
Chapter 27: Heading to the Vermilion Gym


At Lorelei's house, Gary was sitting at the dining table. In front of him was a duck with lively eyes...


"So, not only did you solve the headache problem, but you also gained mental power far beyond your own kind?" Gary asked uncertainly.


"That's what I mean, my trainer~" Psyduck picked up the blue and orange berries on the table and swallowed them in one gulp.


"Moreover, this little guy like you was actually born on the Sevii Islands~" Lorelei sighed while packing her luggage.


"That's right, madam, I have a good friend on the Orange Islands near the Sevii Islands, a Slowking full of wisdom. As you know, Slowking can predict the future a little bit, so I asked him to enlighten me about the future." The duck's eyes were full of blue light, and the telepathy was easy to use.


"I think I roughly know which one it is." Lorelei nodded and said without comment.


"Why me?" Gary still felt strange.


Psyduck sighed helplessly and looked at Gary seriously: "My respected trainer, you are born extraordinary. You are destined to keep climbing up, and I am worthy of that position. You know, I will be one of the top six."


"Sounds good." Gary smiled: "Then, let me see what you are capable of later."


Psyduck stroked his three silly hairs: "No problem, you will see it. Ouch! Naughty little girl, don't bite my tail!"


Behind Psyduck, Eevee stuck out her tongue cutely.


"What a cute little girl. I think I should tame an Eevee. Next, I will go to my hometown in Sevii Islands to stay for a few days. Maybe I can harvest a beautiful Glaceon." Once Icefall Cave has enough conditions for Eevee to evolve, it can't wait to expand its lineup.


"Are you leaving?" Seeing Lorelei packing her luggage, Gary also stood up on his own initiative.


"It's okay, you can take a rest here." Lorelei looked at the sky and saw that it was already afternoon.


"It still doesn't work." Gary shook his head: "You know, Lt. Surge, that soldier, I don't want to be chased down two streets by him with a rocket launcher or something."


"Pfft~ Okay. Brother Gary, this is for you." Lorelei smiled and took out a small USB flash drive.


"This is..." Gary took it easily.


"My experience in training Ice-type Pokémon contains some commonly used skills, such as Ice Beam." Lorelei explained casually.


Gary was stunned for two seconds and then put it away: "Have a nice trip, Sister Lorelei."


Seeing the boy's somewhat moved expression, Lorelei took the step forward and gently rubbed Gary's hair: "Don't be so sentimental. We will still see each other often if we have the opportunity in the future."


"It's the hardest to bear the kindness of a beauty..." This is not some bad thing. The training experience of an Elite Four-level trainer, especially a top Elite Four like Lorelei who specializes in one type, is priceless.


If this experience were sold, it would be conservatively estimated to be worth seven figures! And Lorelei so easily packaged up a priceless piece of experience and gave it to Gary.


Gary thought about it with some emotion and quietly spent 100 achievement points from the system store to redeem an Ice Gem.


Although this item is a consumable, since it is not produced in Kanto, it is considered a rarity.


Pretending to take out the gem from his pocket, Gary handed it to Lorelei with a smile: "Here, let's exchange gifts. Don't worry, it's not something you won't need."


Taking the cold Ice Gem, Lorelei raised the corners of her mouth slightly and quietly stuffed the gem into the fourth-dimensional storage bag on her chest. "Thank you, brother Gary, I like this souvenir very much~"


After a gentle polite hug, the two left Lorelei's villa.


Lorelei is going to the port, while Gary is going to the Vermilion Gym.


So, one person goes to the left and one person goes to the right. Gary stood at the intersection, listening to the sound of high heels fading away.


"You're pretty good... she deserves to be my trainer." The Poké Ball on Gary's waist opened automatically, and the duck appeared behind Gary, like a veteran in love.


Gary's head was full of black lines: "How the heck did you get out?"


Psyduck glanced at Gary and asked, "Is it difficult? Can I still open the door of my own house?"


"Next time you run out on your own, I will let Eevee bite your butt." The corner of Gary's mouth twitched.


"Okay...calm down. Boy, women can only affect the speed at which you draw your sword. Especially for this kind of top quality, you need a better status, such as a champion~? Do you understand? So, now let's find a gym and kick the gym leader's butt." Psyduck spread his hands, activated his telekinesis, and then turned into a red light and returned to his Poké Ball.


Gary rubbed his eyebrows speechlessly. This duck seemed to have an Alakazam living in his body, which really made people feel inconsistent...


Before the sun set, Gary first went to the Pokémon Center and then went directly to the Vermilion Gym.


The decoration is in the style of heavy metal death rock. The sign is a huge lightning bolt. Just looking at it makes people feel paralyzed.


The two bad boys who were guarding the door walked forward and looked at Gary carelessly. "Hey kid, this is not a place for weaklings like you. Get out of here."


Gary laughed angrily and grinned: "I thought Lt. Surge's place would be more orderly, but I didn't expect it to be this style. It's really disappointing."


"What did you say?" The two delinquent boys with colorfully dyed chicken coop hair immediately became angry and surrounded him with baseball bats and swing sticks.


"Hey, are you serious?" Gary sneered without fear, flipped his wrist, and clamped two Poké Balls on his slender fingers.


As long as these two idiots dare to take another two steps forward, Gary promises to let the Armored Tyrannosaurus and another Pokémon with horns poke two holes in their butts, which will last forever~


"Hey, you two, stop it!" Fortunately, before Gary could take action, the gym door opened.


Lt. Surge's gym assistant, whom Gary met at the park entrance at noon today, a black man with "loyalty" and "justice" tattooed on his right arm came out.


It is said that this gangster leader who was born in the Unova region was once a scum waiting to die. It was not until he met the great soldier Lt. Surge that he changed his ways~


Smack! Smack! He slapped the young man on the back of the head twice. The assistant showed his eight big white teeth and said with a smile: "Mr. Gary, the gym leader Lt. Surge has been waiting for you all day. Please come in quickly. These two little bastards don't know the rules of the gym, so don't be surprised."


Gary shrugged. As the saying goes, he would not hit the smiling person with his hand, and he would not embarrass the two little gangsters who had good intentions. "I'll give you some face, Mr. Akuo. Then, let's go to the battlefield quickly. I hope Mr. Lt. Surge doesn't have the habit of going to bed early."


"Please come this way." Opening the door and glaring hard at the boys at the door, Akuo then led Gary through the corridor to the battle venue of the Vermilion Gym.


On the brightly lit arena, Lt. Surge looked up and drank heavily. When he saw Gary, he stood up excitedly: "Hey boy! I've been waiting for you for a long time!"


Gary looked at the bottle in Lt. Surge's hand: "I hope you haven't drunk too much."