
Pokemon: A champions journey

Ashley_Ketchum44 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

After the whole deal with the samurai boy, things went on as usual. However, we decided to stay there in the forest for a couple of days training before continuing our journey.

- Three days after the `Battle´

I sat under the tree next to our camp as I watched my pokemon training and giving out pointers every now and then.During these past couple of days, Charmander was able to learn a new move after managing to achieve better control of the fire energy that is inside his body, Fire fang. He was the only one that learned a new move, but the others worked harder on proficiency than their general moveset. He also seemed to start achieving the growth effect my pokemon seemed to get from my food and training. He now stood at a height of 1.3m which is more than double the height of a normal charmander.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hey guys, thats good enough for today. Its time to pack up anyway and get back on the road." I called out to them, causing them to stop their training and start to clean themselves in the creek that was near our camp before returning to camp and helping me pack up the stuff. I had started to teach them about camping gear and such so that I could get some help once our group started to grow in numbers.

"Thanks guys." I said as we had packed all the gear and I stood up and slung the bags over my shoulder while holding the straps with my left hand. As usual I called back charmander and swinub into their pokeballs before we started to leave.

While walking we saw many different bug pokemon as well as multiple pidgeys, but no one that I found interesting enough to add to my team, so we just kept going.

Another five hours later and we finally reached the end of the forest which led us to the top of a cliff where we could see the entirety of Pewter city also known as the first gym which is led by Brock.

We started to head down the road that led to the city which eventually led us to the centrum. We quickly found the pokecenter and entered. Like all pokecenters, it had a design that allowed trainers to relax in the lobby while waiting for their pokemon to get healed.

I walked up to the reception desk where a nurse Joy was doing her work.

"Hello and welcome to Pewter city pokemon center, my name is nurse Joy. What can I help you with?"

"Hey there. I want to have a check up on my team before challenging the gym."

"No problem. Just put your pokeballs here on this tray and you will have them back in no time." She said with a smile.

"Thanks. I would also like to rent a room for a couple of days." I said as I put my pokeballs on the tray.

"Also no problem. Just register your I.D and all should be fine." She said before leaving. I quickly registered my pokedex before deciding to give a call to the lab. I walked over to the pc before sitting down and inputting the number to professor Oak. The phone rang for a bit before the picture of a tired professor came into view.

"Hello there professor Oak. What happened, you seem tired?" I asked in concern.

"Oh, Rimuru my boy, Im happy that you called. Nothings wrong, its just that multiple professors from around the world has been calling around for the identity of the one who discovered mega evolution and the new races of pokemon." He said with a small sigh.

"I am so sorry professor that I put you in this situation. Is there anything that I can do to help?"

"Actually there is! The society wants to have a public conference to reveal all of these discoveries. How long are you near a phone?"

"I have rented a room here for the next couple of days since Im going to challenge the gym here in Pewter."

"Perfect. I will call around so make sure you are nearby in two days for a video call."

"Will do professor. Sorry but I have to go. It seems that my pokemon are fresh and ready to go."

"Sure thing my boy. Be safe." Was the last he said before hanging up. I stood up and walked back to nurse Joy to get my team.

"Hey nurse Joy. Is it possible to reserve a video phone for a specific time?"

"Yes it is, however the fee is high for reserving the phone."

"Thank you. The prize is no problem, so could you put me down in two days?" I asked before she started to type something into her computer.

"Yes, there you go. You have been registered into the system. Please register your I.D once again." She said. I just scanned my pokedex again and said my goodbyes before leaving the center.

While walking I remembered that there is a museum in town, so I decided to go and have a look. I walked towards the building and headed inside.

The lobby was an open room with a reception desk in front of the bigger room where you could slightly see the skeleton of what I would presume was an Aerodactyl. Walking up to the desk I paid the entrance fee of fifty pokedollarsbefore entering.

(A/N I will call pokedollars, just dollars from this point on.)

While inside I walked around to have a look. There are two floors in the Pewter Museum. The first floor holds the front desk and a Fossil exhibit containing the Fossils of Aerodactyl and Kabutops. The second floor hosts a space exhibit, featuring a Space Shuttle and Moon Stone that apparently fell onto Mt. Moon.

While exploring, I heard the sound of an explosion coming from the back. I quickly ran there to see if there was any trouble. Entering the back room, I saw multiple researchers on the floor looking hurt, so I released all my pokemon and gave them a command.

"Help those you can and see if there is any trouble. Victini, youre with me this time."

They all nodded and started to run around to help the scientists. Victini and I ran into the next room where we saw a scientist standing in a corner cowering from what I could recognise as one of the fossil pokemon, Cranidos. The scientist seemed to notice me and called out.

"Help, please help. We just resurrected it and it went full berserk." He pleaded to which I just called out.

"Victini, use confusion to hold him in the air."

Victini nodded seriously and proceeded to do as I commanded. The Cranidos was lifted into the air and was floating there while looking around in panic. I took this opportunity to throw a pokeball to it and waited. One, two, three and a final shake as it was caught and the worst of the crisis was over. Victini floated the ball to me and I caught it in my hand and gently rubben Victini on the head.

"You did well buddy." Victini just looked to be in bliss at the affection untill the scientist got back on his feet and started speaking.

"Thank you. I dont even want to think about what could have happened had you not been close by."

"Its no problem, but what in the world happened for a cranidos to attack you?"

"Cranidos? Is that its name? We received a fossil some time back and had finally managed to create a method to revive these extinct pokemon, but that one started to attack as soon as it woke from the procedure."

"Sigh.... A cranidos is a pokemon that has a bad temper. The reason it went into attack mode was most likely because it felt threatened by everyone crowding it or something similar." I said, causing the scientist to look thoughtful.

"You seem to know this pokemon, how come?"

"While in Sinnoh, I met one of the gym leaders, Roark. He has a cranidos as well and went through a similar scenario when that one woke up." I lied through my teeth.

"I see.... then how can we calm it down?"

"Nothing much to do Im afraid. A cranidos will nine out of ten times have that temper."

"Sigh... I was afraid so..... Wait, why dont you take it with you? Perhaps it would be best if a trainer held onto it." He suggested

"Are you sure? A fossil pokemon is incredibly valuable."

"Yes Im sure. Im a scientist, not a trainer. That means that I most likely wouldnt be able to keep it calm."

"Then I will agree. But a little tip when it comes to revivals... try to avoid reviving Aerodactyls in this lab. They are more vicious than the other ones." He seemed to shiver for a moment at my words and nodded quickly.

"I got it. Now then, could I perhaps get the name of my saviour?"

"The name is.... Professor Rimuru Tempest." I had to remind myself that I was officially recognised as a professor now.

"Professor Tempest? Im sorry, but I dont seem to know your name." He said while sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. I just waved him off and said.

"No worries. It was just recently I was recognised anyways so there are no problems." He sighed in relief as if I would attack him since he didnt know my name.

Soon my pokemon returned after helping the rest of the staff and we bid our farewells while I looked at the pokeball in my hand.

"A Cranidos huh?" A small grin spread across my face. "I just got myself another powerhouse."