
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
153 Chs

Paul tortures Tobias

Ace looked at the Azumarill and nodded.

[Huge Power]

Paul snapped his fingers, "Destroy him." Azumarill grinned evilly and rushed towards Entei wildly as Tobia sneered, "Fire Blast!" Paul shook his head, "Go back to school, pal. Real life battles aren't for you. Liquidation."

Azumarill covered herself in water and smashed the Fire Blast with a single punch!

Entei: ????????????

Azumarill flexed and bulked up suddenly, roaring cutely, "AZU!" before smashing into Entei, sending him spiraling in the air!

Paul said, "After him, Aqua Jet!" Azumarill jumped off the ground, shooting into the sky in a stream of water, stretching her arm back!


Azumarill punched Entei in the stomach and shot him into the sky as she landed on the ground, flexing in a one knee pose. Paul shook his head when he saw this… 

This Azumarill met his expectations but… the personality was a bit troubling.

Paul's trainer style was cold and harsh, he didn't know how this Azumarill got this attitude.

As Ace continued to watch, one after the other, Tobias' noob stomping team was killed! In the end, Paul had 3 Pokemon left and Tobias was left with only Raikou and Darkrai.

Paul smirked and looked a bit evil as he took back Electivire, sending out a Qwilfish. Ace knew what he was doing and cheered, "Good boy! Hahahaha!" Tobias had Raikou out and laughed, "Sending a Water Pokemon? Did you forget what happened to Azumarill? Thunder!"

Paul didn't even listen, he was going to show this guy the real horror!

"Qwilfish! Use Toxic Spikes and dodge." Qwilfish spat out toxic Spikes on the ground, and bounced on the ground, rolling out of the way of the Thunder as Paul commanded again, "Spikes." Qwilfish threw out more spikes as Paul snapped his fingers, "Flip Turn."

He threw out Aerodactyl as Qwilfish came back.

Tobias was confused by this operation.

Ash, Dawn, and Brock in the audience paused and looked at each other…

Paul snorted, "Stealth Rocks." Aerodactyl roared and stones shot out, hanging around in the air, Tobias frowned and Paul looked at him, crossing his arms, "It's over. Try again next time, loser. Roar, Aerodactyl."

Aerodactyl roared and Raikou was switched with Latias as the Stones smashed into her, Tobias said, "Latias! Dragon Pu-" Paul interrupted him, "I said, you're finished! Roar again!" Latias was switched out and Tobias' face turned pale.

The two switched out after taking damage from Hazards over and over again until they fainted!

Tobias was numb, looking at the field in shock, unable to do anything! As soon as he spoke, Paul used Roar and swapped them out!

It's an infinite loop!

Of course, it wasn't possible in the games, but in real life you can take the first move every time if you're fast enough. Also, Hazards only last 5 turns, so the so-called 'infinite loop' is an exaggeration… But it felt like an infinite loop to the person being abused!

Paul won and took his Pokemon back, snorting, "You're lucky Ace left, otherwise there was no way you'd get the Oreburgh Gym Badge." as he left the field, leaving the audience stunned into silence.

Ace watched the next battle, it was Ash vs some random guy. They both seemed to have fun and shook hands after, laughing together. That was the Top 4.

The next was Ash vs Paul!

But before that, the League seemed to have taken IQ enhancing pills and set the finals of the Sinnoh Coordinator Conference to play before the Finals of the Lily of the Valley Conference!

Ace watched Dawn's performance and clapped, nodding to himself as he watched Leafeon and Aurorus showing off their stuff.

Unfortunately, Dawn fell short by literally one point in the finals to…


Ace was stunned as he watched the Coordinator battle, beautiful moves were sent out everywhere. The highlight of the battle was Aurorus making Purple Ice Flowers fall from the sky with Slowbro's poison gas.

However, the Ice was still poisonous and a single snowflake poisoned Aurorus by sheer luck, leading to Dawn losing a ton of points. But luck was part of strength! Ace sighed before messaging Jessie and Dawn, telling them that they did an amazing Job, congratulating the duo.

After that, he got a text from Brock.

[Ace… I have some doubts.]

Ace was stunned and answered him before seeing a bible- Ahem! A long heartfelt message…

[I don't know, watching Ash and Paul's different way of raising Pokemon and the results they got… I don't know if I'm suitable to be a Breeder anymore… Maybe I'm more suitable to be a Pokemon Doctor after all…]

Ace scratched his head, he deleted 'K' from the message box and thought about it seriously. The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous he felt. Pokemon Doctor? Can you be better than any nurse Joy laying on the side of the road? No, right?

So then what's the big deal? 

Obviously, this is a confidence issue.

So, Ace replied.

[??? Shut up and get back on your Rapidash. If you fall off, are you never going to get back on? Don't give me these shitty excuses or I'll beat you next time I see you. Pokemon Doctor? Are you going to be a Pokemon Neurosurgeon? Forget it, the Joy family has People Breeders to make more Pokemon Doctors, do they need a squinty eyed guy? You lost confidence because Paul and Ash are better than you? It's a joke? Ash relies on Feelings and Paul relies on Stats, can he breed an Onix with bodies as big as yours?]

[... No…]

[That's right. He can't! But you can. See what I'm saying? Tell me the truth, you just want to go home and sleep with Lucy, right?]

[??? No, I'm serious!]

[Okay, okay, you're serious. Listen, I slept with my wife and now I have two kids that just stare at me when I look at them. If I didn't have unlimited money hacks turned on, I wouldn't be able to juggle everything. Before you start having kids, become an established breeder.]


[Another thing! Are you leaving Ash? Don't be intimidated, Brock. Ash can't survive in the wild without you for 5 minutes. I guarantee he will explode if left alone. He's like a Time Bomb and you're the Bomb Squad. Just listen to me. Don't lose confidence, you're already great. Your Pokemon have been with you just to make your dream come true! Are you going to let them all down to go and become a Discount Nurse Joy?]

[I don't want to! I just don't think I can do it! That's all!]

[And I'm telling you that you can! Is your brain squinted too? Turn on your IQ and get back on the Rapidash! Here's a Quote for you; Nobody is gonna hit you harder than Life. But it's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward! Understand what I'm saying?]

[I… I think so.]

[If you get knocked off a Rapidash, you just gotta get back on and keep going. Are you gonna let this set back ruin your dream?!]


[I want to see exclamations, Brock!]


[There ya go! Stop being a bitch and start getting serious about your dreams! Nobody can achieve your dream other than you!]

[Yeah! I'll do it!]

[Mhm! So what now?]

[I was going to take a break from travelling.]


Ace looked at his phone and sighed, after all that… Black and White is still character of the season… To be perfectly honest, Brock and Misty were his favorite companions. This is the team that I spent my weekends watching when I was a kid… 

With that being said…

[I have a better idea.]


[How about you take a course at the Academy in the New Region. They announced it already, right?]

[Huh?! Wait! You're in Paldea?!]

[I didn't mention it…?]

[... No!]

[Well, yeah, I'm here. Listen, come by and I can get you in the Academy for a One Year course. You can even bring Lucy on Vacation, yeah?]

[Let me discuss with Lucy first… I'll let you know, okay?]

[Take your time. I'll show you something new here…]

He took a picture of the Paradox Pokemon and sent it to Brock.

[Pokemon from Ancient Times and the Far Off Future!.jpg]



3! Also! Hand over the Stones? Question mark, did everyone die? lmfao
