
Pokémon: Dark Legacy

The World of Pokémon. A world where avatars of destruction and life exists. It is a vast world, a never ending utopia. It is structured to be perfect, almost too perfect. However, an anomaly occurred, disrupting the balance. By disrupting the balance, the Almighty Arceus and its Avatars stabilized the source of it. Regardless of that, they unknowingly altered the balance as well. (Updated Synopsis 11-13-21)

peanutcoffee · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 2: Thunderclap

It has been two days since Gray caught his new acquaintance, Magikarp. In these past two days, Gray has been battling trainers across Route 1, utilizing them for Elekid's experience.

From the first battle to the latest, Gray has seen improvement already. Elekid's rash and sloppy movements are now more refined, but still has some work to do.

Elekid's electric output can now easily make a decent hole on a huge boulder, and of course, his strength also got impressive, making a boulder split in half with just one Brick Break.

Gray smiled in satisfaction, in just two days, Elekid grew fast, now he can't wait to see how Magikarp is. He also didn't neglect her, he actually wrote down ideas on how to train her after he gets to Viridian City.

Magikarp, who watched them fight, saw how strong Elekid is, and how Gray strategized the whole fight to give Elekid the edge made her think that her decision was a great one.

She even wanted to get out and start training with Gray, but she knew she would only kill herself if she came out without any body of water around so she held herself back.

From those battles she accepted Gray as her trainer, she didn't want anyone else to train her, she wanted a competent, intelligent trainer, and Gray fits that role well.

'Hm, from what I have gathered, it will only take an hour before I reach the city. Good, I'm getting tired of walking, I've also been on this route for 5 days.'

Gray inwardly said, recalling the past 5 days in his mind. This week was actually pretty boring for his standard week.

He spent half of it fishing for a great Pokémon, which he got. But the half was just walking and fighting inexperienced trainers.

'Hmm, at least I got an amazing Pokémon for my team. It's worth the week.'

Gray nodded, although it was a boring week, he got a great Magikarp from it. Plus, Elekid grew, and that'll help them win against the Rock-type Gym Leader.


Suddenly, the sky turned dark, as black clouds started to form. The once sunny environment became a stormy one, water poured down hard, and lightning strikes are heard throughout Route 1.

"This change is too sudden, what's going on?"

From his experience, he had never felt a change of weather this quickly. So he quickly grabbed Elekid's ball and released him. Gray wanted to use Elekid's electroreception.

"Kid! Kid?"

The small Pokémon felt the weather and danced, but after a few seconds, it felt something else, a strong source of electricity.

"So, do you find any anomalies?"

Gray asked, he saw Elekid dance, but after that he stopped and growled. So it was evident that something was wrong, because he had never seen his Elekid behave like this.

Elekid punched his fist together, sparks running out of his body. He had never felt a source this strong other than his, so he was excited to assert his dominance as the strongest electric-type in this route.

He then started running towards the east, where he located the source of electricity.




The sound of a loud thunderclap roared, alerting Gray and Elekid, especially Elekid since that thunderclap originated where the source is.

Was that Pokémon powerful enough to cause a loud thunderclap that he can't even do. Well, he had to find out so he sped up, wanting to get there as fast as he could.


Gray clicked his tongue, letting Elekid leave him. He knew that he couldn't catch up, especially with his lazy attitude.

The only thing he could do was to get there by walking, which he planned to do. He wasn't expecting Elekid to rush like that, so he stopped running and preserved his energy.

"Hah… I should really condition my body once I get to Viridian City…"


Elekid ran, blitzing past his trainer, who just stopped and looked at him. He didn't know why, but all his mind was thinking was to fight the one who did that.

He didn't understand why, but he just felt like he was born to fight. When he fought with his trainer, he actually never had to go all out, all it took to win was one Thunder Punch.

So, when he sensed the powerful Electric-type Pokémon, his instinct took over. His body is aching to fight, electricity surged out, dancing around his body.

The electricity destroyed any obstacles in his ways, whether it's a tree, a boulder, or plants. After a few seconds, he finally got out of the forest, seeing a flock of Spearow knocked out.

He saw tens of Spearow laying down at the ground, with minimal burns around their body, seeing them made his adrenaline go faster.

To knock out a whole flock of Pokémon is not easy, even if you have the type advantage, you still need to take account of their number.

So Elekid speculated that the Pokémon who did this was the one who summoned the huge thunderclap.

"U-ugh… H-help me, I-I don't want to die."

Elekid heard a soft chirp, he turned around and saw one of the Spearow looking up at him, with tears coming out.

"You're still alive, you must be tough to survive an attack like that."

His young voice echoed, shocking the Spearow. The bird thought that Elekid was at least 5 months old, but by the sound of it, he had just been born.

There are three phases that a Pokémon can enter, the first one is the hatchling phase, the Pokémon is in this phase if they have only been born for 5 weeks. The second phase is the juvenile phase, where the Pokémon is alive for at least 1 to 7 months.

And the last phase is the mature phase, the last phase of the three. It is when the Pokémon lived for at least a year or two. But not all Pokémon follow this, some may be stuck at the second phase until they reach the age of 2.

"Y-your young, how did you leave your group?"

The Spearow asked, but soon chirped in pain. He only has little time left before he dies, so he closed his eyes, embracing death.

"I don't have a group, I only know one that is similar, and that is my father and trainer. Once he gets here we'll save you!"

Elekid shouted, looking towards the direction they came from, it has been a few minutes since he got here so he wondered why Gray still isn't here.

On the other hand, the Spearow's eyes gained a glint. When he heard the word trainer, he remembered every single kid that tried to catch him from Pallet Town, especially that boy with a Pikachu.

'T-trainer? T-those pesky kids!'

Elekid, who looked at the almost dead Pokémon, saw the hatred coming out of him. He then smirked, a Pokémon that has this much hatred will have the same amount of dedication. His father will be happy to have him on the team if he is loyal enough and has the potential.


When Gray finally got to the road, his eyes came across an unbelievable sight.

"What the…"

He managed to whisper, his words taken out of his mouth. The knocked out, or dead Pokémon was too much.

The stench of the decaying bodies, burnt flesh and feathers, and iron still stayed in the air. Gray's eyes narrowed, looking for Elekid.

But, after a few seconds he sighed. He can't look for him with all of these bodies. So he crouched down and carefully examined the bodies.

"Burnt flesh and feathers, hm… So it's the one who made that powerful lightning attack."

Gray said, looking at every dead Spearow in front of him. His eyes darken every time he looked at a different body. He had never seen so many dead bodies in the same area at once.

"This sucks, Spearow could be a great weapon if trained properly. I could find another one, but it'll take a long time."

Gray clicked his tongue, he missed out on some great Pokémon. He also had potions so if he only ran with Elekid he could have gotten one.

This made me even more motivated to condition himself, he doesn't want to miss out on good Pokémon again.

You see, Gray is an opportunist. He always wants an opportunity, a chance. If he could have a chance of getting a legendary, he would, even if he needs to do it with dirty tricks.

Seeing one opportunity go away, made him angry. He could have had one of these Spearow, but he was too lazy to run.

"Kid! Kid!"

Gray raised one eyebrow and looked at where he heard the noise and saw his Elekid running towards him with speed.

Elekid smiled, he finally saw his father! Running towards Gray, he sped up by charging electricity, but before he could hit Gray, he stopped.

Before Gray could speak, Elekid pointed at the direction where he came from and ran back. This made Gray hopeful, maybe Elekid found a Spearow that's alive.

After a few seconds of sprinting, he caught up to Elekid and saw more Spearow. But before he could examine them again, he heard a small chirp and instantly scanned the bodies for the one who caused it.


Elekid shouted, gaining Gray's attention. Gray looked at Elekid with hope, and then he pointed at the Spearow he was talking to.

A small smile formed on Gray's face. I mean, what kind of luck does he have? This Spearow is at the brink of death but is still alive. He estimated that this one has been fighting death for at least 3 minutes after it took the full brunt of the attack.

"Heh, good eye Elekid."

Seeing the opportunity, Gray took out his rare Pokéball and tapped the ball on the Spearow. It absorbed the almost dead Pokémon and it didn't even fight back, letting Gray capture it immediately.

Not wasting time, he also took out a Super Potion, a higher grade then normal Potion. It heals the Pokémon faster, and heals serious injuries.

Spraying the fast healing item to the ball, it glowed green for a few seconds before reverting back to its color. Elekid then smiled, he saw the smile on Gray's face and was happy to make a contribution to the team.

"Thank you Elekid, this capture will make our team blossom even more."

Patting the joyful Pokémon, Gray clipped the ball onto his belt, walking the path towards Viridian City.


The End of Chapter 2: Thunderclap


Author's Corner:

Well, this is bad timing to write a fic. School is almost back, so when that time comes, I might only post a couple of chapters a week.

But hey, I'll still post. Maybe, with my records of leaving fics behind, who knows. Anyways, hope you liked chapter 2. Nothing really happened, except building up my characters.

Would you rather sweat forever? Or have sudden cramps for two weeks?