
Chapter 3 Qualification Point Card


Taking out the Pokédex, Leaf pointed it at her Bulbasaur.

"Ding: Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokémon. Type: Grass/Poison. Known moves: Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip."

Leaf shook her head, realizing that a beginner's Pokémon indeed has a very limited move set.

"Bulbasaur, use Growl!" Leaf ordered with determination.

However, Gary was taken aback by this command. Was she serious?

Charmander was currently dictating the pace of the battle. Using Growl in this situation was practically inviting a counterattack.

"Charmander, use Ember!" Gary commanded confidently. It was time to wrap up this rookie skirmish.

"Charmander!" Charmander opened its mouth and shot a small burst of flames at Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur was still growling, and its face got hit directly by the Ember attack...

Watching Bulbasaur collapse to the ground, Gary shook his head. Leaf didn't know the basics of evasion and counterattacking. She had a lot to learn if she wanted to be a competent trainer.

"Wow, Gary, you're amazing." Leaf sighed as she recalled her Bulbasaur back into its Poké Ball.

"It's not that big of a deal. All starter Pokémon have similar potential. However, I'd recommend watching more battle videos. You need to familiarize yourself with different battle scenarios," Gary suggested.

"Okay, thank you for the advice. I'm going to find Professor Oak to heal Bulbasaur, and then I'll head out. I want to get a head start!" After shaking hands with Gary, Leaf went off to find Professor Oak.

Gary looked at Charmander. "How are you feeling? Do you need a rest?"

"Char!" Charmander shook its head energetically. Being a spirited battler, it was more excited than tired after its victory.

"Great! Here, have some food. We'll have more battles coming up." Gary smiled as he fed Charmander some of the lab's special Pokémon food.

Charmander, hearing there would be more battles, immediately sat down to eat and conserve energy.

While Charmander was eating, Gary released his Eevee from its Poké Ball.

"Come on out, Eevee!"

"Eevee!" As soon as the little Pokémon was out, it leapt into Gary's arms.

Previously, at the Eevee Research Institute, this Eevee had been kept in a cage for experiments, often having its blood drawn for tests. So when Gary brought it home for the first time, its world expanded drastically.

Eevee realized that Pokémon food could be delicious, that it could run freely on the grass, and that it could sleep in its trainer's arms on a soft bed...

In Eevee's eyes, Gary was a benevolent figure, like a deity who had rescued it from a harsh life. It saw Gary as a blessing after enduring so much hardship.

That's why Eevee adored Gary and wanted to stay by his side all the time!

"Haha, stop licking me, it tickles!" Gary laughed as he played with Eevee, then placed it next to Charmander.

"Get to know each other. From now on, you'll be brothers. You'll eat together, train together, and battle together. Promise me you'll always look out for each other, okay?" Gary said seriously.

"Charmander?" Charmander looked at Eevee's bright, shiny eyes.

After a moment, Charmander pushed its food towards Eevee.

In the world of Pokémon, sharing food is the simplest way to show kindness.

Eevee, understanding the gesture, took a small bite and then gave Charmander a cheerful smile.

Eevee: (=^▽^=) ~Eevee~

Charmander: ('.▽'.)? ~Charmander!

"I'm glad you two are getting along so well, but you're both boys, so let's not make this too cute," Gary joked as he watched them.

The two Pokémon shook hands and became fast friends, bonded as family from that moment on.

Gary then tapped his temple and thought, **Appraise!**

A six-pointed star pattern flashed across his eyes, and the information of his two Pokémon appeared before him.

[Eevee (Partner Pokémon),

Potential: ???

Ability: Adaptability (Mutated)

Level: 20

Height: 0.3 meters, weight: 6.3 kg.

Moves: Sand Attack, Charm, Quick Attack, Baby-Doll Eyes, Ember, Water Gun, Bullet Seed, Thundershock, Icy Wind, Dig, Shadow Ball, Psybeam, Dragon Breath…]

Gary was very pleased with Eevee's stats. As his partner Pokémon, Eevee's potential was comparable to Ash's Pikachu, almost impossible to quantify. Thanks to Gary's dedicated training, Eevee had mastered an impressive array of moves.

A Pokémon that knows a hundred moves? You might as well call it the ultimate Eevee!

Next, he looked at Charmander's stats:


Potential: Gym-level

Ability: Blaze

Level: 10

Height: 0.6 meters, weight: 8.5 kg.

Moves: Ember, Growl, Scratch, Smokescreen.]

Gary frowned. It was no wonder that the Charmander chosen by his previous-life rival never even made it to the Indigo Plateau. Charmander's potential meant it wouldn't level up quickly or grow very strong.

In simpler terms, better potential means faster growth. And at the same level, a Pokémon with higher potential will wield energy of higher purity during battles.

For example, if a Gym-level Charizard and a Champion-level Charizard of the same level breathed fire at each other, the Gym-level Charizard would lose because the energy purity differs.

"Wait! Didn't the system give me an item?" Gary's eyes lit up with realization. He thought to himself, **Use the Starter Pokémon Qualification Card on Charmander!**

**Ding: Using the Starter Pokémon Qualification Card on Charmander. This card will raise the Pokémon's potential to the maximum for its species. Do you want to use it?**

"Yes!" Gary nodded eagerly.

Gary was curious about the maximum potential of the Charizard line!

Oblivious to the changes happening, Charmander found today's meal exceptionally delicious and wanted to take a few more bites.

However, Gary saw a different scene. A beam of spiritual light shot from Charmander's head, forming a fountain of starlight that converged and was absorbed into its body.

Gary checked Charmander's stats again.

[Charmander (Maxed Out),

Potential: Legendary…]

Gary gulped. Good grief, the maximum potential of a Charizard is indeed on par with a legendary Pokémon. I hit the jackpot!

"Is anyone home?" A boy's voice came from outside.

Gary returned his Pokémon to their balls and got up to answer the door.

"Good morning, Gary! I hope I'm not too late!" A young boy carrying a bag hurriedly ran in.

"Nope, you're just in time," Gary shrugged. "Come on in."

"Oh, it's you, Ethan," Professor Oak said, coming downstairs. "You almost missed out. If you were any later, all the starter Pokémon would have been given away."

"What?! No way!" Ethan exclaimed, holding his head in dismay.

"Stop panicking! There's one left. But if you don't hurry, I'll give it to Ash!" Gary teased with a mischievous smile.

"No, no, no! I was here first!" Ethan quickly covered his mouth and followed Professor Oak upstairs.

Watching the rising sun, Gary sighed. My slowpoke rival, you sure can sleep in...
