

Early release of another chapter cuz I want your opinion on everything discussed in this chapter and to not break the flow. 

So don't be shy with the paragraph comments.


(Omniscient Pov- Gengar's Lair/ Gon's training place)

The sky was pitch black with purple lines snaking through it.

The whole region under the unreal sky exuded an ominous feeling like something was perverting the nature. Purple winds clashed against the towering cliffs, giving out a sizzling sound on contact.

Amidst the horrid landscape devoid of any flora, the air was filled with howls and giggles forming a cruel symphony with the sizzling sounds of the cliffs.

A pale figure was lying on a cave floor, illuminated by the purple lines in the sky.

His face was morphing between a variety of negative expressions like he was experiencing a nightmare.

On the other side of the cave, a giant shadow cruelly grinned looking at the human sprawled in its cave.

The human, Gon, flickered with ghostly energy before abruptly opening his eyes.

His eyes resembled the horrid sky illuminating the sky. His sclera was pitch black with purple lines snaking around his eyes, resembling cracks that lead to a hellish dimension, his pupils absent.

He slowly stood up as shadows in the cave grew eyes and mouths, each giggling widely at Gon.

He flexed his body making his shadow grow unfathomably deep, the shadows danced around in the cave giving rise to a macabre celebration.

An ethereal black veil covered Gon as he walked towards the cave's opening, his footsteps silent like he was floating.

Purple lines joined the black veil that covered him as he stared at the sky full of cracks, each shining ominously.

"Kekekeke" A spine-chilling laugh resounded in the cave, Gon didn't even flinch still staring at the sky like a demon from hell.

"At last! your kind, my little shadow, are horrendously rare."

A Humungous Gengar materialized behind Gon.

"For you are a Noxious Fiend." A horrid laugh followed the announcement. Slowly every ghost Pokemon present in the region laughed joining their Ancient Liege.

The whole region shook, waking up a large bird with a broad-brimmed hat-like crest atop its head, sleeping in the shadows of towering hills, adjacent to the Gengar's region.

Unlike the Gengar lair, which was submerged in darkness, the Honchkrow's surroundings looked normal and beautiful with the sun beating down on the region filled with jagged cliffs, you can say it looked picturesque.

But the normalcy changed if one took a close look at the shadows.

Various shapes wiggled in the shadows disturbed by the mad laughter of the ghost types.

If the shadows in the Gengar lair were reminiscent of deep pits of abyss. The shadows in the Honchkrow region blocked all senses like a gate to the void- the absence of all things.

A barrier of dark energy was emitted by the Honchkrow, covering its whole region, and placating the lesser Pokemon in the shadows.

The Honchkrow tilted its head to the side, its eye peering through the darkness covering the Gengar's lair and landed on the Gengar cave.

The Gengar met its gaze continuing its mad laughter.

The Honchkrow shook its head, shaking its majestic plumage before closing its eyes.

In the Gengar cave, the abyssal veil covering Gon vanished presenting the normal Gon.

He closed his fists and muttered.

"Here I come, Leon."

A Haunter rose from his shadow draping itself on Gon's shoulder as his eyes glowed ominously. 


(scene break)

As I deadpanned at that declaration, the Xatu teleported to me.

"Patience," The Xatu said and patted my head, before teleporting to her previous position.

"You my child have an equal mix of affinity to dark and flying energies. That is very rare."

As I was about to puff my chest in pride, the Xatu continued.

"But not as rare as say Sinnoh region champion. Her affinities are so rare there wasn't even a classification for her kind," Xatu said smirking at my deflating chest.

"They call her Pride's Vanity. But back to you, just like Psychic, an Anarch has a multitude of abilities."

"They can be divided into three categories- Empathic Influence, Perception filter, and just like every other Aura user- coating."

"Empathic influence lets you enrage an opponent; you can also make them sad or pity you. Just like some dark type moves like taunt, fake tears."

"The perception filter is an extension of coating. You can change your level of presence from scary to harmless, from an Apex to a rock. This generally comes under the coating category for every aura user, but it provides something special for dark-type aura users, thus a separate category from the coating. Find it out yourself."

I wasn't even upset at that, drinking in every word that left the Xatu's mou… mind.

"Just like in the case of every aura user, the coating is very important for you too. Other than providing a barrier like every awakened Pokemon has, it will augment your body."

'Wh..' My brain stopped for a second registering what learning coating meant.

"Of course, the level of augmentation depends on the typing, with fighting type providing the most and bug type providing the least."

"The abilities your elemental affinity provides can be classified under Coating and Control." 

"The Coating abilities are the same for every user. Other than the barrier and augmentation, each type imbues the user with their properties, like increase in eyesight for flying type affinity and much more." Xatu said with a wink, stressing on 'much more with' the wink.

"Control is a common category for every elemental, and as its name suggests it is about control of your element."

"Now, I informed you about the basics. But only you can explore your abilities to their limits."

'Awesome.' That was the only word looping around in my head as I listened to Xatu.

"How can I create the barrier?" I asked pleased at the chance of not being squishy for once.

"You will have to connect to your Aura first. Play around with it enough and you will instinctively know."

"Why were you reluctant to give this information before?" I asked, determined to dig deep into the information, as finally, someone was forthcoming.

"Your affinities always subconsciously guides you in choosing your companions, If you have this information before ascertaining your affinity or affinities in your case. It can negatively affect you."

"I set up the condition that you have to perform well in the prior round to answer your question because even though I was convinced you were an anarch humans, like Pokémon, can have two affinities at most."

"During the cabin's box selection, we- the Psychic Pokemon, made your subconscious respond to your affinity, overriding your conscious mind. I'm answering you now only because the way the wind responded to your will, while you are gliding, confirmed your secondary affinity. Letting you free from the burden the information carries."

"If trainers like certain abilities of a fighting type Aura user, they will seek to be like them, subconsciously ignoring the guidance of their affinity. Along with the time wasted, it will not let them reach their full potential."

"That is not the case with people like you who have such great affinity to energies that they manifest them at birth, without the help of Auric creatures such as me."

(A/N: An intelligent creature calling itself Pocket Monster didn't sit right with me. So… Feel free to comment any better names.) 

"So, each trainer can gain these abilities as long as they train their Pokemons," I asked.

"The relationship between Auric creatures such as myself and Humans is a symbiotic one."

"Humans water the potential of sapience along with breaking the innate limits of growth."

"You didn't think that any Zubat can awaken if it undergoes the same situations as yours, right?" Xatu asked, looking questioningly at me.

I nodded.

"Now, I am not saying only people with great affinities can help their companions grow faster. But they find it easy compared to others. In the end, everything depends on the bond between the human and their companion."

"Even if a human has a high affinity that doesn't mean every Auric creature, he trains experiences expedited growth."

"Sometimes the bond can become a substitute for talent."

"Now let's get to the negative influence of the Aura on humans."

"Wait! Seriously?"

"Of course! We, Auric creatures, are the energies given form, so our personality reflects the properties of the energy we embody. Like Dragon's pride, the mischievousness of ghosts."

"Again, it doesn't mean we have the same personalities, you can bruise a Dragonite pride if you look it in the eye, whereas another Dragonite will be offended if it thinks you don't have any spine."

"Just like Humans we Auric creatures are unique in their own way. As the energy makes our personality lean towards the same type, it also does the same to the humans."

"But energy is a part of us, making it part of our natural personality. Humans on the other hand aren't supposed to let Aura change affect their personality. The danger is lesser for Elementals when compared to an Anarch like you."

"The humans lose a fundamental part of themselves, giving way to a certain emotional aspect that represents their energy affinity to make up their whole personality, replacing their original one. An Anarch can become a machine devoid of emotions caring only about efficiency."

"What? Something smothers my emotions whenever I experience negative emotions. Do I need help?" I hastily blurted out, I like my emotions, thank you very much. I don't want to lose them, especially after getting a taste of them.

"Don't worry it takes time for such a thing to happen, what you are experiencing is normal side effects for born aura users like you."

"Your friend Amanda is more prone to get angry than a hypothetical Amanda who is not an elemental, but its effect in the starting is minuscule, it is nearly nonexistent. But as an Anarch it is more pronounced in you, you have nothing to worry about."

"When you get in touch with your Aura, it will be very easy for you to know if you are getting affected by it."

"And you have more than 1 year to get in touch with your Aura before it starts to become a problem and even then, it is not a big problem. There are many common remedies for it." The Xatu cut me off and answered my doubts about the time I had.

"Average time for born Aura users like you to get in touch with their Aura is around 4 months into their journey."

I nodded happy at the benefits the Aura was going to give me.

'The coating is a game changer.' I grinned happily.

"So, humans act as catalysts and in turn gets to become Aura user with some drawbacks." I summarized.

"Tch! Nothing in nature is as easy as that, Leo."

 "As we embody our respective energies properties, without a human anchor we will be predictable in battles."

"A Dragonite doesn't try to avoid facing a super-effective move in a battle. Even the Dragon will agree that was a dumb move after the battle, but in the middle of the battle with dragon-type energy flowing through it, facing the attack head-on appears as the right choice backed up by our instincts."

"The trainer comes in here, due to the bond and trust, the Dragonite will avoid the move if the trainer says so. The trainer is the brain in the battle thinking multiple moves ahead of the opponent with a flexible mind."

"Thus, a trainer can exponentially increase their companions' battle prowess."


Show some love by throwing the stones. Let's see if we can cross 250 this week.

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