
Chapter 25: My Sister Supports You


In Lorelei's small seaside villa, Gary was dealing with a king crab.

The most delicious part of this thing is actually the legs. As for whether the crab shell is crab roe or crab meat, Gary said he doesn't care.

Remove the legs of the king crab and use them to make Japanese soy sauce hot pot.

Then directly open the shell, stir up the crab roe, and break in an egg made from Chansey. A smooth and tender crab roe steamed egg is ready.

Put the chrysanthemum, shallots, tofu, shiitake mushrooms, shredded konjac, and A5 wagyu for the side dishes into the seasoned hot pot, and then spread the king crab legs on top. The moment it is heated, the aroma will spread far away.

Lorelei changed into regular clothes, a white shirt and a light blue hip skirt. Sitting at the bar outside the kitchen, she quietly watched Gary work.

If a man who can cook will shine, Gary must be bright now.

After taking care of the crabs, Gary put a dozen oysters into the steamer. This thing is great, a gas station for men and a beauty salon for women.

It was not easy to choose between the two large lobsters. In the end, Gary decided to have one spicy and one garlic.

Collect some of the remaining lobster meat and crab meat, add shrimps, chives, and mushrooms, and cook a pot of seafood porridge. It's all together!

"Huh~ You can eat in a few minutes." Seeing Lorelei's drooling look, Gary couldn't help but laugh.

"Brother Gary, if you stay a few more days, I feel like I'll become a picky eater after eating the food you cook," Lorelei tilted her head and sighed sincerely.

"How about you just cook for me, and I'll support you?" Lorelei's eyes lit up and she asked tentatively.

"Hey~ I'm just messing around, it's not that good." Gary scratched his head: "Besides, I have to participate in various competitions. So... Hahaha~ Let's talk about this later."

Just kidding, can I, Gary Oak, be a cook? It's tiring and hot, and I don't make much money.

With my looks, I can make a fortune by selling jokes, okay... Ahem... No, the style of painting is a bit off...

"Okay~ I'm hungry. Can I eat?" Lorelei spread her hands regretfully, but she was still very satisfied with her brother's ambitious performance.

After taking a sip of the hot pot soup base, Gary nodded with satisfaction: "Let's eat!"

Putting the seafood dinner on the table, Gary wiped his slender fingers: "Lorelei, please serve it first, and I'll go and feed the Pokémon."

Coming to the spacious living room, Gary prepared the rice bowls for his Pokémon... er, the rice bowls for Rhydon and Scyther.

Prepare Pokémon food, chopped berries, and supplements that need to be taken according to the proportions.

Then he took out the Poké Balls and released several small Pokémon.

"Vui!" As soon as Eevee came out of the Poké Ball, it threw itself into Gary's arms and snuggled into his embrace.

Eevee: (≧▽≦) I haven't seen you for two hours. I miss you so much~

Gary stroked Eevee while comforting it with a smile: "Okay, okay, ready to eat, you really love to act like a spoiled brat~"

Scyther looked at his rice bowl, and a trace of saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth: "Scy~ (Why haven't we started eating yet...)"

Rhydon and Growlithe sat in a row, calling for Eevee to come back quickly. Didn't you notice that the food is ready?

Charmeleon was the calmest one. He took out his morning whiskey and took two more sips.

"Hey! Young man, how did you bring whiskey into the Poké Ball? Can you use this thing as a prop? Give it to me." Gary stretched out his hand with black lines on his head.

Charmeleon burped and reluctantly handed the wine bottle to Gary.

"You kid, it doesn't matter if I let you drink. If you don't know if you drink in moderation, I won't forgive you if you become an alcoholic." Gary put his arm around Charmeleon's neck and grabbed his tail with his other hand and shook it.

Charmeleon couldn't laugh or cry and pushed Gary's face: "Don't make trouble, boss, there are so many people watching..."

Seeing Gary laughing and playing with his Pokémon, Lorelei showed a warm smile.

The bond between a trainer and a Pokémon can influence the growth of a Pokémon.

Although some Pokémon trainers just use Pokémon as props, they can indeed achieve better results in a short period of time.

But Pokémon trainers above the Elite Four level know this well. If they want to continue to become stronger and surpass the limits that Pokémon can reach, they must have bonds!

To judge whether a trainer has potential, the most important thing is whether he can become a partner, friend, or family member with Pokémon.

Lorelei still remembers her first interview when she became one of the Elite Four. A passerby asked her how she managed to defeat the Elite Four with simple Ice-type Pokémon.

Lorelei's answer was: Use love. When you love your Pokémon with your heart, they will definitely respond.

When bonds and emotions become the backing of a Pokémon, even an ordinary Cloyster or Dewgong can burst into unreachable power.

Tucking her long burgundy hair behind her ear, Lorelei showed a faint smile. Her little brother Gary has taken the right path.

"Brother Gary, please help me get Jynx and Slowbro down." Lorelei watched the excitement and didn't mind, so she let her two Pokémon come over.

Gary shrugged helplessly: "It's okay to get Slowbro, but Lorelei, are you sure Jynx won't forcefully kiss me?"

Looking at Jynx who opened her arms to him and pursed her lips, Gary resisted all over.

You know, most cute Pokémon have a move called Sweet Kiss.

The most famous move of Jynx is: [Lovely Kiss]!

After kissing the opponent, the opponent seems to have been forcefully kissed by a demon. The nightmare can last for several nights!

"Haha, it's okay. Jynx still likes you very much. Don't worry," Lorelei said with a chuckle.

Gary thought about it and it was right. Better than Dewgong and Cloyster.

The two guardians looked at Gary with vigilant eyes as soon as they saw him. It seems to be saying, if you dare to seduce Lorelei, your head will be blown off...

At the risk of being forcibly kissed, Gary prepared two fresh dishes for Jynx and Slowbro.

After wiping away the cold sweat, he could finally go back to the dining table to eat.

"Okay, let's start. I can't wait," Lorelei rubbed her hands excitedly.

"Okay, let's eat," Gary cheered cooperatively.

Click~ There was a sudden flash, and all the buildings along the coast lost power.

"Strange? How could there be a sudden power outage? Vermilion City is one of the cities with the most stable power system," Lorelei frowned. "I'll get a spare lamp."

"No, no, no," Gary called to Lorelei, walked to the window, and pushed open the hinges of the window.

The gentle sea breeze crept into the house along with the bright moonlight, and the cold-toned soft light reflected Lorelei's beautiful profile. Gary was stunned for a few seconds.

Lorelei also reacted and smiled mischievously: "Is your sister good-looking?"

Gary's face turned red, and he remembered a song for no reason: The moon is half crescent, so romantic, you look particularly beautiful under the moonlight...

Accompanied by the charming atmosphere, Gary and Lorelei continued to eat...


On the other side, in the Vermilion Gym, Lt. Surge was wearing sunglasses, holding a big cigar in his mouth, and said with a smile: "Keep charging, that kid will be difficult to deal with tomorrow. He can actually defeat Bruno in the rental battle. It's really exciting."

"Boss, we can no longer continue charging at full capacity. This has caused a power outage in all the seaside villas in the North District," a gym trainer wearing a leather jacket said helplessly.

The apprentices and staff of Lt. Surge's Gym were all gangsters in Vermilion City in the past.

After being disciplined by Lt. Surge, they changed their ways and became gym members. This is also Lt. Surge's contribution as the Gym Leader to maintaining urban harmony.

Looking at the three Pokémon flashing with lightning in front of him, Lt. Surge nodded: "Then let's stop here for now. I really hope that guy can give me another surprise tomorrow."