

The Dratini was tiny no longer than 20 cm and couldn't be wider than 10cm. It looked around the room curiously before its red eyes set on Daikon. It gave a happy cry before jumping into his arms.

Daikon caught the Dratini in his arms and it started to slither all over his body, letting out tiny cries of happiness. For some reason the happiness seemed infectious and he started laughing.

Seeing her new owner playing with Dratini, Eevee seemed to be a little jealous and hopped onto Daikons shoulder and rub her tiny head on his cheek.

Laughing at her display of jealousy, he gave her a small pat on her head to comfort her. He then looked at the Dratini who was coiled around his right arm.

He could feel the Dratini's happiness, literally feel it in his mind. Daikon tested this connection by trying to send thoughts to Dratini.

Dratini stopped rubbing its face on Daikon's arm and looked at him curiously. Daikon tried again, this time harder. Dratini suddenly cried and nodded its head in agreement.

Daikon smiled, he tried asking it if it was hungry. He then looked at him mom, waiting for answers.

Kate looked at the Dratini with a sad smile on her face, "A Dratini, how fitting…" she muttered, lost in her thoughts once again.

She then shook her head and saw Daikon's questioning look. "You are Dragonborn. I don't know the specifics but I do know it means you have a special connection with Dragon type pokemon. It is also the reason your dad had to leave…" Kate said as she looked at her son lovingly, a single tear fell from her eye.

"I'm the reason!?" Daikon blurted out. A rollercoaster of emotions swept over him. He was the reason for his mother's sadness?

"It's not your fault sweetheart. You were born special, much more special then your father and I could have predicted. A Dragonborn is someone that has a natural affinity with dragon pokemon, not only that but you are able to absorb draconic energy from dragon pokemon and train your body. When you were born you drained a powerful Dragonite of almost all its strength." Kate explained to Daikon, placing her hand on his cheek. He didn't want him to blame himself for his dad leaving.

"If I am so special, why did he leave? If I am so fucking special then why did he have to leave us!?" Daikon yelled standing up and knocking the chair over. He couldn't understand it. Why leave?

Kate let out a soft sigh seeing her sons anger. "Because your Dragonborn. You dad is from the ancient Draconid clan, their history goes back almost to the first humans. A powerful dangerous clan that isn't united at all. Internal battles are frequent and assassinations happen frequently. He left us so we wouldn't be at risk."

A cold glint appeared in Daikon's eyes. "So he left us because he wasn't strong enough to protect us?"

Seeing her sons cold look, tears started leaking from her eyes. "Please don't blame your father too much. I wasn't strong enough to protect you either!"

Daikon hugged his mom so she would stop crying but the cold look remained in his eyes. He blamed his father for being weak and swore to himself he would become strong, so strong that he would never have to hide from anyone.

"Its okay mom. I'll become strong so you can see him again." Daikon consoled her, stroking her hair.

After a minutes, she seemed to calm down. Looking at her son she said, "I know you will. You are a Dragonborn." A bright smile filled her tear stained face.

"Ahem sorry to interrupt but I need to know about that Dratini. I have never seen a Dratini that colour!" Professor Oak's curiosity got the better of him and couldn't hold it back anymore.

Kate gave a small laugh, wiping away her tears. Daikon gave the Professor a withering look but Kate tapped his arm saying it was okay.

"It called a blood bond. It can only happen when you have a strong Draconid bloodline. Only a handful of people are able to do this in the clan. You first must let the pokemon in the egg sense your energy and if it accepts you, you must feed it your blood. This establishes a life long bond between the two. They share thoughts, emotions, basically everything. In Daikon's case he is able to absorb draconic energy from Dratini to strengthen his own body. As to the Dratini's colour I don't know much about it, like I said the egg was a gift from my husband." Kate explained not only for Professor Oak but for Daikon to. This was his gift and he needed to know how to use it.

Daikon was only half listening as he was busy dealing with his two pokemon fighting for his affection.

"Eeeee!" Eevee complained to Daikon as he petted Dratini.

"Okay okay, enough. I love you both equally." Daikon soothed Eevee, scratching her behind the ear.

"Blood Bond… I have never heard of anything like that... simply incredible." Professor Oak was in full geek mood as he muttered to himself.

"Professor please don't tell anyone what you saw here. It could be dangerous for Daikon and I if this information got out." Kate interrupted the Professor's mumblings as she gave him a serious look.

The Professor's face darkened at the thought of Kate and Daikon being harmed. "Don't worry, my lips are sealed." he promised, causing Kate to smile in relief.

"Bring out my pokedex boy and register this pokemon already! You are able to check the known moves you pokemon has with my new update and it acts as a satellite phone so now you have no reason to call your mother!" Professor Oak exclaimed, slightly proud of his invention and showing it off.

Daikon reached into his new backpack and pulled out a red electronic device. It was shiny and sleek, with one button on the side. It had a large touch screen with one camera on the front and one on the back.

Clicking the on button on the side, the pokedex turned on with a beep. A red light shot from the camera and scanned Daikon's body. A few seconds later a virtual image on Daikon appeared on screen.

[Please enter name.]

A robotic female voice sounded out, asking for his name.

He quickly entered his name into the pokedex.

The pokedex quickly scanned his backpack and display the contents on screen.

[Unregistered pokeball. Is it Daikon's?]

Daikon quickly answered yes, as it was talking about Eevee's pokeball.

[Eevee the evolution pokemon. Eevee has an unstable genetic makeup that suddenly mutates due to the environment in which it lives. Radiation from various stones causes this Pokémon to evolve.]

The pokedex then listed what it was strong and weak against.

A pokeball appeared on screen next to my name and beside it read Eevee♀.

Daikon clicked Eevee's name and more information came up about the pokemon. What caught his eye though was the known moves.


Sand Attack

Quick Attack

'Low level Eevee judging from the moves. Lots of room to grow.' Daikon thought as he went through Eevee's information.

Professor Oak smiled proudly as he watched Daikon engrossed in his new pokedex. This was the latest model and had lots of new abilities and tricks for him to use.

Daikon grabbed a pokeball from his bag and offered it to the tiny Dratini. Curiously sniffing it, Dratini gave an upset look to Daikon.

Daikon laughed at this little guy, he was mad that it wasn't food. Daikon used his thoughts to soothe the Dratini and get him to get in the pokeball. Finally after the promise of food, did Dratini tap the pokeball with his head.

With a flash of red light, Dratini disappeared into the pokeball. The pokeball shook once before it stopped, showing that Dratini had been captured.


Daikon looked down at his pokedex as a new pokeball appeared.



'Neat.' Daikon thought, clicking on Dratini's name.

Known moves:


Dragon Breath

Dragon Dance

Aqua Jet

"Wow, those are some very strong egg moves!" Professor Oak exclaimed, peering over Daikon's shoulder.

Daikon had to agree, this Dratini's parents must have been strong.

[Dratini the dragon pokemon. Dratini continually molts and sloughs off its old skin. It does so because the life energy within its body steadily builds to reach uncontrollable levels.]

Looking the his pokedex, Daikon learned that Dratini's grow yo be around 2m long. Looking at his tiny Dratini, he thought 'Little guy has a lot of growing to do.'

"Well now that that's over why don't you go register yourself at the pokemon center." Professor Oak said.

Daikon nodded eagerly and grabbed his pokeballs and took off out the door. A sad smile flashed across Kate's face as she watched her son leave.

"He will become a great trainor Kate. He has all the makings of a pokemon master." Professor Oak consoled the Kate.

"We both know Professor that the most talented trainor means nothing if they die young professor." Kate said darkly.

The Professor could only nod his head, he had seen many talented trainors die too young.


Daikon equipped his pokeball belt on and clipped Eevee's and Dratini's pokeballs onto the belt and place the pokedex back into his backpack.

Pallet town was a an up and coming town, new houses went up regularly and there were even a couple marketplaces.

Daikon found the pokemon center quickly, the giant red roofed building was built in the center of the town. The building itself was huge, a large pokeball was on the front of the building. The front of the building had large glass windows that let lots of natural light into the building.

The pokemon center didn't only heal pokemon, it was the center for all pokemon trainers. It provides cheap rooms, stores and food for trainers and pokemon.

Daikon entered to giant building and saw a large counter with a cute young redhead behind the counter and a large round pink pokemon beside her.

Daikon walked up to the counter and spoke to the pretty red haired lady, "Hello, I would like register as a trainer please."

The lady pointed to the elevator and said, "Second floor, ask for Nancy."

Daikon thanked her and boarded the elevator. Arriving on the second floor he saw lots of items for sale and pokemon trainers shopping. Most of them were older than him but a few were the same age. He asked a random for Nancy and he pointed to a lady in the corner. She was sitting behind a big desk covered with papers and a large computer.

Daikon walked up to her and said, "Hello, I'd like to register as a pokemon trainer."

"ID please." she asked holding her hand out and not looking up.

Daikon quickly fetched his ID from his pocket and handed it to her. She gave it a quick glance before placing it in a computer slot.

"Turned 15 today, quick eager aren't we?" Nancy said, her eyes not leaving the screen.

Daikon didn't answer and looked around the floor. He frowned at the sight of people buying pokemon in the store.

Daikon knew that people caught and sold pokemon on the black market but this was the pokemon center, it was ran by the Pokemon League.

Nancy saw Daikon's gaze and answered the unasked question, "The League made the decision to buy and sell pokemon so that we can ensure the well being of the pokemon instead of the black market treating them like garbage."

Daikon nodded his head in agreement. Pokemon were caught and sold to the black market by pokemon trainers for money. Trainers needed lots of money to be a pokemon trainer and catching and selling pokemon was the quickest and easiest way to make cash.

The only problem with that was the treatment of these pokemon was almost always poor and inhumane. The league tried to stop these dealings but found it difficult so they flipped the situation. They bought and sold pokemon to trainers while treating them properly. They offered slightly lower prices than the black market but trainers would rather sell to the Pokemon League than risk getting arrested by the police.

Draconids are actually apart of the Pokemon world. I didnt make them up.

Dawsoncreators' thoughts
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