
Chapter 42 I am the background



In Gary's exclusive training room at Rainbow University, Caitlin was watching Gary's Pokémon receive training with great interest.


Three female graduate students conducted a comprehensive evaluation of Gary's Pokémon.


The first is little Eevee, a perfect hexagonal warrior. His body shape, coat color, including physical and mental explosiveness, are all perfect models.


Charmeleon is also a talented player. His muscle mass and bone mass are very terrifying. His flame affinity is 90%, and he can perfectly control the ability of dual swords.


Growlithe, although he joined the team late and has only excellent qualities in all aspects, his flame affinity is perfect and he is extremely talented.


Scyther has excellent agility and flexibility, excellent speed, and a somewhat high body fat rate... Lilac suggested that it eat low-fat and high-protein Pokémon food.


The armored Rhydon has excellent muscle density, low bone mass, and average blood volume. Excellent endurance and endurance, top-notch instant explosive power. Daisy's suggestion is to continue to increase the use of supplements and eat more nutritious energy cubes.


Gengar: Excellent mental strength, excellent explosive power, good speed, and excellent short-term acceleration. The three graduate students unanimously determined that this was a newly captured Pokémon that needed comprehensive and focused care.


"Oh my God, it is indeed Professor Gary's Pokémon. The cultivation is so good." Daisy took the report and couldn't help but sigh.


"That's right, except for Gengar, there is very little room for other Pokémon to develop." May put her hands on her hips and shook her head.


"But, it's about our credits..." Lilac reminded.


The three women's eyes were filled with enthusiasm. Well, let's come to a special training package that we are best at!


"I'm responsible for the energy cube and physical strength balance training." May adjusted her black-rimmed glasses.


"Then I will be responsible for the recovery work after training." Daisy nodded.


"I'm responsible for mood management and data recording." Lilac also showed her professional attitude.


Gary walked in from the side and took out a few Poké Balls: "Don't worry, and these children, I'm leaving it to you."


Just now, Gary and Professor Oak talked on the phone and asked for the remaining Nidoking, Nidorina, and Golduck at home.


During this period, they will be stored here at Rainbow University.


"Also, Eevee, Charmeleon, Growlithe, and Scyther, follow me. There is a competition in the afternoon." After taking back these Pokémon, Gary reviewed the reports of Lilac and others.


I have to say that a report produced by such a high-level professional is pleasing to the eye.


This is what is called letting professionals do professional things.


"Well, Nidorina is ready to evolve, and I've also taken the Moon Stone.


This job is left to you, Lilac, and I hope you can help Nidorina gain as much as possible." Gary took out the Moon Stone and handed it to Lilac, who nodded earnestly.


"Well, Professor Oak, I think Growlithe's flame affinity has reached its maximum level. You can consider letting him evolve. I also applied for flame gems and charcoal.


I am confident that the Growlithe will evolve perfectly into Arcanine." May smoothed her hair and said seriously.


Blue raised his eyebrows and said, "Then I'll leave it to you. Let's start the specific work tomorrow. I'm going to take the dog to a game in the afternoon."


May nodded and said she would be fully prepared.


It's just rolled up, it's great~


After instructing the three graduate students, Gary chatted with the Pokémon again.


"Guys, Rainbow University is a very professional training base. If you seize this opportunity, you can improve as much as you can.


After that, we will have a lot of tough battles to fight, so come on~"


The silly pair of Nidoking and Armored Rhydon nodded in agreement very seriously.


Gengar looked left and right, are you guys working so hard? No, I can't be left behind! You must first establish a good relationship with the trainers!


Just do it! As soon as Daisy turned around, Gengar approached him with a smile. I lick~! !


I learned this trick from Growlithe to express that I like the other person. It is said that it works every time!


It's stinging~ Daisy trembled: "It's numb... it's numb..."


Gengar's face stiffened: ╥﹏╥If you don't like it, you don't like it. Why is she still cursing people...


Gary explained awkwardly: "Well, Gengar, don't use your tongue licking trick when licking others. It will paralyze the other person. They didn't scold you..."


Gengar covered his face and nodded. It's better now. He failed to flatter him and was slapped down by others...


"Pfft~ Hahahaha~" Caitlin couldn't help but laugh out loud.


"Ahem, um, Caitlin, will you come to my game this afternoon?"Gary quickly changed the subject.


"Hmm~ I'm going to go. But you have to buy me ice cream after it's over." Caitlin put her hands on her hips cutely.


This girl and Gary got to know each other well, and the eldest lady's character gradually emerged.


"No problem, I won't eat the best, only the most expensive~"Gary nodded, anyway, it was Lance's card~


"Oh yeah!" Caitlin waved her little hands happily.


"Uh~ Well, Lilac, you go to the cabinet and get some Asire waterweed juice for Daisy to take. You guys should also rest for a while. I'm leaving first." With Eevee on his shoulders, Gary decisively rubbed oil on the soles of his feet.


"Byebye. Ladies~" Caitlin pulled the hem of her skirt and moved in an instant to keep up with Gary's pace.


Lilac and May looked at each other and shrugged.


"To be able to play so well with the Elite Four, Professor Oak must be very strong as well." Lilac admired him.


"Yes, it would be great if we could see Professor Oak's main team." May said eagerly.


In fact, they don't know that what they see now is Gary's current main force.


Daisy lying on the ground: Can you save me?


After leaving the office, Gary took Caitlin and rushed to the campus playground.


As the battle venue of Rainbow University, the facilities are very complete, and venues of various attributes can be switched at will.


The teaching competition venue reserved by Gary is exclusively for teachers and is generally not open to students. Only high-level matches will be loaned out for use.


"What the fuck?" Caitlin frowned as she looked at the surrounded fighting field on the third and third floors. There were too many people and she didn't like it.


Blue also scratched his head in confusion. This was different from what he had promised.


"Hello, who is using it here?" Gary asked curiously when he stopped a passerby wearing glasses.


"It seems to be a group of juniors from the trainer academy. It is said that the security guards beat them to tears when they chased them away." A passerby curled his lips.


"Too outrageous." Gary frowned. If it just occupies the space, Gary can probably replace it with another one. There are so many battle arenas here that you won't get frustrated with a bunch of useless snacks from the trainer academy.


However, occupying the venue and beating the staff is a bit unreasonable.


"I'm sorry, Professor Oak, I'm late. I will drive away these troublemaking students immediately." Erica ran over anxiously. She had just received the notice.