as I limbo myself out of harm's way. I snap my head back up not wasting the momentum and using water type energy I used an aqua jet to circle around his side and punt the brats head. His weapon wasn't defensive, nor offensive, all he had was a black headband that was glowing orange, a boost of some sorts.

I dashed over there only to be aired by a yellow bean bag looking creature. I got caught up in my fight already I forgot to instruct my pokemon. I frantically jump back and scour the arena for where my partner is. Only to not see him but feel my connection to him on my back, stealthy little fucker.

Through our link I was able to get in contact, which is hard to do when I'm dodging and countering attacks all while not trying to reveal Akuha, to akuha and give him the strategy I had come up with.

{Akuha, execute plan B-1 and you'll get a special treat~} {TREAT!? Alright that's what I'm talking about!}

"Stop running and fight me already!" Huh? *clack* The bastard had hit me with a mean uppercut, slamming my teeth together with the force of a shotgun. Had my body not been as strong as this world's people, I wouldn't have a jaw right now. However, my stronger body didn't stop me from catching air time from the vicious hit.


One thing about bug energy, it has a bit of the same energy absorbing abilities like grass. And Akuha was being fed by my neutral energy.

"Akuha, use {Downpour}!" Another one of my custom moves. Me and Akuha sent to the air where we can't move? Well now they can't either. Both me and him send floods of water energy into jets of water, a Bootleg water gun if you will. But instead of one stream we're sending down a torrential rain of attacks.

*Plop Plop plop plop plop X 50*

Heh, easy enough for a scr- *Crack*

My face had been punched at a speed I didn't even recognize with the torrent of blue in front of me.

"I've Gotchu now. You lowly peasant." A mop of raging auburn hair floating and another punch later, from both the trainer and Makuhita, I was laid out on the ground, my partner on top of me. He didn't look normal. But it felt unnatural, I had seen fighting energy before this was something different. Godamnit, everything hurts. The concrete was so grimy and uneven, although warm from being out in the alolan sun it felt cold in the fact that my partner was knocked out and I would follow him soon after.




My head hurts like a bitch, My partners out cold and everyone has every reason to believe I'm gonna lose, hell I would to. But, I don't give a damn. I rolled over my partner putting him into my pokeball and hopping to my feet, my head swaying in the process.

" You think you got me on the ropes, ready to quit don't you?" My voice loud enough for the whole audience to hear. " Well you do. And I would forfeit really however..."

"Just shut It and quit or the next punch'll fracture your skull." Much more calm Now that he's in a winning position isn't he?

" Nope Cuz Fuck It WE BALL!" My proclamation seemed random to the audience and the kung fu brat in front of me but it was followed by me sending a jolt to the link between me and Akuha waking him up, he was confused, then embarrassed, then ready to burn this place down for him being beaten like that in front of all these people. The world around me became clear, my mind empty of everything except my opponents and my partner.

I moved faster than before, following what my mind predicted what would happen next. both me and Akuha we're glowing from the activation of our ability, Speed of Prey. As cowardly as it sounds, we weren't going to be the prey, no we will become the hunter.

I felt the current like feeling in my being, guiding my every strike. Him covering his fists in fighting energy made it more even than I thought.

Swing, duck, kick, switch. My entire body and being became an art piece of battle, I had become entranced by the intoxicating feeling of the swing of the chain and the bang of colliding with someone equal to me.




I whipped the chain around my body gracefully and with the aggression of a sharpedo I swung true to ripping him to shreds. Cuts had begun to build up on him, as bruises and fractures on me.

But that didn't matter,

Nothing mattered but the pure ecstasy of dealing and taking damage. I never realized how fun and enticing beating the ass of someone who looked down on you is.

I jumped into the air dropping a kick onto his cross guard, breaking it, destroying it! *thud* My heel connected directly with his head, as did Akuha's aqua jet and fury cutter combo clash with makuhita's force palms. His body faltered for a split second, to which I abused. That second caused him four cuts on the torso. I felt the rush of the fight die down as he fell to one knee. I walked passed him and held his fallen pokemon at blade point.

" Concede." My voice bland with dissatisfaction at the end of my bout.

"Never, not to some commoner when I can still fight."

"I said... CONCEDE!" A burst of energy came forth from somewhere in my mind. A barrier had been broken, I don't know what it was for but it felt important.

"I... forfeit."

So much for a lowly peasant huh.