
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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Blue's advice

Lance was a part of Elite 4 in the game of Generation I, III, and VII games and was also the champion in Generation II and IV of the Kanto region. However, the current timeline was before Ash and Gray were even born so Lance was just a kid like him. Axel also didn't expect to see Lorelai on this trip. She was also a member of Elite 4 which specializes in ice-type Pokemon. Just as Axel was staring at those 2, Boris continued.

"The island is very big. It has a different ecosystem. I would now transfer the map of the island to you. The Map consists of all the details and also the danger zones that you should avoid. It would take us half a day to reach the island. Hoenn team would also join us around the same time. After you reach the island, you would be given a single flare each. If you are in any danger, fire it in the sky and we would come to help you. However, do realize that you are venturing into the wild and your safety is not guaranteed.

All of you have been briefed about the competition that you would face with the Hoenn team. After you reach the island, you are on your own. You could form the team and venture into the group or you could go solo. However, I would advise you to go in a group. Further details have been sent to your phone along with the map.

In the meantime, you are open to talking with yourselves and enjoying the facilities. There are foods and drinks that would be provided to you at your notice. There is also a training ground if you guys want to test yourselves."

Boris gave a long speech. He also had a concerned look. They had done their work perfectly and also mapped out the danger zones. There were a lot of checkpoints on the island and they could help the kids at a moment's notice. But these kids have never been in the wild. He cannot comprehend why those high-ranking members of the region would decide to do this.

After the short briefing, everybody started to introduce themselves.

"So, you are the outsider of the Venu family. Can't believe you were chosen for this", said Lyra

"He is capable for sure. But in the research department. I don't think he could compete with us.", said Ryker.

"Hey, don't say that. As per our league data, Axel is competent. He may be better than us.", said Lorelai.

Lance didn't have any comment on this issue.

It seemed that Axel had underestimated his fame. He was famous for his Eeveelutions research. Since he was such a genius, every kid of his age was jealous of him. Their jealousy increased when their parents started to lecture them making him an example. This jealousy was intensified in the other 2 starter families as they were practically rivals.

Axel calmed his mind and started to move around the food section. He was feeling a bit hungry.

"Hey, where are you going? Why don't we have a battle? I want to see how good the golden boy is", shouted Ryker. But Axel just ignored him and started to walk.

Axel did that for 2 reasons. First, he wanted to look cool. Second, Axel didn't give a damn about those people. He was on this trip to learn, explore and compete, and he could do this alone. He was planning to coordinate with the group and train together for a better result but Axel could not see that happening any time soon. So, he had already decided to go solo.

'It seems like the 2 families had not said anything about me to those kids. Well, it has just been 2 days.', thought Axel.

During Axel's gym battle, members of both families were present but it seemed they had yet not revealed his results to these kids. If they had, those idiots would not doubt him. But it was okay this way too. He didn't want to reveal too much.

With one interaction, Axel had figured out the personalities of these 4 kids. Lyra and Ryker had young master personalities in Chinese novels. Lorelai was a people pleasure and Lance was an arrogant guy. This was his takeout from the conversation. But Axel was interested in Lance. Lance would later grow out to be a powerhouse and a Champion. He was not a normal guy by any standard.

Axel thought to give Blue a call. He was also a Pokemon Explorer and it would not hurt to get some advice from him. But Axel was doubtful if Blue was available cause the last time he saw Blue, he was getting ready for another exploration. On second thought, Axel was surprised that he could talk to a former Kanto Champion whenever he wanted to.


Fortunately, the call connected. "Hello"

"Hello Blue, how are you?"

"I am doing good Axel. It is a surprise that you called. Anything serious? Cause I am about to get busy here?"

Axel didn't waste any time and told me everything about the trip to Blue.

"So, any advice from your side?" asked Axel.

"Yes, Don't go solo."


"Axel, I can understand that you have done well for your age and you have powerful Pokemons to support you. I also can understand that the explorers have done a great job. They may also have various checkpoints where they can help you in need and you also have the map. But you are going to the wild for the first time in your life.


The Wild is a scary place."