
Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Suddenly, a peculiar little shop called "Mystery Hatchery House" appeared on the seas. Inside were all sorts of eggs, along with magical creatures that seemed as if they had eaten Devil Fruits. They were called... Pokémon? As time passed, this shop gradually became famous worldwide. The world's strongest man, Whitebeard, was constantly sending children to "Pokémon Academy" for schooling. Garp, not only beat up his grandson all the time but also became one of the Elite Four. The Pirate Empress became one of the eight Gym Leaders of the "Pokémon League". The aloof Mihawk was driven to the brink of collapse by his own Pokémon every day. The Navy established a special operations unit called the "Trainer Corps" to eradicate pirates across the seas. The Beasts Pirates, green with envy, transformed into a Rocket Team, snatching Pokémon wherever they went. The ripples caused by these magical little fellows in the great seas didn't matter to Dak at all, because he was just an ordinary breeder. "Alright, it's about time to start the first Pokémon Tournament. Everyone, please head to the eight Pokémon Gyms around the world to collect badges first." "Everyone, the times have changed. The Pirate King is a thing of the past. Please strive towards the goal of becoming a 'Pokémon Master'." [Check Out My Patreon For +20 Extra Chapters On All My Fanfics!! For $5][www.patreon.com/zaelum] [Thank You For Your Support!] https://zaelumtranslations.com/ [+3 Extra Chapter FOR FREE]

Zaelum · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 25

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"Hey, Dak, this tree suddenly sprouted a bud!"

Bon suddenly noticed the changes in the shop and quickly tapped Dak on the shoulder.

Gion and Mihawk also noticed the buds that had suddenly appeared on the tree, with pink bases and yellow tips, looking particularly beautiful.

Not only that, they also sensed other changes in the breeding house. For example, the light from the lamp on the ceiling seemed to undergo some changes they couldn't detect. If they had Observation Haki, perhaps they could have seen it.

But here, their Haki was suppressed, making it impossible to notice such subtle changes.

"Ah, it's fine. It'll bear fruit in a few days."

Dak waved his hand and glanced at it before moving on.

"Dak, do you practice swordsmanship?"

Suddenly, Mihawk asked.

Dak instinctively turned his gaze to meet Mihawk's battle-intent eyes.

Mihawk's question also piqued Gion's interest, who looked at Dak. Of course, she might be more interested in gathering information about Dak for the Navy.

After all, for everyone else including Bon,

Everyone felt the mystique and high-quality atmosphere of the Magical Breeding House, as well as Darkrai's strength, so they subconsciously thought Dak was stronger, but they had never seen Dak take action.

"I'm not one to get physical with customers, and I'm not good with swords."

Dak replied diplomatically, trying to hide his unease.

"Pity. Then, you'll be my opponent. It just so happens that this place can level the physical and Haki differences between us."

Mihawk shook his head and then turned to Gion.

"Mihawk, sir, this place isn't for you to fight in. Your battle could harm the eggs."

Before Gion could speak, Dak already interrupted his idea.

If they let these two fight today, would more people come to fight in the future?

So, this precedent could not be set.

"Well, it seems there's nothing interesting left here. I'll be leaving first."

Mihawk withdrew his gaze and walked towards the exit, as aloof as ever.

"Then, I'll take my leave as well, shopkeeper Dak."

Gion seemed much more polite, bowing slightly before turning to leave.

Watching the two leave, Bon finally spoke.

"Looking at that woman's attitude, does it seem like the Navy might fully cooperate with us?"

"Not just likely, it's inevitable."

Dak pursed his lips.

Not just the Navy, when the power of Pokémon becomes well-known across the sea, every organization and power will want to use this force to build armies.

These matters have nothing to do with their Magical Breeding House. They just need to find suitable Trainers for the Pokémon, and the rest will be decided by the Pokémon themselves.

"What do we do now?"

"No need to do anything special yet. The time hasn't come."

Dak smiled and shook his head.

Before the Pokémon from Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy are born, their Magical Breeding House hasn't reached the stage for rapid development.

Peaceful days came again, and time flew by for another week.

In the newly marked locations, familiar ones like Alabasta and Sabaody Archipelago were places where key battles took place in the original story.

Dak even probed for news in both places.

Crocodile had been in Alabasta for five years, renowned as a great hero, but the people had not realized Alabasta was gradually becoming poorer and more chaotic. Many were angry with the royal Nefertari family, blaming the king's inaction for their plight.

Unbeknownst to them, everything was developing exactly as Crocodile had envisioned, and the Baroque Works was also in the process of being formed.

In Sabaody Archipelago, Dak learned that Jinbei had just become a Warlord, leading to the split of the Sun Pirates.

This news wasn't particularly useful to Dak, but it helped confirm the current timeline and upcoming events.

Dak often took Bon out with him during these days.

They would go out for an entire day, close the shop, and then come back late at night, battered and bruised.

No, Dak was training with Bon.

Bon's physical condition was exactly at level 2 in all three attributes, a decent level for the Four Seas, making him a perfect sparring partner for Dak.

Dak also taught Bon how to practice Armament Haki.

Initially, Bon was surprised to learn how weak Dak was, but thinking about Darkrai, he didn't care much anymore.

Honestly, if he had a bodyguard as strong as Darkrai, he'd just relax.

Who would want to strive when they can slack off?

With the daily tasks providing three-dimensional experience and sparring with Bon, Dak's attributes reached level 3 within a week, reaching a first-class level in the Four Seas.

If there had to be a standard, it was the level of Sanji when he first joined the crew.

This sudden gap in strength shocked Bon.

He didn't understand how Dak suddenly surpassed him so much right under his nose, prompting him to start working hard. Dak was happy to see this.

However, the main task was more challenging than Dak thought. It wasn't that Darkrai was slow in learning new skills.

Darkrai simply already knew too many skills, making it hard for Dak to remember any new skills that Darkrai could learn but hadn't mastered yet.

During this period, Bon was amazed by the variety of skills he saw.

Fire, water, ice, electricity, grass, and various other skills dazzled Bon, deepening his understanding of Pokémon.

And that's not all.

By the end of the week, Dak discovered Darkrai could potentially learn Rain Dance, a skill Darkrai didn't yet know, so they immediately started learning.

Actually, Dak had no idea how to teach; it was all Darkrai's own comprehension, which was very quick. He learned it in an afternoon.

When Bon saw Darkrai could even alter the natural weather, his jaw dropped and didn't close for a whole minute.

After completing the main task, Dak had Darkrai move the two devices into the manufacturing room.

The two machines were quite large, especially the Pokémon Inspection Device, which took up a third of the room's area and was nearly five meters tall. The Recovery Device was smaller, resembling a large printer.

(End of Chapter)