

Some people say a single wish can be a powerful force; like its some for of power or energy. Of course not all wishes are granted or can be granted. Well what would happen if multiple people wish for the same thing. Would it be granted or would it remain unfulfilled? Most of the time it would be the latter because no matter how much you or anyone else wants something miraculous to happen it won't. But in the chance that some powerful entity hears of such wish and is in need of said energy that is willing to make an exchange. That group would've won a galactic lottery.


Manor of wishes

In a unassuming office room

" A wish for fame - trash, a wish for fortune - trash, a wish for the apocalypse - Hmm this has over 10000 signatures I'll put in the consideration pile."

The daily life of a Genie under the lord of wishes can be pretty mundane but at least it pays and I can accumulate alot of experience without a bunch of petty wishes.

In the Manor of Wishes there are over 100000 genies at work for the Lord of Wishes. With the Manor being central hub to easily aquire commissions its the dream job of all genies. Here we able to easily accumulate Wish Energy to elevate us to higher ranks.

" A wish for a harem of men; oh the contractees a dude pfftkehe thats hilarious approved, revival wish trashed, and another wish for money haah can't people at least try to get a job before asking for billions- denied."

As a mid ranked second level Genie I've been given my own office so I don't have to hear all the lower ranks squabble away. Being a mid rank means I don't have to accept low level wishes if I don't want too. At my own discretion I can either throw them away or pass them onto lower ranks to deal with.

" Here we go, a kingdom level wish for a hero, finally something good and lucrative for me; granted, a cure for a plague... hmm it's taking over a continent huh... I'll let run through a little bit longer then grant there wish. Next is a wish for making pokemon real whatever that is. Now how many signatures does it ... have..?"


Head office

" Haah..."Overlooking the reports from his hundreds of thousands subordinates the Lord of Wishes stares at the stacks of paper spread out on his desk in sorrow. "Why did I ever make a company, all I ever get is mountain of paper work and no action to my name."

In order to preserve his races freedom and no longer be slave to others whims the Lord of Wishes ascended to his current post through sheer grit,talent and a little help from a cherished friend. While he has the power to decide the fate of galaxies he's not what you'd call business savvy and paperwork is his weakness.

Haaah..." I would give anything to be rid these god awful documents."

*Knock knock*

No sooner did the appear thought and someone came knocking. " Hmm.. you may enter."

"Sir I have fantastic news a grand level wish just came in with over 30 million signatures we've struck gold!!"

" Oh that is fantastic! What's the wish by the way?"

"It's for...!"