
Pokemon: - The Journey of a Reincarnator

Join my discord server. https://discord.gg/7UKG6SZy8u AZURE's server ____________ "Itsuki Kagami is my name" I was reincarnated in Pallet town; I was the neighbor of Ash Ketchum. I and Ash quickly became best friends because of our interest in the Pokémon.] Itsuki is reincarnated in pokemon world with 3 wishes. Itsuki wants to compete and defeat the Mc of pokemon. Itsuki is one year older than Ash. This novel is about the journey of a reincarnator who admired Ash and loved. Now after reincarnating to his favorite anime, Itsuki's greatest wish is to defeat Ash and make his own legend. Note:- Our MC is not a perfect man. He also has his shortcomings which will be shown in upcoming chapters. Also this world is different from the anime, because other Anime characters might exist in this world and will be introduced in upcoming chapters. ___________________ [If you want to read advance 19 chapters https://www.patreon.com/Azure_warrior.] __________________ I am not the owner of the cover image. Credit goes to the owner.

Azure_warrior · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 33 - Suzune Horikita and Luxray

My name Suzune Horikita from Sunburst Island which is a part of Orange Island. Orange Islands is a large chain of tropical islands located south of Kanto and Johto.

Suzune Horikita is the daughter of Sunburst Island Mayor. The reason Suzune came to Kanto region was to prove herself that she was better than her own brother.


Since childhood, people even her own parents have told Suzune that she cannot compare with her big brother, that her big brother is more talented than her. Her parents always loved Manabu Horikita, Suzune's brother more than her. Suzune was always ignored and told that she didn't had the talent of competing with her big brother. Over the years, to get her parents attention, Suzune always tried her 100 percent to become the best in everything but still her parents never paid any attention to her. They instead spend more time with Manabu Horikita.


Over the years, Suzune came to hate her big brother more than anything in this world. Suzune was ready to do anything to defeat her brother and prove herself. Suzune always felt inferior to her brother, to her Manabu Horikita was a Iron mountain that she wished to break.

After years, Manabu Horikita her brother, became the strongest trainer Sunburst island and inherited her father's position. While her parents and everyone busy celebrating for Manabu Horikita, Suzune left Sunburst Island to explore the world and to become even more stronger than her brother.


Today she was on her way to Saffron city to get 6th badge. Suzune felt the ground was shaking and seconds later she collided with a boy and both of them fall on the ground. Fortunately in the last moment, Itsuki wrapped his arms around Suzune which lessen the impact she felt.


Cough! Cough!

Suzune coughed few minutes, when the dust settled, Suzune saw a extremely handsome boy under body, the boy had wrapped his arms around her.

"From the impact I would broken several of my bones. Fortunately, I didn't get hurt." Suzune stood as her pokemon glared at Zeraora who worriedly looked at Suzune.


"Hey you!" Suzune glared at Itsuki who was lying on the ground. Hearing an unfamiliar voice, Itsuki opened his eyes and looked at the girl in front of her.

The girl has long black hair with one braid tied with a pink bow as well as gradient red eyes. She had a stern look on her face. She has a slim but well-endowed body which makes her stand out as being beautiful.


Itsuki felt her cold gaze and her stern expression, Itsuki stood up and bowed his head. "I am sorry. I hope I didn't hurt you." In this type of situation, Itsuki tried to be as polite as he could since it was his fault.

But strangely the girl showed no emotion, her expression remained unchanged. "Whatever, People like is everywhere. Annoying flies."


The girl did not care if Itsuki heard her words murmuring words or not, she continued to walk her pokemon who glared at Itsuki.

Itsuki didn't felt anything hearing Suzune's words since she was nothing but a stranger to him but her words caused Itsuki to have bad impression of her. 'She is a troublesome girl. Even if she is beautiful, it's better to stay away from her. But her pokemon looks powerful.'


[Pokémon: - Luxray

_Level: - 42

_Type: - Electric

_Species: - Gleam Eyes Pokémon

_Ability: - Intimidate

_Gender: - Male

_Electric Terrain | Wild Charge | Discharge | Bite | Double Team]


'Damn, her Luxray is really strong. If Zera were to fight her, I am not confident seeing Luxray's high level. But considering that Zera is also a electric type pokemon, we might have a chance of winning.' Strangely Itsuki was itching to fight luxray. He wanted to walk up to that girl and challenge her. But before that Itsuki looked at Zera as if asking her if she wants to fight.


Zera also felt Luxray is very strong, she also wanted to fight Luxray. After awakening Aura, Zera was looking for a strong opponent.

Zera nodded to Itsuki. "Hey, I want to fight you.


On the other hand, Suzune felt very curious about the pokemon she just saw. She wanted ask the boy about his mysterious pokemon but her antisocial side didn't let her ask a stranger question.

Suzune, due to her serious, stern, antisocial personality has never made any friends in her life. Even when she started her journey she meet so many different types of people but she failed to change the antisocial part of her. Not that she wanted change. Suzune felt that having friends who just drag her down and prevent her from reaching her goals.


Suzune was about to walk away when she heard the boy's voice. "Hey, I want to fight your Luxray." This is not the first time I have being challenged but this was the first time I felt little happy since battling with boy would also let me learn more about his pokemon without having to ask him. Suzune felt little excited.


Suzune turned around while maintaining her stern expression. "Sure, let's fight. The winner gets 5,000 P$ and the loser pays the money." Whenever someone challenged Suzune, she always fought with money being at the stake. Suzune did this to earn more money which is necessary maintain her pokemon team which is very expensive. Not every middle class family had the privileges to raise pokemon since the money needed is just too much.


Itsuki had more than 900 hundred million P$ in his bank account, the money was stolen... cough! cough! taken from Giovanni. Itsuki wasn't stingy when it come to spending money. So Itsuki had no problem with the bet.

"Let's fight then." Suzune said.

"Before let's first introduce ourself." Itsuki.


'Why would we need to introduce ourself. After this fight we will going on our separate ways.' Suzune didn't this loudly but Itsuki still heard her words. Itsuki mouth twitched for moment but he calmed himself by saying,

'She is nothing but a stranger to me.'


"My name is Suzune Horikita from Sunburst which is part of Orange island." Itsuki nodded.

"My name is Itsuki Kagami from Pallet town. She is Zeraora." Suzune looked at Zeraora carefully. 'So this pokemon's name is Zeraora. Maybe I can ask some professor about Zeraora when I reach Saffron city.'


Itsuki found a open field 100 meters away from them. The open field was about 100 meters big. The open field wasn't occupied by any wild or dangerous pokemons which made Itsuki and Suzune sigh in relief. Somethings fighting in the wild can be very dangerous since wild pokemons might attack the trainers and try to eat them. This type situations often happens in deeper part of the forest.


Itsuki and Suzune facing opposite to each other, while their pokemons Luxray and Zeraora was looking at each other.

"Before we start, I want to ask you if you are participating in the Indigo League?" Itsuki felt Suzune might other strong pokemons considering that her Luxray was already in level 42.

"Yes. Your Zera a electric type pokemon?." Suzune asked feeling the blue lightning sparks coming from Zera's body. Itsuki nodded with a smile.


'So his pokemons is a electric type as well. I have to be careful, I have a feeling if I am careless then I might lose this fight.' So far Suzune had never lost a pokemon challenge before so she wanted to keep her streak keep going.


"Then Suzune, I will this battle. Zera start with Plasma fist."



Written by Azure_warrior

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