
Pokemon: Adventures

Surprisingly, Ash has a big brother.

justimagine · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

He lost..

In the Pokemon Village,

Vidal arrived first to register for the tournament.

But before battling in the Indigo stadium, he needed to win battles in rock, grass, water and ice fields first.

He just needed to press a button and a field will be selected, his luck pushed him to rock field.

After that an opponent was chosen, who turned out to be a girl named Assunta.

Vidal moved towards the lobby and made a call to Professor.

"So Professor, were you able to convince Ash to get the Pokemons from the ranch."

"Yes, it wasn't hard. But are you sure those are necessary from the first round of field match." Professor said a little concern.

"Don't worry Professor. I will be on the audience, if anything bad happens I will handle them," Vidal said simply.

"Vidal you are already here." Ash voice sounded from the back.

"Ok Professor I will be going now." Vidal ended the call and turned around.

"Yeah, you should make an entry first." Vidal and the trio moved towards the registration boot.

Ash first field turned out be water field and the name of the opponent was Mandi and the match was third.

"Vidal what about you match?" Brock asked.

"It's the first match, in rock field."

"Then we will be cheering for you as well," Misty said.

They all moved towards the cafeteria.

Brock asked, "Ash which Pokemon are you going to use. You can only use three during the field battles."

"That I haven't given much thought," Ash was clueless as always.

"How about I give you a suggestion?" Vidal said.

Everyone turned their attention towards Vidal.

"During the matches, you can choose any two Pokemon you want, and I strongly suggest you to include one among Tauros, Kingler and Muk for the third one."

"Hmm, that was what Professor Oak was also saying to me," Ash said, "Then I will listen to you. I will be right back after getting them from Professor."

Ash ran towards the lobby to get the Pokemons.

"Well let's make it fast, there is not much time left for my match to begin," Vidal said looking at the watch.

The stadium located in the Pokemon village was used for the field battles.

Vidal was followed by the trio, they entered the stadium.

Under the loud cheers of the audiences, Vidal was on the red platform and his opponent was in the green.

The trio was sitting on the bench behind the red platform.

[The first match of the competition in rock field is going to begin between the Vidal Ketchum from Pallet town in red side and Assunta on the green side.]

After the announcement the battle finally began.

Assunta was first to took her Pokemon out, a Rhydon.

Vidal started out in simple way as well, "Let's go Starmie."

"That's a good choice with type advantage against Rhydon." Brock complimented.

The battle began with simple tackles and dodging, Vidal wanted to make the match as normal as possible.

So, a water gun ended the match.

"Your Starmie is very good. Now go Ivysaur," Assanta too her Pokemon out.

Vidal didn't change the Pokemon.

The battle between Starmie and Ivysaur was also normal.

Nothing was suspicious or abnormal about the ongoing match, but Gary who was on the audience was confused, "Is it not the Starmie from before?"

"Ivysaur use solar beam."

"Starmie you know what to do," Vidal has already planned out for this match and there was no going back.

The solar beam was released, Starmie tried to dodge it but it was too late.

"Starmie is unable to battle." The announcement was made.

Vidal returned Starmie to the ball, "You did a great job. I thought you are not going to handle the loss and do something flashy." Vidal took a long breath satisfied with the performance of Stamie.

It was time to move on with the performance.

After that Arcanine was the next.

Arcanine lost to the vine whip of Ivysaur.

Then came Alakazam, who lost to a tackle; after all the feeble body of Alakazam couldn't take a direct hit.

His all Pokemon gave good performance, now it was his turn.

His brow lowered a little bit, a sad expression appeared in his face and he turned around.

The trio came to cheer him up.

"You did great job."

"You just need a little bit of training."

The trio was trying to cheer him up.

Currently the Pokemon competition was getting broadcasted around the Kanto region.

Professor Oak was staring the television with a shock, 'He lost. But how?'

"Oh. My poor boy." Delia was also sad looking at the broadcast.

Then, suddenly the phone of Professor Oak rang. The call was from a researcher from another region asking about the match.

Even professor got no answer, then a realization hit him, Vidal was training Ash Pokemon for a weak.

'That's right. There is no other reason than this.' After this he was able to give a good answer to the remaining calls.

Vidal has unknowingly become a center of attraction of many researchers again.

It was the third match, Ash was on the green platform and Vidal, Misty and Brock were sitting in the bench.

Vidal was still keeping a sad face, and he was planning to do so for at least a day.

In the first match, Ash choice was Kingler.

Ash just stood in the platform and the match was finished.

During the field battles, trainers have only one match per day so they have to wait for another day for the Ash match.

The remaining three matches were also easily won by Ash using Muk and Kingler.

Gary lost to a trainer named Melissa, but it wasn't his fault, "I was distracted by the girls cheering," is what he said before leaving.

Now, finally the matches in the Indigo Stadium were going to start.

Professor Oak and Delia also came to cheer Ash at the Indigo Stadium.

Vidal took turn to talk with Delia and Professor; Delia was worried about him and Professor wanted to conform his realization.

There was two days break before the match at the Indigo Stadium.

During this time, Ash made a new friend Ritchie who also surprisingly has a Pikachu. (Let's not talk more than this about Ritchie.)

We can call it fate or turn of events; Ritchie was going to face Ash in the first match at Indigo stadium.

Indigo Stadium,

Under the loud cheers, Ritchie entered the stadium and stood in the arena.

But Ash was nowhere to be seen.

"Vidal, why isn't Ash here yet. Do you think he has gotten on to some trouble?" Delia said with worry.

Vidal thought for a moment, "Mom, don't worry. I will take a look at it."

Vidal left the stadium, "Dragonite, come out. We need to scout this area. I am looking for Ash."

Getting on Dragonite, they took the flight and the search for Ash started.

Not long after, on the road a little bit far from Indigo stadium, Ash was facing team rocket.

"Well, looks like they are still giving him troubles. Dragonite let's go there."

Dragonite landed on the road, "Ash you are getting late for the match. We are leaving now so get on."

Sudden appearance of Dragonite startled the group, everyone turned to look at the person sitting on the Dragonite.

Ash immediately ran towards Dragonite, "These are bad guys; they are trying to stop me from getting to the Stadium." Ash turned around.

There was no one in the road, just his tattered bike.

"There is no one. Hurry up and get on." Vidal gave his hand to pulled Ash up.

"Now, Ash hang on tight to me. Dragonite, let's speed up a little bit."

With that said, Dragonite stormed up towards the Indigo stadium.

Everyone was waiting for Ash to arrive, and then a figured appeared on top of the Stadium.

The figure slowly descended down to the arena, two boys hopped down from the back of the Dragonite.

The stadium becomes even noisier due to the appearance of Dragonite.

Vidal returned Dragonite and said, "Ash remember what I said about the last Pokemon."

Ash nodded.

Vidal returned back to the audience again, and the match continues.