
Pokemon: A Legendary Journey

What if one day you were suddenly thrown into the world of Pokemon, sounds fun right? well it's far from that, our main character "Jayden" was transmigrated into this world of bizarre elemental creatures. Watch as he grows to become the strongest, while also surviving in this world. (this story won't follow the Pokemon plot,meaning ash and all the other characters won't be here, I'll be making my own characters for this story, but the Pokemon we all know and love will still be here of course) join da Patreon if you want early chapters I have already written (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Patreon.com/EternalKings planning to stockpile atleast 10 early chapters over there discord https://discord.gg/KB95R2Sq8a --- none of the characters were created by me, except for the protagonist and any Oc 200 stones: 1 extra chapter 400 stones: 2 extra chapters daily 600 stones: 3 extra chapters daily 800 stones: 4 chapters daily 1000 stones: 5 chapters daily

EternalKings · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

12: Trainer License

Jayden spent the rest of the day bonding with his Pokemon, especially Magikarp which was close to evolving.

Pidgeotto was also a great asset to the team, it could fly, and once it evolved into Pidgeot it would be big enough for Jayden to ride all around the Kanto region.

Raboot on the other hand had grown a lot stronger after evolving, its control over its blaze ability back then was astonishing and it had great close combat power.


when his parents came home, Jayden hadn't informed them about his new Pokemon just yet, after all they would find it strange for him to catch a strong level 22 Pidgeotto after only training raboot for less than a week.

Jayden spent the day with his parents, listening to them talk about their day and the drama they went through.

they ended off the day watching a movie together as a family, since they knew Jayden would leave tomorrow, and could only come back rarely.

after the movie Jayden immediately went upstairs, after checking that he has everything in his inventory including clothes, two tents, and daily necessities he sighed in relief.

his dad had even bought him a good bike that could be rode anywhere in the routes for him, after all he couldn't walk those long routes on feet all day.

the black bicycle was strapped up to his mother's car yesterday as well, they had pure confidence in him that he would get his Trainer license.

After all, his starter Pokemon had already evolved, which was already surprising.


Jayden slept silently until the next morning.

the bright rays of the sun shine brightly though his window, landing on his face and lighting up the room.

Jayden opened his eyes and started getting ready for the day.

after a shower, and doing everything he needed to do, Jayden wore an outfit, grabbed his backpack and went downstairs.

he was immediately greeted by the smell of food.

his mom was cooking in the kitchen while his dad watched TV, he had called off from work to go with Jayden and his mom towards pewter city.

"before we leave eat something" his mom said while holding a cooking knife in her hand.

after eating and making sure that raboot was fed as well, Jayden and his parents left the house and entered the car.

in a dozen or so minutes they reached the entrance to pewter city.

this time there were more officer Jenny patrolling the area.

while driving, his dad said solemnly.

"I heard team rockets have been back on their evil activities lately around these routes, be careful while traveling, Jayden"

his mom only nodded too, but she also frowned.

team rocket wasn't a team to play with, they would go to the lengths of killing people just to get their hands on rare Pokemon.

"I'll keep that in mind, don't worry" Jayden calmed them down, be could understand their worries.

After parking Infront of the Pokemon league branch building, his dad helped him remove the bicycle from its straps on the car.

Jayden hugged both of his parents before bidding them farewell.

"I'm leaving" he waved.

they watched as he entered the Pokemon league building before driving off slowly.


After entering the building, Jayden looked around, it was a very fancy place, with many staff members and people with starter Pokemon all around.

After waiting in line for a while Jayden finally got to talk to the receptionists.

"hello how may I help you today" the middle aged man in a suit said.

"hi my name is Jayden and I'm here for a scheduled pokemon License interview" Jayden said and pulled out his ID.

the man typed on the computer for a while and glanced at the Id before saying.

"ah yes, Jayden, you can immediately head to room B7, your interviewer will be there shortly, good luck"

the man said while handing Jayden a ticket, a piece of paper with his name and room number on it.

"thank you"

it didn't take long for Jayden to find room B7, after all there were signs that led to all the areas in the building, including the fact that the rooms were labeled.

Jayden entered the decorated room and took a seat before the computer.

it wasn't long before an old man around the age of 50 entered the room, his beard had tinges of white in them and he was nearly bald but he had a youthful glow in his eyes.

"hey kid, nice to meet you"

Jayden stood up and responded.

"it's nice to meet you too"

they shook hands.

"my name is Jackson Bailey, I suppose you are Jayden, the one I'll be interviewing today"

after talking for a short while the old man sat down on his chair and turned on the computer.

"read over this patiently and sign it please" the old man handed him a small piece of paper.

Jayden took his time and signed the papers with all his legal information and other info which they needed.

the old man finished off the meeting by asking him some questions about why he wants to become a Pokemon trainer and other things.

Jayden practically bullshitted his way through the whole thing.

the meeting lasted for almost an hour before almost ending.

"now one last thing before you can get your license, bring out your starter Pokemon so I can assess its level and stats" the old man said with a smile from his wrinkly face.

Jayden brought out raboot immediately, causing the old man's eyes to widen.

"galar region?" he mumbled under his breath before pulling out a phone-like device from under the table.

the device scanned raboot and it's information appeared in front of the old man Jackson.

"already level 18? that's pretty strong" the old man nodded in approval.

"your starter Pokemon is already this strong, you just might sweep through your first gym with it" he joked and laughed, Jayden only chuckled along.

Old man Jackson spent a couple more minutes on the computer before someone entered the room.

it was a young woman dressed in staff clothing, she carried a card and handed it to old man Jackson before leaving immediately.

"here is your trainer card, jayden" old man Jackson handed the card to Jayden after looking over it and verifying everything.

"thank you"

"my pleasure"

the trainer license had his name, height, and a bunch of other information, as well as the location of where he got his license.

"one more thing, you can apply for this year's info league championships at any pokemon center, or I can help you apply right now while I'm at it" old man Jackson offered with a smile.

he had grown a liking to this young trainer.

"I'd be very thankful if you could do that" Jayden replied, he almost forgot that he needed to apply for the indigo league after getting his license, it completely flew over his head.

Jayden finished all procedures and left the Pokemon league building with a few new items in his hands.

he was given a small case to place all his gym badges in, a pokedex, as well as 5 regular pokeballs that each trainer gained after getting their license, he currently had 13 regular pokeballs now, excluding the great balls and the ultra ball.

Jayden unlocked his bike from a bike rack near the league building and hopped on it, he called out raboot and had it sit on the small basket in the front of the bike.

ever since evolving raboot had gained a lil emo side to it, it didn't talk much now and randomly had it's hands in it's fur, almost like they were pockets.

Jayden found it funny and didn't care much Abt it, this came with its evolution after all.

Jayden opened up a map on his rotom phone, setting his destination to the rock type gym that was in pewter city, with his Pokemon's power, there was no way he would lose.