
Pokemon AU : A Dangerous World

The world is a dangerous, deadly place, and mankind vies for its very existence on a planet prowled by terrifying monsters and powerful creatures. Ash of Pallet Town, a talented trainer who knows this all too well sets out to change everything. Along the way he meets colorful characters, makes potent allies and wicked enemies, and crashes into a plot spanning all Kanto.

Imu_D_Boss · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter no.18

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"So you're the famous Ash Ketchum, the one from Pallet Town," the man with the blue hair said, "which certainly explains why you can be so calm about making a journey as dangerous as the one to Cerulean City." Nevertheless, why are you in Viridian and what exactly are you doing there? Are you planning on spending the night in this location?"

After cracking a brief smile, Ash indicated his assent by nodding his head. He responded, "Most of the time," to my question. When he told Jesse and James that he had caught a Fearow earlier in the day, he noticed that their eyes grew wide. This was a reaction that he had expected from them. "Unfortunately, while we were working on it, it suffered an injury, and as a result, I had to take it to the emergency room. The nurses anticipated that I would most likely have to spend the night in the hospital, but that's fine with me because I don't mind staying here. I've made the decision to remain here not only because I'm not in a huge hurry but also because it won't put a significant dent in my finances.

Jesse stuffed her hand into her pocket, reached inside, and pulled out a small billfold as she exclaimed, "That simply will not do!" Is that going to be the case, James?

As James watched Jesse pull out a variety of colourful banknotes and hold them out while gesturing for Ash to take them, James gave a sarcastic shake of the head. It was in response to this that he stated, "Of course, that won't do." Since he is the grandson of the renowned Professor Oak, it is only right that he should not have to pay anything while he is in town... Despite this, the members of Team Rocket are going to do everything in their power to stop him from being successful.

To which Ash replied, "No," while simultaneously raising his hand to show that he was declining the offer. "I just wasn't able to pull it off."

Jesse gave Ash a generous grin as she slipped some money into his hand and then helped him secure it by wrapping his fingers around it with the other hand. As she carried out the action, she exclaimed, "Of course you can!" "That is, unless it isn't enough," the speaker said. "That is, unless it isn't enough."

Ash, completely taken aback, cast a cursory glance at the denominations that were printed on the bills. The trainer remarked that it was an unreasonable amount of work to expect of the students. If I were to sell this, it would pay for everything I've spent on it ten times over. I can't-"

James made the remark that "Team Rocket wouldn't have it any other way" as Ash finally gave in and accepted the bills, much to Jesse's apparent delight. Ash had finally given in and accepted the bills. "There's no other way that Team Rocket would have it," you could say. To tell you the truth, we should probably pay for it twenty times over, but we need to save a little money so that we can donate some of it to the homeless shelter. "In all honesty, we ought to probably pay for it twenty times over."

As Ash tucked the cash into the pocket that was attached to the side of his backpack, he muttered, "I guess, if you guys insist." Because he was interested in the company, he inquired, "So, the two of you mentioned that you were with Team Rocket, right?" He wanted to learn a little bit more about the organisation that he was looking into. "Can you please explain what it is that you do?"

James rose with a swagger, his arms proudly crossed over his chest as he did so, his eyes glistening with eager anticipation. He began by declaring that "Team Rocket is an organisation working for the betterment of people and Pokémon everywhere," and then went on to explain what the organization's purpose was. "We serve without fear whichever community we happen to be a part of by employing whatever means are at our disposal, and we direct every ounce of our energy towards the goal of protecting people and Pokémon from the dangers that exist in the natural world." Here, " He uttered those words hastily as he extracted from his pocket a white pen decorated with red Ts and Rs and continued speaking. "We ask that you kindly take this complimentary pen on behalf of the Team Rocket organisation."

Despite the fact that Ash had no idea what was going on, he took the pen and put it away in his bag even though he was perplexed by the situation.

James said, "and to unite all people into one nation." Jesse stood up to join James and spoke out loud once more, declaring that "Team Rocket is a group of civil servants dedicated to the protect the world from devastation." "Team Rocket is a group of civil servants dedicated to the protection of the world from destruction," says one member of the organisation.

Jesse continued by saying, "We fight to extol the virtues of truth and love," in a tone that was getting close to musical.

In the midst of their conversation, James interjected and said, "And to extend the reach of mankind to the stars above."

They stood in unison and pointed their fingers in the direction of space as they exclaimed in unison, "Team Rocket is going to take off faster than the speed of light!" "Therefore, listen to the summons, and make your way into the fray."

The Pokémon that resembled a cat chimed in with a "Meowth!" "You did understand that part."

Even if nobody in the room had been looking at the two members of Rocket before they started their performance, everyone's attention in the lobby was now focused on them and, because Ash was standing so close to them, on him as well. Nobody was looking at anyone else in the room. When the young Ketchum's face began to regain its normal colour, you could see that he was sinking even further into his chair. He intended to communicate that he was not familiar with the people in question.

Ash remarked, "My, you two certainly are... fervent" after he had finally been successful in getting Jesse and James's attention.

James made the observation that the company "believes in the cause." You could say that everyone in Team Rocket joined the battle because they care a great deal about the outcome and wanted to do what they could to help. "The cause is near and dear to their hearts."

Jesse prompted her to speak by placing a finger on her cheek and saying, "Say." This was done in order to encourage her to express herself. "I get the impression that you are the kind of guy who has his head on straight and knows what's important. Have you ever considered joining up with Team Rocket as one of their members? We have a fantastic dental insurance plan."

James gave his standard affirmative response with his customary zeal and said, "Yeah." During the course of this conflict, it would be to our advantage to have Professor Oak's grandson fighting on our team. What do you say? Want to join?"

Ash compelled himself to smile while simultaneously raising both of his hands above his head. "Not today," was the response he gave. "Despite this, I will give it some consideration. You guys give the impression of being completely sincere. Even if it turns out that this is nothing more than a sleazy ploy to get me to join...

In response, James said, "All right." "Even if you change your mind in the future, it won't be difficult to get in touch with Team Rocket because they are always present in the world. You can find representatives of our company just about anywhere, and if you ever bring it up in conversation with any other members of Team Rocket, they will be more than happy to assist you in any way that they can." "You can find representatives of our company just about anywhere."

As Jesse and James got ready to leave the room, Jesse indicated that she was in agreement by nodding her head. She responded with "You got that right." "We really do hope that in the not too distant future, you'll be able to become a member of the Team Rocket family!"