
Chapter 17: Bill and the Pokémon Ball Teleporter


Humming a song and taking a walk, Gary tilted his head and followed the Scyther comfortably.

With the Scyther lawn mower, walking in the wild is a breeze.

The sound of waves washing over the beach could already be heard, which meant that Gary was not far from the target lighthouse.

"Woof woof!" Suddenly, a burst of barking attracted Gary's attention.

"Eevee, are you learning a foreign language?" Gary looked curiously at Eevee on his shoulder.

"Bui..." Eevee blinked his big eyes innocently, it wasn't me...

"Woof~" Gary heard clearly now, the voice came from the grass.

Curiously pushing aside the grass, Gary almost lost his composure!

"Wow! Golden Legend!!" The light of identification flashed crazily, and Gary couldn't help but sigh.

He saw a Growlithe lying weakly in the grass. Judging from the wounds on its body, it should have been bitten by a Raticate's Hyper Fang.

Apparently, the newly grown Growlithe accidentally provoked a group of Raticate.

The fact that it was still able to escape after being injured like this showed that this Growlithe's fighting ability should not be underestimated.

Seeing Gary's figure, Growlithe closed its mouth vigilantly. Perhaps it was because Growlithe was closer to humans by nature, but it did not show any desire to attack. It just calmed down and licked its wounds.

"The little guy is quite reserved." Gary knelt down and quickly rubbed Growlithe's head with his hands.

"Woof... ugh~ ow~ (no! Don't... don't stop...)" Growlithe changed its expression continuously, and finally lost to its instinct.

Eevee puffed his lips next to him. Considering that this guy was a wounded Pokémon, Eevee decided not to argue with him today. If he dares to compete with me for favor, he is going against the grain~

After rubbing Growlithe's head for a while, Gary saw that the dog had relaxed, so he took out the wound spray and prepared to treat the wounds: "It may hurt a little, just bear with it."

"Woof~" Growlithe nodded, and the tail wagging behind it flew up...

Snap... Eevee, who was standing behind Growlithe, was almost swept away by the tail. He shook his little paws in dissatisfaction and scratched in the air to relieve his anger.

Eevee:  ̄へ ̄, this dog looks thick eyebrows and big eyes, but he is actually a licking dog!

After spraying wound medicine on Growlithe's wounds, and then wrapping bandages on all the exposed wounds, and finally tying a bow with a bandage on Growlithe's head, Gary clapped his hands with satisfaction.

"Perfect~" Gary nodded as he looked at his masterpiece.

"Pfft~Bui~" Eevee covered his mouth and snickered.

Growlithe didn't care. He stretched out his tongue weakly and licked Gary's hand.

Gary suddenly felt his heart melt. Who can refuse a warm, brave, and affectionate big dog~

"You are too dangerous in the wild in your current state. What do you think? Do you want to consider becoming my partner?" Gary asked, stroking Growlithe's head.

"Woof!" Growlithe looked at Gary with bright eyes and nodded vigorously.

"Done~" Gary took out the Poké Ball and gently tapped it on Growlithe's head. The little guy entered the Poké Ball obediently without the warning light flashing.

"I have captured a Growlithe~" Gary winked at Eevee happily. Eevee jumped on Gary's shoulders again, rubbed the side of Gary's face, and declared his sovereignty.

Eevee: ( ̄▽ ̄) As long as I live, you will be my concubine after all~

"Okay, let's keep going and try to get to Bill's lighthouse before dark."

Speaking of which, Bill and Gary have a history.

That was when Gary went to the Indigo Plateau to certify as a scholar, and Bill happened to be there to certify as a doctor.

After seeing Gary's paper, Bill was immediately shocked. No matter what, he had to give up his doctorate to Gary.

In the end, Gary gave some advice and the two of them bowed down to get this guy to stop.

After walking through the last section of the forest path, the white sandy beach and blue waves suddenly opened up.

Not far away, a lighthouse had lit up, shining in the distance on the sea level.

"Wuhu~ Bill really knows how to enjoy it. Facing the sea, spring flowers are blooming. This location is unique~" Gary sighed after taking a deep breath.

"Thank you very much. Can you do me a favor first, and then sigh about my research institute..." A familiar voice came from under Gary's feet.

"I got a big shock, Bill...??" Gary exclaimed as he looked at a giant Kingler blowing bubbles on the beach.

"Bah, bah~" After spitting out the foam, the Bill-brand Kingler shook its claws and continued awkwardly: "During the experiment, I accidentally switched bodies with the Kingler... The machine must be operated outside, so... ...Hurry up and change it back for me!"

"Ok, ok~" Gary suppressed a smile and nodded: "No problem, then I will carry you back to the lighthouse?"

The Bill-brand Kingler was angry: "No! I walk sideways very fast!"

Drifting in place, the Bill Kingler's legs flew up very fast and disappeared with a swish.

"Good guy~" Gary nodded in surprise. This speed is indeed faster than Bill himself...

Arriving at the lighthouse, Gary skillfully entered the access code and pushed the door open.

Bill, who was walking at Gary's feet, complained: "You are just as skilled when you go back to my research institute as when you go home."

Gary shrugged: "As I said, good brothers are loyal. What's yours is mine, and what's mine is still mine..."

Bill: What? Do you believe I will spray foam on your face?

Gary said indifferently: "It's up to you, as long as you're not afraid of being captured by my Poké Ball."

A cold sweat broke out behind Bill: You're cruel...

If this were replaced by a large Kingler, even being subdued by Gary, Bill felt that this matter could be laughed at in the academic world for a year...

Arriving at Bill's research room, there were two huge sealed tanks. This is the first version of the Pokémon Ball teleporter currently used in the Kanto and Johto regions.

Bill also relied on this device to win a doctorate and a large League bonus in one fell swoop.

"Okay, come in quickly." Gary opened the empty sealed cabin on one side and motioned for Bill to go in. In the sealed cabin on the other side, Bill's Kingler in human form was pulling at the glass of the sealed cabin with curious eyes.

Kingler: Hey, this feeling... is so amazing!

"Well, the conversion button is yellow, don't press red, and don't activate the transmission system..." Bill muttered uneasily.

"How about you come?" Gary rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"Ahem... Okay, I'm going in, Gary, please don't cause trouble." Bill sighed, with an expression of resignation, and climbed into the sealed cabin with crab legs.

Gary started the system and slapped his right hand on the yellow button: "Come out. The decision is yours, Bill!"

Hiss! A large amount of steam was injected into the sealed chamber at the same time. At the same time, blue light circulated and flickered in the two sealed cabins.

This is the leap of life energy, Bill's greatest invention!

Click! The sealed cabin opened again, and Bill in human form coughed twice and walked out: "Well, don't tell anyone about this."

Gary raised his eyebrows: "Then it depends on your performance."

Bill was about to cry but had no tears: "Tell me what you want!"