
Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Suddenly, a peculiar little shop called "Mystery Hatchery House" appeared on the seas. Inside were all sorts of eggs, along with magical creatures that seemed as if they had eaten Devil Fruits. They were called... Pokémon? As time passed, this shop gradually became famous worldwide. The world's strongest man, Whitebeard, was constantly sending children to "Pokémon Academy" for schooling. Garp, not only beat up his grandson all the time but also became one of the Elite Four. The Pirate Empress became one of the eight Gym Leaders of the "Pokémon League". The aloof Mihawk was driven to the brink of collapse by his own Pokémon every day. The Navy established a special operations unit called the "Trainer Corps" to eradicate pirates across the seas. The Beasts Pirates, green with envy, transformed into a Rocket Team, snatching Pokémon wherever they went. The ripples caused by these magical little fellows in the great seas didn't matter to Dak at all, because he was just an ordinary breeder. "Alright, it's about time to start the first Pokémon Tournament. Everyone, please head to the eight Pokémon Gyms around the world to collect badges first." "Everyone, the times have changed. The Pirate King is a thing of the past. Please strive towards the goal of becoming a 'Pokémon Master'." [Check Out My Patreon For +20 Extra Chapters On All My Fanfics!! For $5][www.patreon.com/zaelum] [Thank You For Your Support!] https://zaelumtranslations.com/ [+3 Extra Chapter FOR FREE]

Zaelum · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Chapter 96

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Mikita was extremely excited.

Originally, her dream was just to find a safer place in the Four Seas to open a chocolate shop, but now it had changed.

She wanted to open the chocolate shop in this city! Safety would no longer be a concern, and in this world, everyone would have to respect the Pokémon League!

At this moment, Mikita already considered herself a ten-year veteran of the League; not even Dak could drive her away.

"If you're willing to work for the Pokémon League in the future, then of course it's no problem. The city I want to build will also need various types of shops to make it lively during competitions and various events. Even if you don't do it, I'll find others who are interested."

Dak certainly didn't mind his employees opening shops here.

For a city to develop well and be lively, sheer strength isn't enough. Various businesses like food, entertainment, and tourism need to be established.

Although Dak didn't plan to let outsiders come into this city freely, it would still be open for at least three to four months a year because there are just too many Pokémon competitions involved.

Whether it's the basic battle competitions, glamorous contests, breeding competitions, fishing contests, science summits, or marathons, these events would certainly fill up three to four months when combined.

If there were no specialty shops in the city by then, it would only make the visitors feel bored.

"Great! Thank you, boss!"

Mikita jumped for joy on the spot, her face breaking into an excited smile, her cheeks flushing with color.

This was the first time she felt so close to her dream.

"It's nothing."

Dak shook his head. Providing benefits for his employees was normal; he couldn't let down the people who worked hard.

He continued leading everyone into the league base, touring the internal structure of the league.

Everyone was overwhelmed by the opulence of the league, and just thinking about how they would frequently enter these buildings under the watchful eyes of 'outsiders' filled them with pride.

Their grins were harder to suppress than an AK.

After the tour of the league base, Dak took everyone to the competition venue.

"The three surrounding sub-venues won't be used for now and will have other uses in the future. The exhibition match in seven days will take place in this central venue. Your job then will be to maintain order in this area and prevent disputes among the guests."

Dak led everyone to the expansive central venue.

The central venue alone had seating for 50,000, plus many standing areas.

The ten thousand spectators of the exhibition match sounded numerous, but spread out across the stands of the venue, they actually appeared quite sparse.

"Don't worry, leader, we guarantee to complete the task!"

"Exactly, even if the Navy Admiral comes here, he must behave. Otherwise, I'll hammer him!"

"No one can defeat us here!"

Everyone was very enthusiastic about the tasks Dak arranged, cherishing their jobs at the Hatchery House.

Not only because they saw the endless potential and future of the Hatchery House, but for people like Zambai, Dak was the sunlight that broke through their aimless lives. Even if they couldn't see Pokémon Island now, they would still strive to complete their tasks.

Now, with the void suppression rules of Pokémon Island, they were even more confident in completing their tasks.

As for the change in title to 'leader,' it was an automatic shift by everyone after learning that their organization was called the 'Pokémon League.'

"So, everyone, put in more effort for the exhibition match a week from now."

Dak nodded, seeing that everyone had finished their tour, and led them off Pokémon Island.

These people still had their own jobs to finish in Water 7 City; Dak didn't believe that the rats hiding in the shadows would stay quiet, so he had to keep someone watching at all times.

"After the exhibition match is over, I'll pair each of you with a Pokémon partner."

Dak was sending everyone off Pokémon Island and spoke of something everyone had long anticipated just before they left.

Seeing the people of Water 7 City with their own Pokémon, how could those working for the Mystery Hatchery House not envy them? Yet, they themselves had no money, so all they could do was watch enviously.

Hearing what Dak said now, everyone was overjoyed, and some of the less subtle even shed tears of emotion.

Dak didn't think too much of it.

After all, everyone's current strength was really average; they were already at a disadvantage in Water 7 City, not to mention the idea of expanding the branches into the New World.

Pairing everyone with a Pokémon was also to allow them to grow and strengthen together, better completing their duties as inspectors and punishing those who violated the Hatchery House's rules.

"Monet, Sugar, stay back for a moment."

Dak watched everyone leave, calling the Monet sisters aside, "Do you have a Pokémon you like?"

Dak guessed that by this time, Monet and Sugar had probably already consulted with Robin and had made their choices.

"Yeah!" both Monet and Sugar nodded after exchanging a glance, their eyes nearly sparkling with anticipation.

They had spent the past two days almost entirely considering this matter, frequently pulling Robin aside to learn about Pokémon.

"So, which Pokémon have you chosen?"

Dak was curious about what kind of Pokémon the sisters would select.

He hoped it would be one with visually striking abilities, as this would enhance the effect during the exhibition match.

"This one!"

First was Monet; she took out the Pokédex Dak had given her and flipped to a certain page.

"This is..." Dak looked closely and couldn't help but smile, "This Pokémon's hair, it's quite similar to yours, Monet."


A Psychic and Fairy-type Pokémon.

Known as the 'Queen of Psychic Powers,' although its base stats aren't high, its combat power as demonstrated in the original series could match many near-legendary Pokémon.

The champion of the Kalos region, Diantha's ace Pokémon was a Gardevoir.

Also, Gardevoir had terrifying popularity, especially in the place where Dak came from in his previous life, where countless people considered Gardevoir as their wife, looking to create some taboo event between humans and Pokémon.

Moreover, some didn't even care about Gardevoir's gender, knowing that male Gardevoirs also exist!


Gardevoir would definitely not associate with these people.

From its initial stage as a Ralts, Gardevoir could vaguely sense the goodness or evil in a person's heart. If someone harbored bad thoughts in front of Gardevoir, they would be disliked by it.

"Yeah! It looks like our leader too."

Monet nodded vigorously; she had fallen for this Pokémon the moment she saw its hair color.

She thought Gardevoir was beautiful and also had a very gentle aura.

Monet felt that being with such a Pokémon would be very comfortable.

"And you, Sugar?"

Dak then turned to Sugar.

Monet's choice was very good, after all, Dak himself had once called Gardevoir his wife, and of course, he liked this Pokémon.

"This, this one!"

Sugar also flipped through the Pokédex to her page.


Dak looked and slightly widened his eyes.

Sugar's choice was indeed a surprising Pokémon because this Pokémon didn't have much presence in the original story.

However, having little presence doesn't mean it wasn't popular; this Pokémon also had many fans, just not as many as Gardevoir.


A Ghost-type Pokémon.

Some people also referred to it as the 'Queen of Ghosts,' but this title wasn't as resounding as Gardevoir's, especially since Mismagius didn't appear in any champion teams in the original.

Moreover, Mismagius was rare because evolving Misdreavus into Mismagius required a Dusk Stone, a very rare evolution stone.

If a champion's main Pokémon were a Mismagius, then the title of 'Queen of Ghosts' might be justified.

In terms of base stats, Mismagius was also lower than Gardevoir, and it didn't have a known Mega Evolution yet.

"Very thoughtful."

Dak didn't know much about Mismagius.

He didn't say much more, not wanting to interfere with Monet and Sugar's own choices.

Mystery Shop

Opening the shop, Dak directly searched for the names of these two Pokémon.

A large number of Gardevoir and Mismagius appeared in the listing, with Mismagius numbers possibly not even one-tenth of Gardevoir's.

Dak furrowed his brow as he carefully examined each one.

'Potential,' 'level,' and 'age' were the three key factors affecting the prices of these Pokémon, followed by 'move pool,' 'nature,' 'type,' 'ability,' and other aspects.

There were Pokémon with low potential but high levels; these Pokémon's prices were generally very cheap.

For instance, Dak saw a green-potential Gardevoir in the Pirate World at level 80, but it was also quite old, having lived for thousands of years.

But because it was very old and near the end of its life, with not much time left to live, the 'value' of this Gardevoir was greatly reduced in the system's evaluation, such that 80-90,000 Pokécoins were enough to buy this powerful Gardevoir.

However, Dak would definitely not consider such a Pokémon with a short remaining lifespan.

Whether for trainers or for Pokémon, becoming closely bonded partners at this time would surely be a huge torment.

So even if those max-level Pokémon with green or white potential were available for just 100,000 Belly, Dak wouldn't consider them.

Regarding levels.

Dak could basically confirm that these Gardevoir and Mismagius wouldn't be lower than Lv.30 in their native worlds.

Level 30 is the evolutionary threshold from Kirlia to Gardevoir; some Kirlia might evolve prematurely due to various accidents, which isn't a good thing as it could lead to damaged potential.

And wild Misdreavus obtaining a Dusk Stone generally wouldn't be at a weak stage, which is why the levels of Mismagius are generally quite high.

After considering for a long time, Dak finally selected two Pokémon as targets.

Gardevoir (Purple) Lv.30: 65,000 Pokécoins

Mismagius (Purple) Lv.33: 65,000 Pokécoins

(End of Chapter)