
Pokémon Hikari adventure

hi this is one of my first stories

silverxp · Anime & Comics
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Hikari first gym badge

2 weeks have passed since Hikari's battle with that trainer since then he has been training his team. alright, guys, that's enough let's take a break Hikari as pulling out his pokeballs that absorbed everyone but fennekin okay fennekin let's get some sleep we got to be up and ready for the gym leader I heard she's really strong so we're going to have to up our game Hikari said while shutting his eyes. We should be close now. Those trainers that we passed by said to head straight fennekin do you see anything Hikari said annoyed kin kin said the pokemon while asking her head no. wait, I hear something it's people!!! hikari yelled while running toward the sound I can see light Hikari jumped in the light now in Santalune city. hellooooo!!!! everyone!!! Hikari yelled okay now let's go find the gym leader Hikari was asking everyone about the gym leader.

so, it should be over here I found it!!! Hikari said while pointing at the gym are you ready for this fennekin Hikari asked his partner kin kin the pokemon said fired up. let's go Hikari started to run inside the gym building (we're going to skip pass facing off the other challengers and the puzzle). so you're the gym leader viola. that determined expression.... that glint in your eye that says you're up for the challenge is fantastic! just fantastic! viola said. let's do this, Hikari said while throwing a Pokeball.

What came out of the Pokeball was a scatterbug. a bug type huh well try this viola said while throwing a Pokeball what came was surskit . I have never seen that pokemon Hikari said as he pulled out his pokedex beep: Surskit is a Bug/Water type Pokémon It is known as the Pond Skater Pokémon. let's start this battle viola said surskit use water gun. scatterbug dodged this and used poison powder. Surskit use quick attack to dodge this and hit scatterbug and then used bubble beam. scatterbug was hit by this and was knocked out. scatterbug you did good buddy now rested up as a red light-absorbed scatterbug. gogoat your next Hikari then throw a Pokeball which came out was gogoat. Now use earthquake as gogoat jumped up and severely rocks came flying at surskit. surskit was hit by this and was wobbling. surskie use aqua jet, a big jet of water at gogoat. gogoat moved out of the way and hit surskie with a takedown. surskit was knocked out, you did a good job, said viola as she put her pokemon in the Pokeball.

Nice but this is my strongest pokemon said vola as she threw a Pokeball and came at vivillon.Hikari already pulled out his pokedex beep: Vivillon is a dual-type Bug / Flying Pokémon It is the final form of Scatterbug . Vivillon's wing pattern depends on the real-world geographic location. Hikari switched his pokemon with fennekin.

vivillon use gust two tornadoes came and was heading towards fennekin. Fennekin was hit by this and was sent back. Fennekin caught her grip on the ground. fannekin use flame charge. vivillon dodged this by flying up a little more. vivillon use acrobatics and was flying towards fennekin. fennekin used fire spin to counter vivillon. vivillon was hit and its left wing was not moving.``Are you okay? Vola asked her pokemon. It's time to finish this. We're going to put it all into this last attack vola said vivillon use hurricane a hurricane was coming at fennekin. hakari seeing this okay then were going to just overpower it fennekin use heat wave! fennekin into the hurricane using everything she has kin!!!!! Fennekin yelled as she went through the hurricane and hit vivillon.

vivillon was now knocked out you and your pokemon have shown me a whole new depth of field! fantastic! just fantastic! I believed you earned this as Vola handed hikari the bug badge. I hope to have a battle with you again vola said while smiling. then walked out of the gym. That was a great battle partner Hikari said while walking to a pokecenter to rest up his pokemon. I can wait for the next battle!!!!!!!!!!!