
Kanto League

Axel now had 2 elemental-rank Pokemon. An advanced trainer should have at least 1 elemental rank Pokemon. However, he only had a beginner trainer certificate.

Higher rank trainers had many benefits. It was also a status of power. Not many trainers could reach this stage in their lifetime. So, Axel planned to get his certificate now.

He pressed a red button on his seat and a beautiful lady came into his room. She was an air hostess.

"What can I do for you sir?", asked the air hostess.

"Can you please tell the pilot to change the destination?"

"Most certainly, where would you like to go?"

"Trainer camp, Kanto league"

The hostess nodded her head and went to tell the pilot.

Unlike beginner and intermediate certificates which a trainer could get in popular cities, advanced trainer certificates and above could only be gained in trainer camp which was in the Kanto league.

After a day of flying, he finally reached the place. He got out of the plane, thanked the pilot and the hostess, and made his way to the trainer camp.

Kanto league was not a small place. It was the biggest city in Kanto region. Kanto league had a huge airport, shopping district, the league, trainer camp and many important places. Axel asked for the way to trainer camp and after 2 hours he reached the camp.

The trainer camp tested the trainer for the certificate from the advanced rank and higher. There was a huge gate and the camp was barricaded with high walls.

The guard came near Axel and asked, "What is the purpose of your visit?"

"I want to apply for my advanced trainer certificate."

"Are you sure kid?" the guard obviously didn't believe that sentence. He felt that Axel was just messing him up. Even a genius would take a decade to be an advanced trainer. Axel seemed to have just started his journey.

"I am sure about it"

"Okay then, show me your intermediate trainer certificate."

"I only have a beginner trainer certificate right now. I didn't have the time to get an intermediate trainer certificate."

"Are you seeing my forehead kid? Is there a word 'STUPID' written on it? You don't have an intermediate trainer certificate. You seem to have just started your journey. Do you honestly think that I would believe this crap? The trainer camp has many important things to do. Get out if you don't want to be dragged out by me."

"As per the rules of the league, the trainer can get an advanced trainer certificate if he or she has an elemental rank Pokemon. I do not need an intermediate trainer certificate to prove to get qualified.", reply Axel.

"How do you want me to believe...."

The argument went on and on. Axel was getting a headache. The guard asked to show him a Pokemon of elemental rank if he wanted to get in. Axel showed Beedrill but the guard just said that the Pokemon was bought not trained. The guard seemed to have a peculiar ability to make Axel furious and he was doing a good job.

After some time, both of them started to raise their voice. The guard had worked tirelessly for this job. He had to be an advanced trainer to be the guard of the trainer camp. It took him 20 yrs to become one. He was now in his late 30s. But this kid was saying that he was already an advanced-ranked trainer.

As the voices started to get louder, it started to attract people around.

"Shekar, what is going on here?", said a voice

The guard's name was Shekar.

"Sir, this kid claims that he is applying for the advanced trainer certificate. He doesn't even have an intermediate trainer certificate and he seems to just start his journey. I don't want him to disturb the trainer camp for this nonsense."

"Boy, show me your elemental rank Pokemon." said the man.

Axel threw the ball and Beedrill came out.

"Hmm.. Ok come inside. Shekar, it is not your right to allow the kid. Even if he is young he does have an elemental rank Pokemon"

"But sir, the Pokemon is clearly bought not trained"

"That is for us to decide. Come inside kid."

Axel entered the gate. The place was big. There were multiple buildings inside the camp. Axel was already overwhelmed by the sheer size of the camp.

"Trainer camp is not only for testing and giving the trainer certificate. It is also a place to hold and train the trainers for the region.", said the man.

"Why do you hold and train trainers here?"

"For war. For the region. Trainer camp is the central place that does it. It is also big cause of advanced trainer certificate. Though only 20% of the trainer get to an advanced stage, it is still a huge number if you look at the current population of the region. By the way, my name is Rajiv."

"I am Axel Blaze."

"Ohh, so you are the famous researcher of our region."

Axel just nodded his head and followed Rajiv. They reached a huge building where Rajiv got him registered for the examination.

"Ahh… so what do I have to do to get the certificate?", asked Axel.

"The process is simple. You just have to pass 2 tests. First, your elemental ranked Pokemon would be evaluated by one of our Pokemons and second, you would have to battle an elemental rank Pokemon. Your progress in the battle would determine your trainer certificate."

"How do you evaluate my Pokemon? What is the reason for it?"

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