
Pokemon Academy Arts

Hector trained martial arts since his chilhood, once he died, he found himself on Kalos with a system, look after him on his new life. Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon, I use the characters (some are mine) for my scenarios. The image used in the cover doesn't belong to me.

SoyNiir · Video Games
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10 Chs

God? You gotta be kidding

In an void filled with stars, a figure stood, gazing into the abyss reflected in its eyes.

Suddenly, the abyss vanished, leaving behind a young person with a flabbergasted stare.

An old, deep laughter echoed, conveying to anyone who heard it the immense enjoyment the person felt.

"Kiddo, you suck, hahahahaha" - The figure started to jeer loudly.

Hector was shocked. He was near death, and suddenly, he found himself standing in front of a faceless figure. He sank into his thoughts, oblivious to the constant mockery directed at him in front of him.

Strangely, Hector's mind was at peace. He wasn't sure if it was due to the dominant demeanor of the figure in front of him or the vastness of the space in his view that made him feel insignificant."

Minutes passed, when suddenly the laughter relentless finally ended. It addressed Hector when said.

"I am God, kid," -Said the figure as it pointed itself.

"And you have died" -It said while pointing at me.

'No shit Sherlock' -Thought Hector involuntarily

"Manners" -A voice laden with tremendous pressure felt on his shoulders falling on his knees.

Hector was about to apologize when the voice continued. "I've been watching, you've lived a good life, somewhat socially solitary, but your parents filled any void there might have been".

The sadness at the thought of his parents darkened his face, but the figure, dismissing it, continued. "But like a fool, you discarded the honor of life blinded by revenge and ended up dead in an alley after fighting against a random. Well, did you like my summary, you brat?" -Said God, containing the laughter that threatened to burst out.

. . . . . . . . .

Speechless, this was the word that currently defined me. Is he mocking me? He's definitely doing it. God? With that attitude? And why is he talking like a boomer trying to communicate with his Generation Z grandson?'

"You know... I hear you dickhead. Well, getting to the point, by getting rid of that trash of criminal gang, you prevented a lot of people from suffering in the future, even if you did it involuntarily a good deed is a good deed, and you deserve a reward. Spit it out, what do you want?" -Said God with a voice slightly angry.

"By the way, you can't be reborn on the same planet you were born, you have two options: reincarnate in another dimension or rest in the infinity of existence. As for you, if you choose the first option, you'll get a little bonus" -Added with a tone of amusement in the voice.

"Please, just tell me something. Will my parents live a good life?" -I said with desperation in my voice.

"Don't worry, no matter what you choose, I'll take care of the health and recovery of your parents; they will live a good life" -He assured, calming me. "Now hurry up and choose the first option, I know you're longing for it."

Relieved, I let out a sigh, only to wonder afterward. 'Then why bother giving me the second option?'

"Courtesy. Now choose your bonuses" -He said with a mocking smile.

Nodding, I began:

"First, I want to go to the Pokémon world, precisely to Kalos, Shalour City.

Second, I want to retain my memories from my past life.

Third, I want a system. With wild Pokemon, it will only show me general information about the Pokemon and the most important thing is that it shows me its potential. When the Pokemon becomes my companion, system will provide me with additional information such as its ability and moves.

For the fourth and final one, I want a body adapted to martial arts, aura and psychic power."

"Gotcha, hehehe" -Said God with a smile.

. . . 

"Cough, cough. Everything you've said will be granted, except for the psychic power" -He said, avoiding the unbelievable gaze of my eyes at his answer.

"Why can't I have psychic power?" -I questioned with uncertainty.

"Because you are fucking braindead brat, Hector" -God mocked again

'Get fucked sideways old shit' -I thought with a smile.

Taking his middle finger away, he said. "I'm sure you'll love the world I've prepared for you. You will encounter a slightly different demographic than what you know from the video games and the series. The size of the world has doubled. Otherwise, how the hell would it explain how it can encompass the sizes of Pokémon in the world?

Additionally, the human lifespan has doubled, along with their physical capabilities. Finally, I've arranged a good family for you, so be grateful."

Changing his tone to a warmer and more welcoming one, he said. "Little being part of my creation, I'll be watching over you, ensuring your safety and happiness. Now, go." -Said God placing his hand in the void that took the form of a door,from its interior emerged a beautiful green landscape."

Just as I was about to thank him, he disappeared. With a slight pang of regret over my behavior towards him, I set out to approach the door. Just as I was about to take the first step, I heard his voice again, but this time it came from behind me. When I was halfway through turning around, I felt one of the worst blows to the stomach I had ever received in my life, only to see that jerk with a mocking smile pushing me toward the door with a kick.

Immersing myself in the warm green light, I had one last thought.

'This son of a b...'

I apologize for the strong language, although it was one of the softer ways I had to reflect the aggressive personality of God

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