
Pokémon Special Chronicles

Pokémon Special Chronicles, focuses on the Pokemon journey of Blight through the Kanto region and watches him grow and make his way through the champions challenge to become top monarch. This story resides inside the pokémon manga universe.

OutWrit3 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Adventure 03 - Not the best first catch


Following the intense escape from the Beedrill, Blight and the blue haired female decided to make a truce deciding that if they were ever gonna survive even a night in Viridian Forest then they would have to work together.

The two came to a small pit stop, The blue haired girl known now to be named Kellie revealed herself to be starving, this made Blight realize he was as well starving.

Kellie Minase (10)

Blue eyes with light blue hair

Kellie styles wispy bangs in front while also having the rest of her short hair in a high ponytail. She wears one strapped overalls with a dark green plane shirt underneath, the jean area of the overalls ends about two centimetres away from her Madden Girl Kurtt Combat Boots. Untied her hair ends at her jaw.

Note: Kellie is the small blue haired girl from pokémon the movie the power of us, but older.

Kellie took a large lunchbox with multiple ham sandwiches, her Jigglypuff sat besides her as it took a ham sandwich for itself. Dartrix landed on the ground turning to Blight.

"Um... I forgot ..."

Before Blight knew it Dartrix was standing near Kellie who gave it a ham sandwich. Blight wasn't even Bulbasaur's first choice for food it immediately went over to Kellie.

"You seriously forgot to pack food for yourself?" Kellie coughed twice before continuing with, "What kind of pokémon trainer are you? Coming unprepared."

Dartrix tried explaining in its Pokémon tongue that not even it knew what type of trainer he was.

"A professional one actually... This is all part of my strategy, a true trainer gets his own food by himself."

"Really now."

Dartrix looked at Kellie and shook its head clarifying that what Blight was saying was lies.

Blight scanned the trees in their surrounding area before catching sight of a blue berry attached on a tree.

Blight made his way to the tree and after a small struggle climbed to the top and pulled out the berry that was blue in color. As he was about to show it to the group a white string blasted into his face pushing him off the tree with the berry still in hand.

The string attached itself to the berry and tried pulling it out of the grasp of Blight who kept it tightly and pulled back. The two had a small back and forth, but after a bunch more strings attached to the berry, Blight lost the tug of war.

"Auw man."


Pokémon Special Chronicles

Chapter Three


Blight and Kellie were calmly walking through the forest exchanging a decent conversation when they noticed a random trainer celebrating about something he was holding. The two got a bit closer and noticed he had a poorly looking medal in hand.

"Hey you!" Blight called the trainer. "Where did you get that medal?!"

"Where else do you think I got it, I beat a champion for it of course."

"Aren't you participating in the champions challenge Blight?"

"Yeah I am." Blight answered Kellie before turning back to the trainer. "So you're saying a champion is here in Viridian Forest?"

"Yep, I'll direct you."

Viridian Forest : North East Side

Blight, Kellie and the trainer made their way through a couple of trees before reaching the location the champion was located in. The said champion was currently in an intense Pokémon battle, he was using a bug pokémon against another trainers pokémon.

The champion wore a complete bug trainer attire and had no other special difference in his clothing. The trainer that guided them waved off with a small goodbye.

The champion and the current trainer finished their battle with the champion gaining the win over the other trainer. The trainer left in disappointment. Blight quickly made his way into the battle arena.

"Hey I think I'm next sir." Blight said to the champion.

"You were watching the battle am I right?"

"Yeah and it was pretty interesting especially the part where-"

"Don't care. Seeing that you watched I must now switch my use of pokémon."

"That's cool with me, what kind of champion are you anyway?"

"I choose you." A Pinsir appeared. "We will have a two on two match neither of us can switch out pokémon."

"That's alright with me." Blight said rotating his cap around, "Welp, today is the day, you pop off new guy."

Blight released Sewaddle from its Poké Ball and the bug pokémon immediately flinched.

"It didn't even attack you."

"Pinsir Vice Grip!"

Sewaddle not wanting to see what Vice Grip was about quickly ran behind Kellie. Blight sighed in utter disappointment.

"I think I caught the wrong pokémon."

Before Blight could ask for a switch out an Arcanine jumped out from the forest pinning the Pinsir to the ground. Officer Jenny drove out the trees with her scooter.

"You are under arrest." Officer Jenny said to the bug trainer. "Your days of giving fake medals and having unofficial battles are over."

Blight flinched and turned his back on the officer.

"Blight we can ask the officer for a ride out of the forest." Kellie suggested.

"I don't really think that would be such a good idea for me, maybe you should do that I want to explore a bit more."

"Don't be silly it's gonna be okay."

Kellie approached the officer, she turned to Kellie with a nice smile.

"Hey officer I wanted to ask if you could help my friend and I out here by guiding us to Pewter City, you see the Pokémon here have become hostile and our pokémon aren't very strong."

"Sure thing, just let me drop this man to the Viridian City jail, and then I'll drop you and your friend to Pewter."

"Oh your from Viridian."

"Yes, now quick question where is your friend exactly?"

Kellie turned around and Blight was nowhere to be seen, she wanted to say something, but sighed it off and turned to the officer.

"I meant my Jigglypuff."


Post Chapter


Blight made himself and his pokémon a bed made out of leafs, sticks and stringshot from Sewaddle.

The four also tried to make a fire, but since neither of the Pokémon were capable of any fire based move they had to settle for the old fashioned way.

The old fashioned way obviously failed to work, so the group gave up.

Blight climbed up to the branch of a tree and sat there gazing at the moonlight. After helping Bulbasaur onto the branch, Dartrix landed on the left side of Blight since Bulbasaur was on the right, Sewaddle self climbed onto the tree, then made its way onto the head of Blight.

"... I'm actually kinda shocked that this is actually happening..." Blight spoke out. "I never really thought I would ever in my life actually be capable of going on a journey... Now here I am on a journey..."

Dartrix shared the same thoughts as Blight.

"This honestly feels so lonely sometimes... But knowing that you're here Dartrix makes me feel like a friend is traveling with me..."

Blight turned to Bulbasaur.

"Even you Bulbasaur... We argued and fought so much during our lab days that I'm amazed at the fact that you're here on this journey with me... You could've have turned back and went back to the Cerise Laboratory, but you never did especially considering your trouble with trainers... Thank you..."

Blight then rubbed Sewaddle who was on his head.

"And our new friend here Sewaddle already has sentimental value to me, being the first pokémon that I ever caught on my journey and all."

Tears dropped down from Sewaddle's eyes while Bulbasaur rolled its eyes, Dartrix had a sweat drop by its face.

"All of you guys are great and I'm gonna make sure you guys are the closest to me when I continue with this journey tomorrow..."

Blight continued looking at the moon with a smile on his face. Dartrix moved in closer then perked for Bulbasaur who reluctantly moved in as well.

"The Journey Starts Today Guys..."