
Chapter 9: Heading to Pewter City


We walked along the beach with streetlights towards Viridian Forest.

Gary led Eevee with brisk steps, looking very pure under the clear light of the moon.

What does that sentence say? A stranger is like jade, and a young man is unparalleled in the world...

"Eevee!" Suddenly, Eevee's ears perked up and he looked back.

"What's wrong, Eevee?" Gary turned his head curiously.

"Wait a minute!!" The girl with braided braids trotted to catch up under the moonlight.

"You are... Professor Cerise's daughter, are you okay?" Gary tilted his head and asked with a smile.

The boy's smile might be too charming, as Chloe's face turned slightly red: "Well... Gary... thank you very much for saving our family today!"

"Oh ~ that." Gary waved his hand: "That's right, you don't have to worry about it."

"Well... I want to... go with you..." Chloe's words became slower and slower.

"Chloe is still in school, right?" Gary suddenly interrupted.

"Ah? Yes! I am studying in the preparatory class of Pokémon School." Chloe nodded.

"Then, don't give up halfway." Gary showed an encouraging smile again: "Whether it is traveling or studying in school, it is all about self-cultivation."

"So, Gary, do you like traveling alone?" Chloe asked curiously.

"That's not true~" Gary shrugged. "It's just that it's not that easy to meet a suitable partner."

"A suitable partner?" Chloe tilted her head.

"Well, if two people's goals and direction are exactly the same, then I think traveling together will tie them up. If each other's dreams can complement each other, that would be great." Gary touched Eevee's head gently.

"So, Gary, what kind of partner do you want?" Chloe asked bluntly.

Snap! Gary gently tapped Chloe's forehead with his finger. The latter was startled, then blushed and lowered her head.

"Don't be what others want, be what you want to be." Gary smiled and retracted his finger: "When you figure out what you want, maybe we can go together. But, not now."

"I...I know~" Chloe buried her head and nodded like a quail.

"It's getting late, go back quickly, Professor Cerise will be worried." Gary ordered seriously with his hands on his hips.

"Yes!" Chloe nodded, obediently turned around, and prepared to leave.

Gary looked at the girl's back and shook his head and chuckled. He was not a piece of wood like Ash. A girl's feelings are always poetic~

"By the way! This is for you!" Chloe ran back after walking a few steps, put a pendant into Gary's hand, and then ran away again without looking back.

Gary opened his hands curiously, and a silver crescent moon feather appeared in his hand.

Chloe ran for a long time and suddenly turned back.

"Oh~" A clear cry sounded from the sea.

Gary suddenly turned around and looked up at the moon behind him, the sea breeze blowing his hair.

Under the moonlight, the silver Pokémon spread its wings and flew high.

From Chloe's perspective, it happened to be the moment when the silver Pokémon lowered its head and Gary raised his head.

It seemed that the two were looking at each other in tacit understanding, frozen in eternity in the bright moonlight and blue waves~

Looking at Lugia gradually walking away, Gary smiled slightly. Ash has the platform of Ho-Oh, and he also has Lugia's favor. This feeling is not bad!

"Gary! I will work hard to find my own direction, wait for me!" Looking at the boy who was gradually walking away, Chloe clenched her fist slightly.

Running all the way home, the girl said firmly to her father: "Dad! I want to know more about Pokémon!"

Under the kind smile of Professor Cerise, his heart was bleeding. It seemed that he could not save his little cabbage...


Saying goodbye to Chloe, Gary continued to move forward and soon entered the scope of Viridian Forest.

The distance in this section of the forest was slightly longer, so Gary did not walk at night with his head down.

He released all three Pokémon and walked for about two hours.

Gary came to a relatively wide open area.

"Just rest here tonight."

Scyther chopped firewood, Charmander lit a bonfire, and Gary found some hay and spread sleeping bags on it. The camping work was completed.

Although there was a tent in the backpack, sleeping under the stars in this good weather with few clouds was quite unique.

He heated a glass of milk for himself and cooked some hot porridge for the three Pokémon using milk and Pokémon food.

After finishing dinner, Gary was ready to rest. Eevee consciously got into the sleeping bag and warmed Gary's bed. Charmander was lying next to the sleeping bag.

The work of keeping vigil was completed by Scyther because it had its own special training.

As a technical master, Scyther is good at combos of some small skills.

However, if you want to fully adapt to your combat effectiveness, Gary's advice is to hit the target.

That is to strengthen the application of "Focus Energy."

Don't think of Focus Energy as your skill, make it your instinct.

This is the training goal given by Gary to Scyther.

On the back of the bonfire, the Scyther stood naturally behind Gary, with two scythes hanging down naturally, and his eyes slightly closed.

Along with the sound of even breathing, a layer of white light flickered on and off the body of the Scyther.

When Focus Energy becomes the subconscious instinct of the Scyther, his combat effectiveness will also make a qualitative leap.

After a good night's sleep, after Gary woke up, Scyther stopped training and entered the Poké Ball to rest after eating.

Gary continued on the road with Charmander and Eevee.

In the second half of Viridian Forest, there were fewer and fewer trees, replaced by dense grassland half as tall as a person.

When walking through it, you have to be careful of wild Pokémon or wild trainers that may pop out at any time.

Along the way, several Rattata who wanted to steal food fell under Charmander's claws.

It seems that Charmander will reach the evolutionary stage soon.

Uh-huh! Suddenly, a dark figure jumped up in the grass: "Look at the sword!"

"Eevee, use Thunderbolt." Gary did not hesitate.

Zap! A bolt of lightning flew out, and the black shadow fell to the ground, its legs twitching a few times.

Gary took a closer look and saw that it was a Chuuni samurai boy wearing armor and holding a plastic knife~

"What are you doing?" Gary asked curiously.

"Good question!" The samurai boy rolled up and stood up, pointing the toy knife at Gary: "Are you from Pallet Town?"

"Well, that's right. Any advice?" Gary admitted generously.

"Hahaha, that's right. I fought against two trainers from Pallet Town who passed by here before. How about it, do you want to have a fight with me?" the samurai boy asked enthusiastically.

Gary stared at the other person's fat face curiously: "So, you were beaten to death twice and you want to regain your place with me?"

Are you kidding me, Mr. Oak, the No. 1 trainer in Pallet Town? Are you looking for a place from me?

Being exposed, the samurai young man blushed: "Oh, long-winded, if you want to fight, fight, or not. As long as you admit defeat, I will let you pass!"

Gary almost laughed angrily, are you looking for abuse? Come on, let me put a buff on your head...

"I usually don't refuse a fight that comes to me. Come on." Gary raised his fingers.

"Okay! I hope you won't disappoint me!" The samurai boy took back the toy knife and took out the Poké Ball.

The two distanced themselves and the game officially began!

"Come on, Pinsir!!" The opponent's Poké Ball opened, and a very strong Pinsir appeared in front of Gary.

"Hoo~ I didn't expect you to have such a Pokémon." Gary raised his eyebrows.

"Whatever, just give up if you're afraid!" The samurai boy said proudly.

"Afraid? I'm afraid you're overthinking..." Gary curled his lips. He just took an appraisal and found out that this Pinsir was only a pitiful level 14! No wonder they were easily manipulated by Brock and the others.

"Stop talking nonsense and come on!" The warrior boy shouted impatiently.

"Haha~ If you are willing to die, I will be willing to bury it~ Charmander, go ahead." Gary tilted his head to signal.

"Charmander!" Charmander puffed up his chest and walked up.

"Strike first is the strongest! Pinsir, use the ultimate impact move!" The samurai boy took the lead in launching the attack.


Gary shook his head speechlessly. He was so slow and he was throwing it at the face of the fire Pokémon. Are you giving it away?

"Charmander, use Flamethrower!" Gary was too lazy to care. He had to go to Pewter City after finishing his work early.

"Charmander!" Facing the Pinsir that rushed towards him, the Charmander jumped back flexibly, then opened his mouth wide, and a burst of scorching flames spurted out.

Boom!! Pinsir was directly hit head-on!!

Snap! As soon as the shot entered the soul, Pinsir, covered in black smoke, fell to the ground and gave Charmander a wave of experience points.

"How could it be?!" The samurai boy was confused. The two people in front of him had lasted at least four or five rounds. This time they were instantly killed?!

"Well done, Charmander." After encouraging Charmander, Gary shook his head and turned around to leave. "If you want to practice, just contact more different opponents, hide in the forest and work behind closed doors. This is your upper limit."

After listening to Gary's advice, the samurai boy realized that he still had to fight more trainers from Pallet Town.

Decided, continue to ambush the next one here!