
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Video Games
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30 Chs

Already the end?

"Finally some rest" I declared as I put my ass on a chair. How long as it been since I rest? That is so damn good. I missed you, chair!

I put my feet on the table and looked at the sky while sipping my orange juice. The sun rays began entering the terrace. I could heard the birds singing and the feel the fresh air on my skin.

"Now my lazy life can start" I muttered happily before resuming sipping. Ten years ago, I was send on that strange world without my consent. I was given a bottle to drink as well as a sword and a shield. Then, I was kindly coerced to risk my life to kill a bad guy named demon king and save that world from destruction. I should correct, not that world, but the human, elves and dwarfs societies from annihilation. I do not why the orcs allied with the demons but anyway, I had to kill those guys. To think I used to enjoy my life behind my computer and flirting with girls outside.

"Oh I miss those time" I said while thinking of earth. Now that I saved that world, what was I supposed to do? There is no laptop here and I loved computer science. Was I suppose to find another work now? I am going to be crazy after a week if I relax too much. I know myself. If I am not busy, then I become depressed. That is strange, is not it?

"Maybe I should find a hobby? What should I do? Maybe running? Well that could keep me busy for a few hours… but if I run in a forest, then monsters will attack, then I will kill then, then I will be back fighting again…" I sighed. All those years, I dreamed of relaxing but I never really thought of what I would do for relaxing. Stupid, is not it? Well that because I did not have that much time for thinking. I was too busy fighting for my life.

"Let us think of a sport that could be nice… archery was quite fun was not it? I used to do some during holidays. Yes that was fun. Let us do this!" I declared as I put my glass on the table. I stood up and grab my gear. My sword on my belt as well as my shied on my left arm.

I went to the blacksmith. Even thought it was still early in the morning, the shop was already opened. I was greeting by his wife who was working there as a saleswoman.

"Good morning" I told her.

"Good morning Henry! What do you need my dear?"

Yes she already knew about me even thought it was my first time here. Well in fact probably most people in the continent know about me. It is very bothering but what can I do about this?

"I would like to buy a bow as well as some arrows. Also a quiver would be useful" I explained.

"Is it a gift? I wonder who is the lucky girl" she assumed.

"It is for me" I replied so that there is no misunderstanding. I do not want some rumors going on about me. There were already more than enough of them.

"Oh well alright. Just wait right here, I will bring you the best one in store" she said before rushing out. She was too embarrassed from what she said previously.

She went back with a white bow. I found it interesting since I never saw a bow of that color.

"Do you love it?" she asked since I was glaring at it curiously.

"Yeah I love it. What is made of?"

"That is a secret. Try to pull the rope" she said before giving it to me.

I did it by using all my strength. I was not surprised by it. I had that souvenir on earth where I had to use all my strength too.

"How much is it?"

"Free. No one can use it except you anyway"

That is when I realized that I do not longer have the same strength than on earth. Indeed it was strange that I had to use all my strength to pull the rope.

"Is that so? Then let me at least pay for the rest" I pleaded. Refusing the bow would be impolite, but I would be too embarrassed if I pay nothing at all.

"Alright" she sighed before giving me a white quiver containing 25 arrows. I left with the item and went back to the garden I was lazying on.

"Now where should I practice?" I wondered. I then noticed a tree in the middle of a field not far away from my garden.

"Target spotted, proceeding for kill" I muttered like a robot before putting an arrow on my bow.

"You have green light, agent 006" I replied to myself before letting the rope free. The arrow flying and destroyed the tree who fell loudly in the field.

"Target down" I concluded before rushing to the field. I never thought it would make the tree fell. I hope no one is hurt. Luckily, no one seemed to be there but the noise woke up the whole neighborhood. Thus I decided that I will practice farther away.

"It is not easy to relax" I complained while walking away.

After doing this for two hours, I decided to stop. It is not a good idea to do something good too much. Why? I believe that it would spoil the fun in the long term. That is why I should do archery with parsimony.

Thus the rest of the day passed and the next day, I practiced archery again. I did not notice that I spend more and more time practicing as days passed.

"Should I try hitting at 80 meters today?" I declared as I was exiting happily my house.

"Hello there" interrupted me the responsible of my situation, the kidnapper, that so called goddess.

"Fuck off" I replied before ignoring her. Of course that bi*ch would not let me go that easily.

"Are you on that period of the month?" she teased me.

"Get the out of my view! You crazy woman!" I replied angrily.

"I came here with your retirement plan" she declared.

"What are you talking about? I am already retired. Go kidnap someone else"

"I think you do not understand me… now that this world found a balance I cannot keep you here…"

"Do you mean I can go back to earth?"

That is when I realized I was not that happy about it. What would be life there? I will have to work again right? I mean I want to chill now. I already work more than enough in both world!

"No, not on earth. On a peaceful world" she said.

"A peaceful world… is not that world already peaceful?" I asked.

"There are monsters here. I will send you to a place where you do not have to strive for living. What do you think of it?"

"That sounds too good to be true. What is the catch" I replied.

"It will happen only once you die as a reincarnation" she said.

"Can I know more about that world?"

"I am sorry but I cannot. So, do you accept?"

"Will I die right now?"

"No not right now… When you are old enough and decided to live, just call me" she said before disappearing.

That is when I realized that I should not that mad about her… I should be just a little less.

"Then what I am supposed to do until then? Should not I prepare? If I do not have to fight monsters, maybe I will have to fight humans? Damn I should come up with useful skills for my next life"

From that day on, I learned different manual skills, such as blacksmithing and tailoring. I also keep working on my archery. I did not stop fencing with the sword and protecting myself with the shield.

As for magic? Well I was already specialized in illusions so I just carried on.

I did not try to find a wife, since I did not know when I will be living. Also many women were all over me just because of the fact that I am hero and not for my feelings. How was I suppose to build a trustfully relationship with that kind of person? That is why I gave up.

It was fun until that day, where I was already growing too old to be independent. I called that crazy goddess who gave me a painless death.

After that, I reincarnated as a baby. This is how a new chapter of my life began.