
Chapter 13 Team Rocket and Elite Four Lorelei

Under the light of Charmeleon, Gary Oak and his Pokémon ventured deeper into the cave of Mt. Moon.

Most of the Pokémon living in the cave are photophobic creatures such as Paras and Diglett, so there were no wild Pokémon that came to attack Gary and the others.

However, Gary's target, Clefairy, never appeared.

If you want to find the Moon Stone in Mt. Moon, it's crucial to find a Clefairy.

Basically, all the Moon Stones in Mt. Moon are in the hands of Clefairy.

"You guys, hurry up and pack up, we are going to retreat!" Suddenly, Gary was startled by a voice coming from ahead.

"Charmeleon, return first." Recalling Charmeleon, Gary pressed against the rock wall to hide his figure.

Soon, the cave ahead was illuminated by fire, and three people in Team Rocket uniforms led a bald scholar out not far from Gary.

"The experimental materials here are too poor. Let's move them to the capital," the bald scholar said to himself.

"Yes, Dr. Lambo..."

"You are right, Dr. Rambo..."

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched: "My name is Dr. Nanba!!"

"Okay, Dr. Rambo!"

Gary squatted in the corner and listened, his mouth twitching. This bald man was Dr. Nanba.

This old man is said to be an authority in the field of Pokémon evolution. It seems he was conducting some unknown experiments in Mt. Moon...

Watching these people walk out of the cave, Gary breathed a sigh of relief: "It's time to leave. I have to see what they did."

With this in mind, Gary stood up and walked toward the direction where the few people had walked.

Bang! Suddenly, an alarm bell rang in Gary's heart, and he rolled on the spot.

A rock exploded where Gary had just been!

"Hmph! I just found a mouse in the hole. It turned out to be a kid." A Team Rocket captain appeared in front of Gary with two minions.

Gary twitched his lips, he was careless!

He had actually forgotten that Team Rocket's team should be five to six people!

There were clearly not enough people who passed by just now, and it turned out they were blocking his way.

Looking toward Team Rocket, Gary's pupils shrank.

Behind a few Team Rocket members, four or five iron cages were placed against the rock wall.

They contained Sandshrew, Zubat, Geodude, Clefairy, and even a Rhyhorn!

"It seems that you won't let me go easily, right?" Gary put one hand on his belt, grasping his Poké Ball, and teased.

"What do you think, kid!" The Team Rocket captain waved his hand with a ferocious smile, and his two men opened the iron cage on the side.

The somewhat confused Rhyhorn walked out cautiously.

Without saying a word, the squad leader took out a syringe and pierced it directly into the gap in Rhyhorn's carapace.

"Tsk, tsk, this is Kanto's Rocket Gang." Gary sighed as he watched Rhyhorn's eyes gradually turn red.

Why is Kanto the headquarters of the Pokémon League? Because here not only are the Elite Four the most capable, but also the most troublesome villains.

The evil forces in other regions are basically all trying to pursue the power of mythical beasts and destroy the world.

Only Team Rocket in Kanto knows how to develop the economy and value scientific research. Even unreasonable things like creating gods, Giovanni can easily do it.

Compared with Team Rocket, other villains are really superficial...too superficial...

Under Gary's frowning gaze, Rhyhorn began to emit an evolving white light.

Soon, a mighty and domineering Rhydon appeared in front of Gary.

"Forced evolution? Or using potions..." Gary glared at several Team Rocket members angrily.

This method of evolution not only overdraws the Pokémon's potential, but can also kill the Pokémon if you're not careful!

"Hmph. Kid, are you scared? It's too late! Rhydon, kill him!" The Team Rocket captain waved his hand fiercely.

The red-eyed Rhydon suddenly went berserk, the horn drill on its head rotating at high speed, and charged toward Gary.

If he gets stabbed, it will be deadly!

"Eevee, Water Gun!" Gary immediately launched a counterattack.

"Bui!" Eevee was released from its Poké Ball, and immediately sprayed out a water column, hitting Rhydon in the face.

However, the rampaging Rhydon did not stop, but rushed over faster.

"Mazefak!" Gary gritted his teeth, picked up Eevee, and rolled around, narrowly avoiding Rhydon's charge.

"Hahaha, kid, stop struggling in vain, you are dead!!" The three members of Team Rocket laughed wildly.

"Nidorino, Scyther, Charmeleon!" Gary waved his hand, and all the Pokémon around him that could fight appeared next to him.

"Eevee, use Water Gun again! Charmeleon, use Dragon Rage, Nidorino, charge head-on with Horn Attack!" Gary first directed three Pokémon to surround Rhydon, and then looked at the three Team Rocket members: "Scyther, don't worry about anything else, just rush up and slash those guys!!"

"Hey!" Scyther did not hesitate, waved its scythe, and rushed toward the three Team Rocket members.

"Hey! Don't mess around, you, ah!!" The three members of Team Rocket were dumbfounded. Who's the terrorist now?

Scyther rushed into the crowd, slashing left and right, using its arms to block blows and its legs to kick, instantly bringing out a bloody light...

Bang! On the other side, Nidorino had flown out upside down. Facing Rhydon in a head-on collision, it was no match. If it were Nidoking, it might have had a chance to win.

The tonnage difference was too great; it couldn't resist at all!

Eevee and Charmeleon could still get around with their flexible movements, but they could only hold on when faced with the rampaging Rhydon.

"Damn it, I still don't have enough strength." Gary frowned tightly.

"Eevee, use Quick Attack! Charmeleon, use Smokescreen, don't fight head-on!" Gary's tactic was simple: drag it out!

He didn't believe that the Rhydon on stimulants could keep rampaging for several hours. As long as he held out, he would definitely win in the end!

The narrow battlefield in the cave restricted Gary's range of movement.

For a time, dangers abounded.

Boom! A rock flew over Gary's head. This was Rock Blast!

The rampaging Rhydon's skills were unleashed freely!

Gary's face turned slightly pale: "Would it be better if I shouted for help..."

"Ouch!!" Rhydon was once again sprayed with flames by Charmeleon, and it turned its head and rushed toward Gary.

"Arceus, help me!!" Gary suddenly rolled to the side.

"Ice Beam!" A mature and charming voice suddenly sounded.

Click! Gary's eyes widened in shock as he saw the rampaging Rhydon turn into a lifelike ice sculpture.

"What? Do I look like Arceus?" In the shadows, a woman with a hot figure strolled over.

Rose-red long hair, black shirt, and blue hip-hugging skirt.

"Elite Four, Lorelei!" Gary exclaimed.

This woman is incredible. It is said that the reason why Lance failed in the Champion Challenge for five consecutive years is because of her.

The No. 2 Pokémon trainer in Kanto and an ice-type master, Lorelei.

Lance continued to attack the championship position, but every time he fell into the hands of this woman, his head was smashed...

One can imagine how terrifying this woman's strength is~

"It's okay~ You're not hurt~" Lorelei adjusted her glasses and showed a gentle smile.

Gary shook his head and sighed in his heart, what a fairy...

This woman's smile is simply enchanting.

"Apparently, I'm a step too late." Lorelei frowned. "Have all the Team Rocket members here retreated?"

"Uh... Actually, there are three left." Gary pointed to the three people lying on the ground in the cave: "I didn't know if I could escape, so I took them down first."

Looking at the three Team Rocket members whose life and death were unknown in the corner, Lorelei glanced at Gary in surprise: "I can't tell, but you were quite decisive in your attack."

Gary took out some potion and carefully treated the wounds of Eevee and Charmeleon. He shrugged and said nonchalantly: "This is not playing tricks. If they want to hurt me, I can only hurt them first. It's just self-defense. Besides, I have no morals and will not be kidnapped by morality..."

"Pfft~" Lorelei covered her mouth and chuckled: "What an interesting little boy. This is the first time we meet. I am Lorelei."

Gary chuckled: "This is not the first time we have met. My grandfather and I met you once before at the Indigo Plateau. I am Gary Oak."

Lorelei's eyes lit up: "Oak~ By the way, you are the handsome grandson of Professor Oak."

Gary scratched his head in embarrassment: "It's not bad, he's just as handsome."

Lorelei winked at Gary: "The handsome boy is quite humble. Okay, I will inform Officer Jenny about the incident here. What are your plans next?"

Gary touched the ice sculpture of the Rhydon: "This child was forcibly evolved and there will probably be problems. I want to take him away and go to the Pokémon Center to check it out. Do you think