
Chapter 40: Welcome from Rainbow University



Rainbow University in Rainbow City, the premier institution of learning in the Kanto region, is renowned across various regions for its rigorous academic attitude and innovative exploration concepts.


While many students from its affiliated trainer academies are often seen as privileged aristocrats, there are occasionally a few with remarkable talents. Despite the current Elite Four's disdain for these academic "softies," the Noble Academy's reputation remains strong as a major tax contributor to the Alliance.


In the lecture hall of Rainbow University, a girl with short chestnut hair dressed in a kendo uniform was explaining advanced training methods for Grass-type Pokémon. This was Erika, the Gym Leader of Rainbow City, a top perfumer, associate professor at Rainbow University, and a modern embodiment of the traditional Yamato Nadeshiko.


The boys in the audience were drifting off to sleep, while the girls in the back rows whispered among themselves.


"Hey, have you heard? The senior teachers went to meet some really powerful professor," a round-faced girl with glasses whispered to her companion.


"I know! I heard he's the grandson of Professor Oak, about our age, and really handsome!" A girl with small freckles joined in excitedly.


"Hmph, same age as us and already a professor. Must be because his grandfather pulled some strings. Just wait, when he gets here, I'll humiliate him!" A girl with long hair sitting in the middle sneered.


Perhaps the girl's voice was a bit too loud. With a snap, the chalk in Erika's hand broke in two.


"Sundae Yuto!" Erika called out sternly.


"Yes, Professor Erika…" Sundae stood up awkwardly.


"It's not easy for students from your trainer academy to come to Rainbow University for further studies. Why are you disrupting the class?" Erika scolded.


"Professor… I wasn't…" Sundae retorted, unconvinced. "We came to Rainbow University to learn advanced knowledge and hone our skills as trainers. I think some young professor who got in through connections doesn't deserve to enter the gates of Rainbow University!"


Looking at the clock, Erika put away her teaching aids and glanced at Sundae with some disdain. "I don't know where your sense of superiority comes from. The head of the trainer academy? Has anyone told you that being the best there is like being a Pokémon trainer with six badges?"


Sundae frowned. "Isn't it?"


Erika smiled and shook her head. "Your naivety is astounding. Remember, as long as I don't want to give you the badge, you can't even take a victory away from me now, not to mention Professor Shigeru Oak!"


"That's impossible!" Sundae's face turned red. "You're blatantly favoring Professor Oak's grandson. It's disgusting!"


Erika calmly packed her things and glanced at Sundae. "The frog in the well isn't scary; what's scary is that it thinks it's right. Professor Oak published a paper on the Alliance's Xuexin website when he was seven. If he had been an adult, he could have gotten a doctorate for his paper on the possibility of Eevee's evolution. Do you understand now the gulf between you two?


"Professor Oak and Elite Four Bruno had a friendly match, and it ended in a draw! (Though Oak says it was a draw to avoid being challenged constantly.)"


Mr. Oak pouted, "Bruno and I are on a 50-50 basis, understand?"


Sundae was so angry that she stood up. "I don't believe you. These are just your words."


Even Erika's good temper couldn't stand such defiance. She took a step forward. "You can do whatever you want. Now, I'm going to meet Professor Oak. Stand down!"


The majesty of a Gym Leader was evident in Erika's demeanor. Sundae, horrified, stepped aside like a quail.


Shaking her head disdainfully, Erika thought, "Flowers in the greenhouse of the trainer academy, indeed."


Watching Erika leave, Sundae burst into tears, muttering, "It's all your fault, Gary Oak. I'll expose your true face!"


After lunch, Gary, who had just fought a few Mankey, was walking leisurely toward Rainbow City when his nose suddenly felt itchy.


"Achoo!" After sneezing several times, Gary sniffed. "Strange, who's talking bad about me behind my back…"


"Professor Oak, do you have a cold? Should I ask Gothitelle to make you some brown sugar ginger tea?" Caitlin asked with concern.


"No need, I probably just caught a cold. Leave the brown sugar ginger tea for later," Gary waved off.


"Gary , Gary , you're the best, Gary , Gary , you're the best!"


A familiar cheer echoed from a distance. Gary looked up to see Principal Monet, several professors from Rainbow University, and a group of female college students holding banners and wearing short cheerleading skirts.


"Good grief…" Gary covered his face, embarrassed by the enthusiastic welcome.


Leading Caitlin to the front, the old man grabbed Gary, refusing to let go. "Gary, my most proud disciple, you're finally here!"


"Um, teacher, this is Miss Caitlin, the Elite Four from Unova. She'll accompany me to the seminar," Gary introduced quickly.


Old Man Monet immediately looked kindly at Caitlin. "Hello, Miss Caitlin. I'm Gary 's college tutor. If you don't mind, call me Grandpa Monet."


"Hello, Grandpa Monet." Caitlin greeted awkwardly.


"Welcome, welcome!" Monet's beard flew up with joy. He winked at Gary, "You've got quite the knack for picking up girls, even better than your grandfather!"


Gary twitched the corner of his mouth, too tired to argue.


Seeing Gary wasn't in high spirits, Monet waved his hand. "Play the music!"


Powerful dance music played, and two rows of female college students surrounded Gary, singing and dancing.


Monet winked at Gary. "Isn't the arrangement nice? You can treat me to a midnight snack."


Gary rolled his eyes. "You, an old man, can't be accusing people of being indecent…"


Caitlin's face turned red at the sultry dance, and she could only cover her eyes and peek through her fingers.


Gary looked around awkwardly, and then the lead dancer made him glare. "Erika?"


Blushing, Erika danced the modern dance she'd learned and smiled breathlessly. "Professor Oak, you're here~"


"Let's just chat normally. No need for dancing. Ladies, thank you for your hard work. Please use your magic powers," Gary shook his head helplessly.


After the embarrassing welcome, Garyfinally breathed a sigh of relief.


Changing into a dignified traditional kimono, Erika handed Gary a bouquet of flowers. Gary noticed her furisode was a medium one, indicating a formal but respectful attire.


"Without further ado, let's head back to school," Principal Monet arranged. "In the afternoon, I need you, Gary, to take two open classes. You know, go all out."


Gary thought about the information on special evolution, nodded, and smiled slyly. "No problem, but I'll need some props for the class."


Monet waved his hand grandly. "Whatever you need, the school will provide."


Gary raised his eyebrows. "Principal's very generous!"


Monet puffed his chest. "Of course. That's why I'm the principal!"


Erika covered her mouth and snickered. Based on her understanding of Gary , the principal might have to pay for some expensive props.